Keeping Her Heels High, and Her Standards Higher.
There is nothing wrong with looking good; keeping your hair done, staying fit, wearing some nice heels or a nice dress, but if God were to look for BEAUTY past your external, would He really be impressed? - Brittany Jay

Get to know Brittany and more about her powerful ministry below!
1. Can you share with our readers a little about your upbringing?
I grew up in Atlanta, Ga. I had a great childhood with two loving parents who spoiled me rotten. I was raised in the church, but I didn't personally know Jesus for myself. I kept a diary when I was younger and all I talked about was Jesus and forgiving me of my sins. I had a pure heart as a young child and I see that God was still with me back then.
2. How were you introduced to Christ?
I actually thought I was saved my whole life because I said a "sinner's prayer" but I was self deceived and lived contrary to God's word. In January 2012, God began to draw me to Him. He stripped the desires away from me to have sex, go to the club , and get drunk. I was so tired of the partying, being hurt by guys, and I was so empty. In May 2012, I was called out in church and was prophecied to. I was told what God was going to do in my life and He asked me was I ready... I said yes! God showed me how sinful I was, and that I was not saved. I was a "good girl" compared to others around me but I was a liar, selfish, spoiled, shallow, and prideful. I repented and saw that I truly needed Him! From that day forward God opened my eyes and I had such a hunger and thirst for Him. I got in the word and let Him do a work in me!
3.It seemed like you had a pretty stable high school life. What changed when you got to college.
In high school I was very popular, a cheerleader,class president and I was focused on school. I always had boyfriends growing up but I remained a virgin until college. When I got to college I was no longer under my parent's supervision, and I began to do what I wanted because I had no fear of God. College is another world. A bunch of young teenagers living on campus with no adult supervision. At the time partying, getting drunk, talking to all of the guys seemed so fun but I quickly saw how empty that life was.
4. Can you share with our readers some of your greatest seasons of brokenness and how Jesus got you through it.
My greatest season of brokenness was at the beginning of my walk with Christ. God told me to cut off all guys and don't give out my number to anyone. That was so hard for me because all of my life I'd always had a boyfriend or talked to a guy. In the past to get over one guy, I would just start talking to another one and that's how I dealt with the pain. However, in this season Jesus taught me to solely depend on Him. I had to let Him heal my broken heart and allow him to do a work in me from all the things that I carried in my heart. It was hard in the beginning because at night I longed to text or talk to a guy, but that's when I went to Christ and poured my heart out to him. During this season I truly saw that Jesus was all that I needed and I let Him fill the deepest desires of my heart.
5.Can you tell us a little about your ministry?
High Heels and High Standards is a ministry that I founded in February of this year. So many women are looking to guys, sex, partying degrees, and an education to fulfill them and complete them instead of Christ. So, High Heels and High Standards is about keeping your standards in Christ, knowing who you are and that your worth is in Him!
6. You post/tweet a lot about promiscuity and purity. Why is this topic so important for you to speak out about it?
I grew up in church, but sex was a foreign word. I knew that pre-marital sex was wrong, but I never understood the consequences and why God wanted us to wait for marriage. In the time that we live in, everyone promotes sex but not purity. It's so important for me to speak about it because people don't know that it's possible to walk in purity especially after you've already had sex. I'm very transparent about me messing up but by God's grace I've been walking in 1 year and 8 months of purity! I just want everyone to know that purity is possible with Jesus Christ!
7. What are your thoughts on unequally yoked relationships? Can you hang out or have a relationship with someone who isn't Christian?
All of my close friends are Christians, but I do befriend those who aren't saved. How can we witness to them and be a light if we don't talk to them? My main purpose is to witness to them and to point them to Jesus and not partake in the same activities as them. I can hang with them in settings that will allow me to not compromise my standards in Christ. I wouldn't suggest new Christians or those who are not as strong to hang out with unbelievers because it's easier to pull someone down in sin than it is for you to bring them up in righteousness.
8. What are some of your favorite bible verses that you mediate on?
Matthew 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
2 Corinthians 12:9 And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.
9. Is there anything you would like to share with those readers about how you remain content during your season of being season?
I try not to focus on what I don't have, and I try to stay thankful for what I do have. I stay busy witnessing,working out, volunteering,blogging, and hanging with friends. There are lost souls all across this world who needs Christ, so I focus on spreading the gospel and impacting the Kingdom of God! There are times when it gets really hard but I try to focus on Christ and trust in Him to help me!
10. How can our readers connect with you online?
My facebook page is
Twitter: @Brittjay
Youtube: High Heels and High Standards
Jesus didn't tell us to go into the world and preach purpose,favor and blessings. He told told us to preach the gospel. We can't walk in the purpose God has for us,receive His blessings and favor until we REPENT, be BORN AGAIN, and walk in OBEDIENCE to God. - Brittany Jay