Relying On a God That Never Changes
Those who know me know I am usually a very upbeat person. I see the glass half full, full or overflowing. In every situation, I am on the lookout for God. But this day in early June...the tide was out.I headed for the store with only $100 in my pocket. This day my body was weary and faith tired. Eight years is a long, long time to be wandering in the desert. Since my husbands injury, 5 surgeries, the long legal battle for compensation from workers comp, benefits being cut off without notice and us left to stay afloat on our own --- I was so tired. I continually cried out to God for the Promised Land. Lord! Hear my cry. Answer me from your holy hill! Bring us to “new normal”.
I went through the store with a heavy heart knowing I had $100, but needed double that amount. After all my shopping, I checked out with about a dollar to spare. Loading my groceries into the car I grumbled under my breath..."When is this going to end Lord?" God gently reminded me...”You know, I've brought money from nowhere before right?” "Yes, yes I know. But there is no nowhere for you to bring money from!” said I. God said, “Well, I can do it again.” Grumbling I said, “yeah, yeah. I know.”
I drove home restlessly, a split personality. Deep within my 'doubting Thomas' self wrestled with Faith! After carrying in my groceries and putting them away I heard the mailman come. Grabbing the mail out of the box I rifled through the envelopes and passed my 26 yr old daughter an envelope addressed to her from her college. We'd gotten a few envelopes for her regarding end of the year grades, bills etc.
Opening it she got a confused look on her face. When I saw the look on her face I asked what was wrong. She said to me, “I'm kind of confused mom. Here is a check for $115! I stood there stock still absorbing what she was saying. We paid all her fee's, so the money was essentially ours. I started hooting and hollering. "God sent us money from nowhere! God sent us money from nowhere!" My daughter looked at me as though I'd lost my mind! After I explained the conversation between God and I, she too began to rejoice with me. That day, after much rejoicing, I cashed that check. And I was able to return and buy everything else I needed.
How could I have doubted him? Hadn't he always arrived? Hadn't God always in a miraculous way heard my cries, read my heart and delivered respite unto me? How I need to remember: God never changes.
Again, deep within, Faith overthrew Thomas. I pondered...was this what life was like when Jacob literally wrestled an angel? Was it really his humanity wrestling with heaven and isn't that what we do day in and day out? Is this how Peter felt when he left the boat and began to walk across the water to Jesus? It was when HIS "faith" waned that he saw the waves and the storm and ran headlong into the logical conclusion that he ought to be sinking...and he began to sink indeed! As always, success is dependent upon keeping our eyes on Jesus, on his power and ability -- upon the width, depth and height of his amazing love for me and for you.
Though economies fail and new kings are born, and everything about us becomes unsteady, one thing remains the same. God never changes!
God still rains down manna from heaven!
And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans, 8:28.