If I had to describe the last 6 months of my life, disorienting would be an understatement. In January, I left for a 4-day trip to Passion Conference, an extraordinary conference full of young Christians fervently pursuing God. This generation so single-mindedly pursues God, which encouraged me to follow a call to move to Nashville, Tennessee on the second day of the conference. I hopped onto a mega bus that day and never looked back. I knew God was taking me faithfully where He wanted me to be. Yet, the journey was testing. After 4 months of figuring out life as a young adult, living on my own for the first time, adjusting to the culture of the South, and having my faith-tested daily, God decided to call me to an even superior challenge.
In May and June, I traveled to Botswana and South Africa to study Religion and Writing. After newly adjusting to Tennessean life, I found myself struggling to comprehend the culture of Botswana and the way of life in South Africa, on top of being over 8,000 miles from home. As intricate and challenging as it was to be an outcast in the many cultural experiences I have been having, I cannot begin to put in plain words how thankful I am for the challenges God has called me to the previous 6 months.
It would be dishonest of me to utter, “ Oh, yeah! I just do anything and everything God calls me to and life is so easy!” If anything, life is more demanding, fatiguing, and I promise you, severely uncomfortable. However, I can also promise you that witnessing the fruition of being obedient to God is so unbelievably rewarding.
“For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.” – James 1:3
If I have learned anything in the last 6 months, God has revealed to me that there is exquisiteness in being perplexed. Being puzzled and tentative will humble you and open the door to allowing God to work through your life and your present circumstances. If your current situation is not testing, you better prepare for God to interrupt your life rapidly. You must ask yourself, “Am I willing to let God interrupt my life?”
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” –Ecclesiastes 3:11
Many of you have heard the Gungor song titled, “Beautiful Things.” If you have not, the lyrics pronounce:
“You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us”
If our God has the power to make beautiful things out of dust, our God can release us from our seasons of disorientation. All demanding, fatiguing, and severely uncomfortable situations that you are facing or will face in this life, God will be walking alongside side you and equipping you for what is ahead. There is a reason you are in a season of disorientation and God has you precisely where you are to prepare you for the next undertaking.
“So wherever you are, be all there. And praise God wherever He has you today. You were created to worship the Lord and to love your neighbor”-Matthew 22:46-39
If God is calling you to walk over to someone at a coffee shop or walk across a nation, be all there and praise Him for where He has you today. If you are feeling disoriented or feeling absolute, praise Him for the place that He has you. For He has plans for you to prosper and this is a part of your voyage.