have become aware that when God moves in our lives and rains down
gifts upon us, we may be too quick to take stock of what has been
delivered. Maybe, just maybe there is more to the gift than we first
instance, my “money from nowhere” gift. If you have not read
about it yet, look below to the precious writing. It was not until
the next day, as I sat pondering and relishing his gift of money to
us that I finally got the bigger blessing. For eight long years our
life has been 'hurry up and wait'. We wait for the next doctor appt.
we wait for the next court date. We wait for the next report to be
in. We wait for an emergency court hearing that is 3 months out.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Days turn into weeks, which turn into months and
then years.
feel a real connection in some ways with the children of Israel who
were delivered from slavery. How they rejoiced when Moses led them
out of Egypt. How they rejoiced when they crossed the Red Sea and
watched as God released the sea and swallowed up their enemies. They
thought they were being led into the Promised Land. After all, that
is what God had said. Problem is, God did not say how FAST he would
deliver them there. Like us --- Israel's days turned into weeks,
turned into months, turned into years. Do you see the correlation?
would be so easy to begin to grumble, to begin to doubt God. To turn
your back on God and say, “Forget this!” I bet I can come up with
a better plan than this! Time and again God's children lost their
faith in their God even though they could see the evidence of his powerful presence, and they failed to follow his directions. And
because of that...they lingered long in the desert.
fast-forward a few thousand years to my life. The day after God
delivered “money from nowhere” I sat savoring the gift when it
hit me. I had moaned in my agony for months.... "God, God, end this! Why must we wait for this to end? God I cannot do it anymore. I
cannot wait any longer. I know I must trust you and I want to but you
are God! You are the great I AM. You can do anything!"
that precious day, God interrupts my travailing...and strikes up a
conversation with me. “I've brought money from nowhere before. I
can do it again.” And not two hours later there it was. Do you see
the details of the gift just for me? God said it. He did it. No
waiting! God said it. He did it. No waiting!
was as though Abba Father said, “See daughter! I haven’t changed.
My power is still in tact! I know the journey's been hard. We're
almost there! Trust me. Hang on. We can do this!”
a boost! What refreshment for my soul! I can so understand the joy
God’s people felt when God, yet again, delivered them from thirst,
hunger, fear or agony!
I was filled with new strength and a second wind. It reminded me of
Gods word that says.... Isaiah 40: 31 – But those who hope in the
Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings of eagles.
They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
you are walking through a dire season or God has been leading you
through a desert, trust Him. Remember that God is able to do
abundantly more than you or I can believe. He is the great I Am who
moves quickly in the whirlwind. He is our Abba Father who sees it
fitting to take his time. He is Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides.
He is Jehovah Ro'i, the
who is your shepherd. He is Jehovah Shalom, God who is your peace.
sees. He hears. He knows.

[photo: Martinak15, Creative Commons]