Longing to Be Loved, Part One

By Myla Rayford

We all long to be loved! Is it really worth giving up things that are non-negotiable? Have we really lost all of our self-respect, dignity, and self-worth just to have a man? Hey, I’ve been there, giving a random guy your attention just because you don’t want to be lonely. Loving a man too much who really doesn’t care about anything, other than getting in your pants. I know that all too well. No matter how smart, beautiful, and reserved you are some men just want to get in your pants. What about the man that you know has to be cheating or has another girl on the side, yet he keeps telling you, “everything is in your head; we will be together”.

I have learned the hard way most of the time. Giving chances to guys who I know in my mind really don’t deserve one, but I don’t want to seem mean; I mean, a book is not always what it seems right? Ha! Go with your first instinct! That is always God speaking to you.

I took the time to really see what some men were thinking when it came to relationships and marriage. I interviewed random people and observed people in their natural elements talking with friends about what they wanted or didn't want in a mate.

Over the years, my views have changed regarding relationships and marriage. I am much wiser; I do not look for what looks and feels good. I want more; my mate has to be a man after God’s own HEART. I will no longer compromise with this issue. I want us to be blessed in the eyes of the Lord. I found out a long time ago that I couldn't be with a non-believer. It will never work; there will always be a part of the relationship that is strained. (A non-believer is someone who may know God, but they do not actively pursue Him, or someone who does not believe in God at all.)

Male Prospective

I observed a group of young men at a restaurant sitting around talking. The things they were saying [honestly] were absolutely appalling. The conversation was about getting grills (gold teeth) and how they want a woman who is a freak in the bed; if she is not putting up or bringing dough (money), then she needs to step. My blood was boiling as I heard this, but I kept listening as I was eating. LOL. The rest of the conversation was about how a young lady needs to have a banging body and have the best skills in the bed. The way they were degrading women was so unbelievable; you really had to be there.

Later, I went around to different malls and took various train rides in my city. While in passing, I was curious to really know if all men think about women that way. Most wanted a woman that they could see “eye to eye” with. They wanted someone who had smarts; something beyond what is going on in the celebrity world. These gentlemen I surveyed also wanted a freak in the bed and felt if he had to wait for the goods, there was no point.

Some men did express their interests in finding a woman after God’s heart. They know and love the Lord and are willing to grow together and build a loving relationship through Christ. It is nice to hear there are men who truly value God’s grace and not what they see Lil’ Wayne doing.

This was very interesting. It pains me that so many young ladies are getting the short end of the stick when it comes to dating and prospects for marriage. We really need more men to step up and teach our young men how to love.

Ladies, do you really want a man who thinks your greatest asset is your body? No. Why subject yourself to what a random [man] has to offer? Chase God, not a man. You want a man that will treat you like the queen you are. Not, someone who treats you as less than an equal, or keep you around for a good time. You’ve tried new things to make it work, but it never does because you’re supposed to wait for whom God has for you! Hey, you caught me; I’m guilty of this as well.

Ephesians 5:25 ESV

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and he gave himself up for her.”

I want man who is going to love me like he loves Christ. This is the kind of love you should be longing for. I challenge you to make a list of everything you want in a man and pray over it.

Will you let go and let God take over from here?

Book Review: Unglued Devotional by Lysa TerKeurst

By Kristin Bush

I received the Unglued Devotional by Lysa TerKeurst in the mail and was completely blown
away after doing my daily readings.

Now I’ll be honest, this book is aimed to help all women; however, as a mom of two, aged 5 and 19 months, it appears this book was written JUST FOR ME. I don’t know of one mom who can honestly say she’s never come unglued. That she hasn’t had the one heart wrenching meltdown. That she hasn’t had that bathroom cry because you’re tired and overwhelmed and in need of some serious “grownup time.” I would be lying if I said this has never happened to me. Honestly, this has happens to me probably once a week. 

I may have a meltdown and yell because I’m irritated. Or I may have to put the kids down for a nap early because I feel overwhelmed and I feel the frustration rising.

So who am I? I am a wife, who has NOT had a date night with her husband since Oct of 2011. I am a mom who rarely ever gets to venture anywhere without her kids. I am a daughter who tends to miss her mommy (yes I still call my mother, mommy). We live over 1100 miles or roughly 17 hours away from each other (this does not include stops for gas or sleep). I am a friend, who only has one friend within a 30-minute drive.

Do I come unglued? You bet. I love this unglued devotional. And I encourage all of you, regardless of whether you’re a mom, to stand up and say “I may come unglued but my God is bigger than that. I have a God that will help me have more patience to not come unglued. I have a God who gives me grace to get through each day and loves me beyond my unglued-ness.”
For I am the Lord your God
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)
Here are some resources for you: http://www.ungluedbook.com/freebies/

The above website is connected to the Unglued book and the Unglued Devotional by Lysa TerKeurst. She offers her readers and potential readers a TON of freebies! You can even read two sample chapters (the first two chapters) of the Unglued book as well as 12 days’ worth of devotionals.

Disclaimer: I received this book, Unglued Devotional, for FREE from the publisher in exchange for my HONEST review. All of the words above are my own opinion.

The Power of Your Words

Have you ever said something you wish you could take back? Even said something good that you thought Wow! Did that come from me? We all have done both and training our mouth is the most difficult thing for us to do. You know the myth saying if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all. We all have said some things that were not nice to say or said something beautiful, and wonder where did that come from. In a nutshell, we have the authority over the power of our words. God gave us the control over our mouths and what we speak.

Proverbs 16:24, reads, “Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.”

I constantly think about what I am saying in conversations and how I speak. I don’t always hit the mark, but I am more conscious about the way I say things, and what comes out of my mouth. I have learned that the powers of my words are effective. Let’s look at God and how he spoke.

(Genesis 1:3,6,9,11,14)

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Throughout all these scriptures God spoke in existence how he wanted the earth to be formed. He knew that there was power in everything that he said. That is the same way we have to view ourselves when we speak things into the atmosphere. I make daily positive confessions from God’s word to keep my spirit man encouraged and uplifted. There are days that I miss doing this, and I can always tell when that happens. My flesh and emotions are leading more than my spiritual man. My emotions start ruling the outcome of my day and week. So, it is always important to speak inspirational positive things over your life. We don’t realize, when we say negative or positive words out of our mouth into the atmosphere. How it could affect the outcome of our life?

James 3:9-11 reads, “Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?”

I promise you, the power of our words are so important in how we speak to people, our children, and over ourselves.

How many of you are living the outcome of what you have been speaking over yourself, whether positive or negative?

Getting Real with Me, Getting Real with God

by Nicole Wian

My New Year’s intent this year is to be real. Authentic. Honest. The truth is, I always thought I had this down. I though I was quite genuine and forthcoming, but – no. God has shown me that, for thirty-three years, I have not been real about my feelings. Perhaps, not even about my motives. I have hidden behind an illusion of ‘okay’ as in I’m okay. Just fine. This is okay. This is fine.

So basically, I’ve possessed more cash-register honesty than real honesty and if I’m not being real with myself, then I can’t be real with other people. God calls us to come from behind the facades of ‘alright’; take our hurts and our issues to Him for healing so we will be equipped to share our strength, our hope, and ability to encourage others. This is impossible if we refuse to be real, if we have not yet admitted our own struggles.

I believe the church is getting slightly better at this admittance, but sadly, there’s a long history of finger pointing and failure to look within the body. There is a long history of fake within the church. There’s a reason that so many of us often hear that those outside the church would rather not come in.

There’s a reason that so many friends I share recovery with will state that the God of their own understanding is Love and they’ll follow this statement up with the assurance that this is unlike the God of the Bible. That God they believe is not a God of love. I hear these people talk about the True and Living God they know and have a personal relationship with. I know the God they’re talking about. They do not. It’s not because their God is different than the God of the Bible, it’s because the body has not properly given skin to God, has not effectively communicated His love. People are asking, “Will the real God please stand up?” Sisters, we have got to stand up as representation of His love. But we can’t tell the truth about God if we withhold the truth about ourselves.

I’ve learned the hard way that pushing pain aside is not the same as pushing past pain. I’ve experienced the catching up of it and the chasing down of it because one way or another, God is going to make sure that pain grabs my attention. Not to hurt me, but because He knows that this will draw me closer and that it’s the only way to get me past it.

God instructs us to “be still and know” that He is God. I stumble a little on the ‘still’ part. He’s going to talk and I’m going to be forced to listen. ‘Still’ can equate to a whole bunch of feeling, a whole bunch of sitting in the pain – something I’m really not too good at. I’d much rather push that pain aside and pretend I’m getting on with life. Sometimes I don’t want to feel or even acknowledge. The reasons for this are many, but the core reality, is that while I’m shying away from the healing, I’m robbing others. I serve the God of the Universe, the One who makes all things new. How awesome is that? How much does God want to heal me so that I might aid in the healing of others?

Stubborn human that I am, I, too often, forget that ‘stilling’ a moment or giving it up to God brings relief. Release. Healing. God is the one person I can go to, drop my defenses, and be real with. That’s where I’m starting this year. I’m asking God to take my fear of pain, my fear of admittance. I’m willing to allow Him to use both to mold me, to make me new. If I’m real with myself, then, and only then, can I demonstrate to the hurting the realness of God.

The Lessons God Taught Me

By Nadia Marinaccio

"If we imitate Christ in all things, our children will imitate us."
I am a single mother with three children. We relocated to Pennsylvania from New Jersey in June of 2011. My oldest daughter, who was 12 at the time, would be starting 6th grade in a new middle school. Circumstances went from bad to worse in a matter of months; I lost all control. By February of 2012, my fearless 12-year-old, my little girl, had run away. We soon discovered the very real possibility that she was picked up by a 19 year old that she had met on Facebook. You can only imagine the agonizing thoughts during the 20 hours she was missing. It was the longest most heart breaking, 20 hours of my life. The prayers of the righteous availeth much and she came home safe and unharmed.  

While I believed this was the worst year of my life, spiritually, it was the best year of my life. I learned first-hand what it meant in Proverbs 3:5 – 6, “… lean not to your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”

What I want to share with you are two moments that changed my life drastically; they gave me the courage to keep fighting when all I wanted to do was give up. I felt like such a failure. I had lost all control. I was depressed (again), contemplating whether or not I would need medication. In the midst of this, I was still responsible for the lives of 3 children who needed me desperately. I was done. I didn’t care what happened to me, or her. If she was crazy enough to take these chances in life, well, let her. I lost all hope in God. I no longer saw a way out. I gave up on what God called me to do.

March 2012, I was having one of the most real conversations I ever had with God. It went something like this, “How could you do this to me? You don’t know what this is like. To have a daughter that disrespects you, hurts you, lies on you, and makes you feel like such a failure. You had Jesus and He was perfect. He never sinned, never complained, he was always obedient. How do you expect me to handle all this and not lose my mind? You said in your word that you don’t give us more than we can handle. Was that a joke or something? Or did it not apply to parenting?” He allowed me to unleash my fury.

He gently stated, “Are you done yet?”

“Of course Jesus was perfect, but what about you? You are my child also and look how many times you sinned against me, used profanity, left me, disrespected and dishonored your own parents. Yet I still loved you, never turned my back on you. I still have plans for you even though you messed up.”

Wow, you can imagine how little I felt after my discourse with God. I felt like I’d been punched in the gut by a world-class champion; I felt like a world-class fool. I thanked God for His patience and love for us. From that moment, my hope was restored and I began to speak those things that were not, as though they were. I declared I would continue to speak my daughter out of this dark place and I wouldn’t give up on her no matter what came our way. I understood that I was to cover her, the same way Christ covered me. I was not to shove her wrong doings in her face and continually remind her of them. Christ doesn’t do that with us. He is a loving father, a gentleman, and he would never force himself onto us. He promises to forgive us and never leave us nor forsake us.

The second most important lesson God taught me was powerful. I remember purchasing one of Dr. Dobson’s books The Strong Willed Child. I saw that book sitting on the shelf and thought to myself “that’s what she is; she is strong willed! I’m going to fix her just as soon as I read this book. I’ll show her!” I began to read the book, convinced that I would find all of her flaws and how to fix them. I was suddenly faced with an eye opener I wasn’t expecting. (I had been sucker punched again.) I wanted all the fingers to point at her so she could be held accountable. You know what happened? All the fingers were pointed at me! Anger wasn’t the word to describe how I felt. I was seething! Are you kidding me? Some of this is my fault? She’s the one with the nasty attitude!

I soon learned, although a child may be unruly and strong willed, it is ultimately the parent’s response to the behavior that would make the difference. This was a hard pill to swallow, but I knew better. God himself convicted me. I did the only thing I knew; I humbled myself before God and asked Him for forgiveness and to show me how to lead my child and respond to her the way He required.

I’ve learned, as parents we are always expecting the children to behave a certain way, which is perfectly fine, but if we are not willing to look inside and better ourselves, we are not leading by example. Christ leads us by example; he expects the same from us. If we imitate Christ in all things, our children will imitate us. This has been a daily process of renewing the mind and I still have a long way to go. I am so thankful to God that he saw fit to choose me to raise this strong willed child. I love her more than words can explain. Although we have been through hell and back, I would do it all over again because she has made me a better mother, and a better follower of Christ.

Triple-Layer Mud Mint Pie

By Chelsie Johnson

This is my favorite dessert to make anytime we gather for holidays or birthdays. It is always
a hit and I usually get a request to make it for someone just so they can have it at home!

3 squares of Baker’s semi-sweet chocolate, melted

Andes mint pieces (I don’t measure, the more the merrier!)

¼ cup of canned sweetened condensed milk

1 Oreo pie crust

2 cups of milk

2 packages of Jell-O chocolate instant pudding

1 tub (8 oz.) of Cool Whip, thawed

Mix: chocolate and condensed milk; pour onto crust

*the mixture gets thick fast, so mix and pour as soon as you can, might have to spread with fingers on the crust

Put desired amount of Andes pieces on top of chocolate later

Beat: milk and pudding mixes for whisk for 2 min.; spoon 1 ½ cups over Andes pieces; stir half the cool whip into pudding-spread over the pie; top with remaining Cool Whip

Add Andes pieces to top

Refrigerate: 3 hours (the longer the better!)

Steadfast in Prayer

I heard an awesome sermon this past Sunday!

Every so often Dr. Lon Allison preaches at our church. Lon is the Director of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College, and he is just an awesome man whose joy in the Lord is SO evident every time he teaches. This past Sunday he taught from Colossians 2: 2-4, ESV version:

2 Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. 3 At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— 4 that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.

The apostle Paul wrote the book of Colossians, probably in the early 60s A.D. (and the book’s truth still endures today! God is so smart….).

Paul was writing to the people of Colossae. They were in need of Godly encouragement after false teachings had infiltrated their church. Paul sent this letter to remind the Colossians of the superiority of Jesus over everything else. And because God is superior over everything else, he deserves to hear from us in prayer.

Let's re-read verse 2: “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.”

So often I find myself going through my days without speaking to or listening to God. I just “forget”, and allow my mind to become so busy that I tell myself I do not have time to spend praying.

The scriptures tell us to continue – 1) steadfastly in prayer.

Steadfastly = pursuing diligently/with perseverance/not giving up!

Why be steadfast? Why not say one prayer that will "cover" you for the whole week? Or whole year?

Dr. Lon reminded us this Sunday that constant prayer moves the hand of God. God listens to us and loves us, and He wants to bless His children. Our prayers may not always be answered the way we want them to be, but God listens and MOVES when His children pray to Him.

Steadfast prayer is also what we need. In order to develop a relationship with our Heavenly Father, we need to talk to Him! Would you talk to your best friend in January, ignore them until August, and expect to be in the same place with your relationship? Of course not! In order to gain an understanding of who God is, we need to speak to Him as OFTEN as we can!

Colossians also tells us to be – 2) watchful in prayer.

Do you write down your prayers? Do you keep a journal? What about a list of what you are praying for?

I tell you, it is an amazing thing to look back on your prayer notes and see what God has done since they were first prayed. Being watchful means to be aware of God’s moving. It means to follow up on the prayer requests of friends and relatives and see what has happened in their lives. As you continue steadfastly in your prayer life, watch for God’s responses. All too often we forget to follow through and praise God for what he does!

Which brings me to the last point Paul makes here about prayer – 3) giving thanks.

I am so good at giving God a laundry list of my problems and needs. So good at it that I frequently forget to give Him praise for who He is. Just being our Creator means that he deserves our endless praise and thanksgiving! Our selfishness leads us to pray for our desires only – which God will listen to with joy – yet, he deserves so much more than our complaints and quibbles. He is the Almighty, and we need to remember to PRAISE HIM for BEING OUR SAVIOR!

So, I challenge you today to be steadfastly devoted to watchful prayers, and never forget to give thanks.

I love Christian music, and I leave you today with one of my favorite worship songs that lead me to break out into prayers of thanksgiving! Listen and be blessed today.

Lord, All too often I forget to talk to you. I forget that you desire to hear from me just as much as I need and desire to talk to you. We praise you Lord for who you are. You are indescribable! Help me to stay steadfast in prayer, and to be watchful for the ways that you move in our lives each and every day.

I am Abel

If you are not familiar with the story of Cain and Abel, here’s a summary of one of the most fascinating stories of the Old Testament. It is so exceptional because it reveals the first encounter of fighting and murder in the Bible.

Abel was the second born son of Adam and Eve and the brother of Cain. Abel was a shepherd. Cain was a farmer. The Bible does not reveal much about Abel; it is evident that he was loyal to God. When Adam and Eve fled the Garden of Eden because of their shame, they asked God how they could find favor in His eyes. God requested the sacrifice of a lamb.

When Adam and Eve made it known to their sons that God had requested this sacrifice, Abel took the demand very seriously and offered the best lamb in his herd. Cain, however, did not comprehend the significance of God’s request. Not only did Cain ignore the call of a lamb, but brought an average offering from his crops before God. God rejoiced about Abel’s offering and rejected Cain’s. Cain grew jealous of the praise God gave to Abel. Envy led to anger and anger led to the first murder mentioned in the bible. Cain let envy take over and murdered his brother Abel.

Hebrews 11:4

“It was by faith that Abel brought a more acceptable offering to God than Cain did. Abel’s offering gave evidence that he was a righteous man, and God showed his approval of his gifts. Although Abel is long dead, he still speaks to us by his example of faith. “

Abel’s obedience was based on faith. Sometimes, compliance with God’s will for your life comes with a high price. Abel’s story is admirable and will live eternally. As a living, breathing, delicate, human beings, we can say that we desire lives that will later be known for adventure, sacrifice, and lifelong legacy, but are we willing to obey God no matter what the sacrifice may be?

“God, I will follow you until things get uncomfortable.”

Are we willing to step out of our comfort zones, sacrifice the “kingdom of me” mentality, and live fully, intentional lives for our creator? Can we throw away fear and put full trust in God’s will for our lives? Are we willing to think that it is better to die while following God's laws than to fight back?

Are we willing to say, I am Abel?

by Morgan Fisher

Got Trust?

Is there something that you really, really need right now in your life and you just don't know how you are going to get it? Do you trust God about it? Of course you do! I am going to take a guess and say that you have prayed about it and have asked God for it. You have even used every possible scripture you know about God supplying your needs and you sing about this in church too. Even your pastor has talked about it recently but yet and still you are trying to figure out a way to fix everything. I have been there my sister; as a matter of fact, I am there right now. But did you notice the small glitch in our approach? We asked God to help us and even affirmed our request with scripture but after that we tried to figure out a way to solve the problem. And that is where I like to believe God chuckles at our efforts!!

We have to stop merely "saying" we trust God with our lives and "actively" trust God with our lives. I have often been a perpetrator of this crime!! I would be in a situation where I really needed God' s direction or needed him to supply something for me.

I would pray about it and claim that I was "putting it in God's hands" and then seconds later I was anxiously worrying about what I was going to do or talking to anybody who would listen about my situation. My personal favorite thing to do was thinking of different ways I could manipulate the situation!! This is not Godly at all!! Jesus says in Matthew 6:27, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Worrying about our problems will not solve anything and it shows that we don't fully believe that God is our answer. Our beliefs and actions determine the type of experience we will have with God. Jesus also said in Matthew 21:21, " I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go throw yourself into the sea'".

We need to relax and claim the peace that is ours through Christ. God wants us to make our needs known to him and not worry about them. He promises to keep us in peace, if we keep our minds on him. So throw away those Plan B lists and stop complaining about what you don't have. I know it is hard, but we have to thank God for what we have and thank him for making a way for our current situation even if we don't see it yet! God does not withhold anything good from us and he wants us to have what we need but he wants to work our faith and build our character. So, supernaturally believe with me, sisters, for the impossible! I am trusting that God will supply my need for a car. I can't see where it is coming from right now, but I know that God has all of that taken care of!! What impossible thing or situation are you going to actively trust God for in 2013? I would love for you to share with us!

by Mikela Rutledge

Four P’s of the Workplace

By Marquisha Harden

In 2012, 30,000 employees around the world participated in the Mercer survey regarding employee satisfaction. Of those 30,000 people, 28% to 56% of employees reported they wanted to leave their jobs; 32% admitted the same in the United States (Adams, S. 2012). With unemployment rates at an all time high, most employees are choosing to remain in their unhappy work environment. As a result, employees may report to work with little to no motivation to produce or participate in work related activities. Some of the reasons employees decide to leave their jobs include personality conflicts between supervisors and co-workers; lack of training, low morale, or lack opportunities to grow within the company. While these are all valid reasons for wanting to leave the workplace, employees should consider a more pleasant approach. Prayer, personality, production, and planning are four areas that can help change the work environment.

A little prayer goes a long way. Pray over yourself and every person associated with your company, including staff, customers, and vendors. Pray asking God to give you wisdom, patience, and grace to effectively communicate with each person you are in contact with. Ask for strength and ability to work through any problem that may arise. He may not choose to change the other person or situation, so you must be willing to accept that you may have to change your attitude instead. Prayer has the power to change any situation and personality.  

Personality conflicts are usually the hardest hurdles to overcome in the workplace. Supervisors, customers, and co-workers have quirks that will push each and every button you have. However, your personality must not mirror theirs. Your personality should represent God’s goodness in your life. Consider speaking to them about your differences and come up with a solution that will best represent the company. Refrain from negative comments, gossip, and any other less appropriate conversation that would allow issues to persist. Speak to other party regarding your concerns to express your thoughts as well as receive feedback; sometimes you may realize there was a complete misunderstanding. Regardless of the outcome, remain professional at all times and never allow your personal differences to affect your production. 

You must continue to produce! Although you want to quit and your focus is slightly off, you have to remember you are in a professional environment. You must continue to come to work on time, complete all assigned tasks, attend training courses, and every other duty assigned to your position. Don’t allow negative situations to hinder possible promotions. Someone in the position to elevate you may be watching and inquiring of your work. 

If you are still considering leaving your job, you must have a plan. Pray asking God for the direction before making any moves. If he gives you the okay, then proceed to the planning phase. Planning will give you time to seriously consider your reason for leaving. You will have time to revise your resume and save, just in case of a delay prior to starting your new job. You will also have time to scout jobs that are more fitting to your personality. Even though you are planning for new employment, continue to honor your current position.

You honor God by submitting to your natural supervisor. It shows God that you can be trusted with the position he has given you. No person has authority or power to change your status. Regardless of threats from supervisors, customers, or co-workers, if God says you will keep your job, you will. If He says that you need to move to another position, he will do that as well. In past, I’ve erased the idea of having a natural supervisor and replaced it with the thought that I solely work for God. It helped me perform at my best while others tried to discourage me. It was evident whom I worked for when it was time for promotion. 

How have you been honoring God at work?

Godly Reminders: 

Ephesians 6: 5-8, “Bondservants, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ; not with eye service, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart, with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.”

Adams, S. (May 18, 2012). New Survey: Majority of Employees Dissatisfied. Forbes.com. Retrieved 1/4/12http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2012/05/18/new-survey-majority-of-employees-dissatisfied/ 

Delicious Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas

By Carmen Beckett

Quick recipes are the key to a busy woman’s sanity! There’s nothing better than unwinding at a table full of loved ones who are utterly amazed at how delicious the meal you just served tastes. In their minds, they wonder how you’re able to do it all.You work hard, you love hard, and you cook hard. Or so they think!

I can’t tell you how much of a lifesaver easy recipes have been for me! This is why I shouted
for sheer joy when I found this amazing chicken quesadillas recipe that even has a video to go along with it as a step-by-step guide. Since trying it, this meal has been a complete staple in my household. I don’t know if it’s the tender, cheesy texture or the amazing, zesty flavors that always have my family BEGGING for more! Enjoy.


  • 1 lb chicken thighs
  • 1 Tablespoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cilantro
  • ½ teaspoon onion powder
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ½ t. black pepper
  • Pinch of cumin (optional)
  • 1 medium tomato, seeded and diced
  • 8-10 (8 inch) flour tortillas
  • Mexican cheese blend
  • Smoked Cheddar, finely shredded
  • Smoked Gouda, finely shredded
  • Guacamole, salsa, sour cream (optional)

  1. Mix the seasonings together.
  2. Season chicken thighs generously with the seasoning (you may not need all of it)
  3. Heat a buttered skillet over medium heat.
  4. Cook thighs about 6-8 minutes per side or until juices run clear.
  5. Drain on a plate lined with paper towels and let cool.
  6. Cut or shred the chicken into small pieces and place in a large bowl.
  7. Toss in the diced tomatoes.
  8. Add butter to a grill pan over medium heat and place a tortilla in the center.
  9. On one side of the tortilla, add an even layer of Mexican cheese blend, followed by a layer of chicken mixture and then a layer of smoked cheddar and smoked gouda.
  10. Fold the other half of the tortilla over to cover the cheese and chicken. Press down on the quesadilla with a spatula.
  11. Let it cook until the cheese has melted. Reduce heat if needed.
  12. Serve hot with guacamole, salsa, and sour cream.

For more information on this DivasCanCook Recipe, visithttp://divascancook.com/2012/05/smoked-chicken-cheese-quesadila-recipe-easy.html

Feel free to share your favorite easy recipes here!

Voids Aren't Avoidable

What are voids? How do I know I have them? How do I fill them?

Do these questions sound familiar to you? Growing up I would always hear people talk about voids, but I never truly knew what they meant. As a result of these unanswered questions, I found myself in a cloud of depression that I couldn’t see my way out of. You see, when voids aren’t dealt with by turning to the Lord, depression will always be the outcome.

What is a void? A void is anything in your life that leaves you empty. For example, emptiness in self-worth leads to insecurity, further leading to depression.

How do you identify a void? Although a void can’t be physically described in a tangible sense, we know that voids are dark and empty.

How do I know if I have a void? How do I know that I’m avoiding it? You constantly find yourself in cycles of depression.

How do you fill a void? Voids can only be filled with God’s word.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. – Genesis 1:1-4 ESV
Words have filled voids since the beginning of time. Sometimes, we try to fill our own voids with things other than God’s WORDS. We think getting a man will fill our voids of insecurity. But we still end up depressed because MAN can’t fill voids—only God’s words can.

Depression was something that I struggled with for years. Now, looking back, I can see why that was such a big giant in my life. I tried so hard to get people to fill my voids with THEIR words instead of GOD’S. So every time they would fail me, I’d fall back into depression. I didn’t realize that my battle with depression was tied to the voids that I kept trying to avoid.
Today, stop trying to avoid what isn’t avoidable. Allow the Lord to heal every void in your heart with His Words.
My Pastor touched on this in a sermon one day. We see that even in the beginning, God didn’t approve of voids. When He created the world and it was without form and void, He saw that it was not good. God then SPOKE LIGHT into the void and later produced LIFE (Adam). Life couldn’t even come until God dealt with the void. Many times, we try to avoid the voids in our lives because we don’t want to “deal” with them. We’d rather soak in depression, where we “feel” comfortable, rather than dealing with our voids. However, filling our voids with God’s words is the only way we can rise up from depression and start LIVING again.

Believer, just as God separated darkness from light, He desires to separate the darkness of depression in your life from His light. God, the Creator of the Universe, couldn’t even continue with creation until He dealt with the void He saw. Today, stop trying to avoid what isn’t avoidable. Allow the Lord to heal every void in your heart with His Words. Ask yourself when you’re feeling depressed, “Where have I stopped filling my voids with the Word of God today? Who’s words matter to me the most, God’s or people’s?”
Allow God’s words, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made”, in Psalm 139:14, speak life into your void of insecurity. His words in Colossians 2:10 that declare, “You are complete in Him” should be all the validation you need to fill that void of loneliness.

Believer, stop trying to avoid a void when God gave you power to speak life into it.
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” –Proverbs 18:21

by Kieya Hudson

No More Holiday Blues

By Carla Cannon

I can recall times as a single woman I would always get so depressed during holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Lord knows especially Valentine’s Day! But it wasn’t until I really began to seek the Lord about my true condition because I knew this was no natural battle I was fighting but clearly this was spiritual warfare. It was almost as if my moods would change in an instance.

I can remember laying in bed crying all day or either trying to sleep all day and the minute the next morning (after the holiday) arrived I was suddenly all well and the depression and attacks would fade away. 

Image via: We Heart It
"I wrestled often in my mind if a man would ever want to marry me because I had been with women and I didn’t have a “popular” testimony."
But although I seemed to be fine due to my many smiles and so forth through prayer I identified that I as a woman, a mom who was in search of her purpose was still broken in many areas of my life. I was filled with bitterness, hurt, pain and shame from my past. I wrestled often in my mind if a man would ever want to marry me because I had been with women and I didn’t have a “popular” testimony. But my testimony was that I used to be a promiscuous woman who later turned into a lesbian. Not to mention the fact that my father was in and out of my life and every man I had ever been with (except my daughter’s father but that relationship wasn’t the best either) had cheated on me.
What was wrong with me? Was I not pretty enough? Did I not make anyone happy? The answers to all of these questions that often ran consistently through my mind were totally irrelevant because the last thing Carla needed was any ordinary man but Carla needed Jesus. During prayer I remember hearing the Lord tell me He loved me. It was as if my heart literally felt the hand of Jesus telling me He was going to heal me. I was wrapped up in some much bondage and pain from being told I would never amount to anything by some family members and teachers. To growing up being labeled as ADHD and being put on Ritalin (supposedly a medication used to treat it) which only made me act as a zombie and made me itch and paranoid. All of these things in my past, I remembered. 
But one day, the Lord rebuked the enemy long enough and God literally gave me a hunger and thirst for His word and for more of Him. John 1:1 reminds us that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Therefore what I had to learn to do was get into God’s word and find healing, to gain an understanding of who God really was because truly you can’t tap into who you really are until you learn who God is in your life who actually lives through you!
"God has a great plan for your life and He wants you to spend time with Him, and love on Him, and allow Him to be your all in all. "
My sisters, I said all of that to say, 2013 is the year to declare NO MORE HOLIDAY BLUES! God has a great plan for your life and He wants you to spend time with Him, and love on Him, and allow Him to be your all in all. Every desire you have if it is according to God’s will, in His timing it will come to past but we must learn the art of patience. My new book: The Power in Waiting teaches women (and men) how to embrace their process and understand how to not grow weary in well doing during the period of prophesy to experiencing manifestation. 
So declare today that you will not cry again over what you don’t have, but you will focus on what you do have! Amazingly today, the Lord has placed some awesome women of God in my life that honestly I have to fight to get alone time because we all enjoy one another so much! My friend, God will do the exact same thing for you if you will let Him! Know who you are, whose you are and never settle for anything less than God’s best! 

Single Disorder

Guest post by Coleen York

"I began to realize my “need” for a relationship had a lot to do with how I viewed singleness in general. "
For more years than I care to admit, I jumped from one relationship to the (often unstable) next relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I had morals and standards, but I just really didn’t like being by myself. It was boredom…or so I told myself. Although in the moment I tried not to analyze what was driving this need within me.

In hindsight I realize it was a whole lot more than boredom that motivated my serial dating years.

It had a lot to do with my need for outside affection and affirmation.  Peel back even more layers, and I began to realize my “need” for a relationship had a lot to do with how I viewed singleness in general. 

Image via: A Well Traveled Woman
"Singleness is not a condition. It isn’t a disease. It is not an ailment that requires an immediate remedy or fix (or fix-up in this case)."
In times of singleness I would look at my dating friends with envy. I wanted a relationship that worked. I wanted the cute guy to look at ME that way. I wanted to be pursued. I wanted my friends to stop trying to fix me up with their leftover friends. I didn’t understand why it just wasn’t happening for me.

I’m guessing that I’m not the only one who has ever felt this way. Before we even realize what we are doing, we begin to inwardly examine every detail about ourselves in order to determine the cause of our singleness.
"I wanted a relationship that worked. I wanted the cute guy to look at ME that way. I wanted to be pursued. "
What is wrong with me? Is it my hair? Am I too loud? Too smart? Is my body not the right shape? Do I smell? Am I too funny? Not funny enough? Not spiritual enough? Why am I so blooming awkward?!

We begin to view singleness as some kind of disorder that we need to cure.

But here’s the thing we often forget… Singleness is not a condition. It isn’t a disease. It is not an ailment that requires an immediate remedy or fix (or fix-up in this case). Being single is NOT a problem. Nor does being single mean that there is a problem with YOU. 
"You just need to trust that God’s perspective is so much larger than what you can see from your own little window."
If you are single you do not need fixed or cured. You do not need any of your well-meaning friends to set you up with their third cousin’s friend that goes to med-school (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but the point is you don’t NEED it).

The fact is, being single is not an epidemic or a plague. It does not mean that there is something heinously wrong with you. God allows periods of singleness in our lives for many reasons. In fact, in the Bible Paul even refers to singleness as a gift (1 Cor 7:7).

Maybe God wants to protect your heart from the wrong guy who would break it. Perhaps God wants you to spend time SOLELY seeking Him and what he has for you without any distractions. Maybe your man of God that will one day sweep you off your feet is doing missions work in Africa, or maybe God is not yet done preparing and shaping his heart to be ready for YOU. It could be that if you met your “someone” right now that you both would not be in a place where the relationship would work. There are thousands of potential reasons you could be single and none of them are because you have a bad haircut or didn’t wear your retainer after you got your braces off. You don’t need to analyze it. You just need to trust that God’s perspective is so much larger than what you can see from your own little window.
The last thing that God wants is for you to look at singleness as a curse or an excuse to feel bad about yourself. We all have bad days and yeah, every now and again throw yourself a pity party if you need. But do not take this time for granted. God has a very specific purpose with specific tasks for you during this season of your life and you’ll miss it if you’re constantly trying to fast-forward. Whether single, married, dating, divorced, wherever you find yourself, God’s plans are infinitely bigger and grander than you could have ever possibly dreamed for yourself. And you don’t need a relationship for those plans to unfold or take place. 

In every season ask the Creator of your heart what He is trying to teach you during this time. Embrace the place and the pace God has given you. There’s no specific formula and God is so creative that He isn’t going to write you the same exact story as someone else. So, dear one, try not to compare your era of singleness to another’s time of relationship. 

God loves you. The individual you are. Not the couple you might be part of one day. He lovesYOU, in this moment and forever after.

Coleen York is an ardent Jesus follower and writer (and she sometimes fancies herself a part-​​time comedienne). She is passionate about ministering to the hearts of women by showing them their true worth and identity in Christ alone. This passion led her to found She Has Worth, a website designed to reinforce the worth and beauty God has given each and every woman, regardless of her past or relationship status.

He's Jealous for You

Last night, my six-year-old daughter, Sakura, went on a special date with her daddy. To say she was excited would be a grand understatement! She was elated at the thought of getting dressed up like a princess and for three weeks would daily ask, “How many more days till my date with daddy?”Her excitement was well justified, for this wasn’t just “any date”-- she was preparing for the kind of evening that every little girl (and most grown women) fantasizes about!
The activities for the evening were planned by our fabulous church and included a limo ride to the Melting Pot for chocolate fondue! (Wow!)

My husband played the part of prince charming fantastically, he picked out an outfit that coordinated hers and gladly joined in on the fun! With four young kids in our home, one on one time is quite rare, so, he was genuinely anxious and excited about spending some devoted time talking with her! When they joined the group of girls and their daughters at church, almost immediately he discovered that when surrounded with a group of giggly and giddy girls her attention was divided! She easily gravitated towards the fun of laughing, comparing shoes and necklaces and sharing lip-gloss with her church girlfriends instead of basking in the individual attention of her father. As a result, my husband came home slightly disappointed because he felt he never really got to connect with her. He longed to ask her about school, and friends, and new likes and dislikes, yet instead found himself a bystander most of the evening. Ironically, he watched her enjoy the company of her friends more-so than the company of her daddy on their special evening.

As I thought about this scenario, I was reminded of the infinitely amplified jealousy that the Bible describes God as having for us, His children. I wonder if what my husband felt is a small glimpse of how God often feels about what happens in churches every week. Our father watches us get dressed up in our Sunday best, coordinating jewelry and shoes, make up and hair dolled up, we rush to church for our set aside “date” with Him. Yet, how easily our attention is divided and we are lured away from His presence. Our thoughts are cluttered. Our hearts are hardened to messages that are too convicting or personal. We are distracted by to-do lists, regrets from last week, or anxiety for the week ahead. Can we be honest enough to admit that sometimes as Christians we “do church” socially and enjoy laughing and chatting with friends more then connecting intimately with the heart of God?
He always sought to woo them back into a love relationship exclusively with Him as their first love.
God invites us to call him “Abba Father.” Literally, He says, “Call me daddy!” He wants to know you and I intimately, as a perfect father knows His child. His schedule is never too busy. Our Papa God’s loving offer daily is an invitation into the wondrous joy of His presence!

Jealousy is an intense emotion, often with negative implications. God’s jealousy, however, is rooted in a passionate love, and should make us feel secure and protected in our covenant relationship with Him. As demonstrated over and over again in the story of the Israelites and their repeated unfaithfulness, God’s heart broke when His people wandered away from Him. He always sought to woo them back into a love relationship exclusively with Him as their first love.

God is jealous for you. Not for your talents. Or your money. Or anything you can do, give, or earn. He’s jealous for you because He knows and wants what’s best for you. He understands the longings of your heart and alone knows how to fill the God shaped hole you have.

By Christina Stolaas


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