16… For, as it is written, ‘The two will become one flesh.’ 17 But he is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him. “1 Corinthians 6:16-17.
When we accept Christ as our Savior we slip on a ring, covered not in diamonds but in blood. A ring that symbolizes the sacrifice that was made for us, giving us the ability to walk down the aisle and step into justification; We are qualified & proved to be just and right, reconciliation; We are repaired, restored, and the gap is closed between us and Christ, and sanctification; We are set apart for a special purpose. The veil is lifted from our eyes and we have the opportunity to become intimate with one who has pursued us since inception. We are drawn near to our Savior and become one with His Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17); we develop a relationship that sets the tone for our life.
A relationship that consumes every void, casts out darkness, and sets us free from the chains of the world.
Our maker is our husband. We can release and know that our leader will direct and guide; that He wont be ashamed of us of in public and will listen to us as we spill out all of our worries, thoughts, and endless details. Our maker is our husband. This needs to be engraved in our hearts and our minds; it must be a thought that permeates through our entire being constantly. It's simply refreshing to know that our Abba is our husband and cares deeply about us. Before we expend all of our time and energy on “finding” an earthly husband, we need to glorify and submit to our first husband…our Maker.The Word states that our maker is our husband, but what does this truly mean. It means that we are in a committed relationship with Him, even after physical death. Christ as our husband means that we are in a marriage, a covenant that promises love, security, unity, and a new life. “And to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24). We are simply fulfilled in every way. Christ simply wants us to develop a relationship with Him, and we have the opportunity to bypass flirting, courting, and engagement. He rewards us with commitment as soon as we ask Him to enter into our life.
The bible is packed full of scripture that lets us know that our relationship with Christ is that of a marriage. Acknowledging that we are the bride of Christ, his wife, will give us a new perspective on life. We will have a new level of confidence when we know that we are connected to a strong source and not wandering aimlessly in life without a guide. We can smile more, develop and grow in a nurturing environment, and have a place where we can be ourselves. Although we are the wife of Christ, we don’t escape the trials of this world. We will have to sacrifice, learn how to trust that our maker will make the right decision, and go through tests that will refine us. But the marriage will be what we need to get through it all.
Accepting Christ as our Savior creates a lifelong bond and covenant that will carry us through life. It’s a sweet union that is free for us to enter. We don’t have to pay for a wedding dress, a venue, or flowers. All we need is Christ (He is always with us) willingness to have our life changed by His blood, and accept that he died for us. It’s as simple as that. Our maker is our husband. This is something I want to meditate on and truly have it soak into every area. It’s beautiful and gives me a sense of belonging. His love is endless, and life changing. I encourage you to do the same. Meditate on this and the fact that you are not alone. You are a wife, and not an ordinary wife, but the wife of Christ.
Take some time and make a vow with Christ and let it be known that you are taken. If you have already entered into a relationship with Christ draw closer, He’s wants you to go deeper. Just know that your maker is your husband.
I, ____, take you, Christ, to be my lawfully wedded husband…
[Photo: johnhope14, Creative Commons]