Throughout life we are required to connect and work with other people for multiple reasons; family events, school assignments, jobs, organizations, you name it. It requires clear communication, consideration of others feelings, and most of all, respect. However, connecting with others can be a difficult task at times. Sometimes, things aren't clearly communicated and sometimes we just get on each other’s nerves! I have been experiencing this lately with some of my professional endeavors. I deal with a plethora of people depending on what I am working on and it is not always easy, but what I have learned to do is to ask God to show me how to deal with the situation. How does He want and need me to respond to certain situations that arise? Will I always get it right? Of course not, but I must make it a point to learn from my mistakes and apply it to the next situation.
“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25 NLT)
We must make it our duty to prevail when trouble arises in our relationships with one another. Whether those relationships are professional, personal, or romantic we have to encourage one another and remember the purpose at hand. When we are easily distracted by our feelings of frustration, irritability, and/or anger all we are allowing to happen is for us to get off track and lose sight of what God’s plan is. We are each other’s motivation and encouragement. We are all we have and need to build everlasting bonds with each other. We must remember that God has placed us in each other’s lives (make sure you confirm it by praying on it) and that we must reassure one another that we will overcome.
“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” (Proverbs 27:17 NLT)
Once we realize that everything that is happening around us has a larger purpose, we will become motivated to fall in line. We have to learn to work with each other and not against each other. When we sharpen each other with the things that God has already placed in us: wisdom, love, strength, humility, etc. we help to make His will come together. It will not always be easy, as we all have different cultures, upbringings, personalities, and even religions, but if we keep the end goal in mind and sharpen one another along the way connecting with one another will happen effortlessly.
So when we feel as though there is no point to certain relationships or that we may not be able to hang in there, know that if God brought the relationship before you, no matter the obstacle, we can prevail if we live in love and encourage one another.
Your values have the power to change lives.

[photo: wickenden, Creative Commons]