Beauty Food: Bananas

Tired of acne?

Are you sick of the scars that are left behind?

Want a product that’s easy, affordable, and effective?

Well, look no further. Say goodbye to expensive chemically packed facial products. This skincare breakthrough can be found right in the luxury of your own home. The banana peel facial mask has been proven over the years to work miracles for your skin. Not only does it clear and prevent acne, it also clears any scaring left from previous breakouts. Banana peels are packed with a great source of potassium and antioxidants, which helps your skin look young, fresh, and radiant.

As an adult, I assumed once my teenage years were over, my acne would be too. I was sadly mistaken. Oftentimes, I actually felt as though my acne worsened as I matured. Through tons of research and mostly changing my diet, I was able to get my acne under control. However, every so often I do have minor breakouts. Recently, I had one and although my acne cleared up pretty fast, the scars that were left behind didn’t. So, I tried the banana peel facial mask. After doing it a few times, I noticed a dramatic improvement in my skin. My blemishes were fading and my skin was smoother and softer.

Now it’s your turn. Give it a try!

Simply take the peel and rub the inside of it on your skin until the peel turns brown. Leave it on your face for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Afterwards, use your regular moisturizer to moisturize your face. Use this mask every day for maximum results.

Before you throw away that banana peel, use it to improve your skin. Tackle acne and scars with the banana peel facial mask and be on your way to clearer skin!

Kieya Hudson is a firm believer that intimacy with the Lord is the absolute purpose for life. She's passionate about encouraging young women and men to nurture their body, soul, and spirit with the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Her hobbies are photography, singing, and going to Starbucks.  You can find her tweeting @kieyalaurelle. Everyday, her life's anthem is: "Walk in His love. Run to His light. Follow Him to new life." 

Our Father

by Kieya Hudson

We’re all taught from an early age that God is our Father and we are children of God.

It’s so easy to say, tweet, preach and even put in our Instagram bios that God is our Father. But do we, as His children, really believe it?

It’s safe to say that fathers play a huge role in a child’s life. Throughout time and especially the word of God, we see how much impact a father makes on a child. One of the greatest father-son relationships we see is our Saviors’ relationship with the Heavenly Father. Christ shows us how important this relationship is. He even opens the model prayer for Christians with, “Our Father...” Jesus shows us something that’s often overlooked by His amazing signs and miracles. Jesus shows us relationship. 

The only way we can truly understand that we are children of God is by examining our relationship with our Earthly fathers.

Since we are imperfect people, we make mistakes. Sometimes other people’s mistakes can cost us a lifetime of hurt. We allow mistakes made by our Earthly fathers to limit our relationship with our Heavenly Father. My Earthly father is an amazing man and even greater father. But even he made mistakes. When I was six, my parents separated for a period of time. My brother and I lived with my mom thousands of miles away from my dad. During that period of time, I felt confused, lost, and abandoned. Ultimately my parents reunited and are still married after almost 22 years. 

That season of abandonment did a wonder on me subconsciously. Once I fully started following The Lord, I found it difficult to trust Him with my entire heart. Subconsciously, I felt that at any moment He would abandon me. One day in prayer the Lord spoke to me, “I’m not going anywhere, daughter. I won’t leave you.” Tears immediately flowed. The pain of my dad’s mistake was the roadblock in my way of fully yielding my whole heart to Him. 

What mistakes did your earthly father make that is limiting your relationship with your Heavenly Father?

Precious daughter, your Father in Heaven wants your entire heart. Allow Him to heal you of your daddy’s mistakes. You’ll never know Him as your Father if you continue to harbor pain from the mistakes your earthly father has made. 

Knowing God as your Father is more than just using “IAmAChildOfGod” as your Twitter name. It’s about knowing His characteristics—that He is kind, faithful, and merciful. It’s about knowing that His love for you is perfect, unfailing, and never ending. It’s about knowing that He rejoices over just one thought of you. It’s about KNOWING Him.

Today, allow the Lord to heal the wounds in your heart. Let that healing bring forgiveness to your father’s mistakes. Your father isn’t God; it’s in his nature to make mistakes, just as it’s in yours. The only perfect Father is seated in Heavenly places. Whether your father was or wasn’t there for you, know that there is no such thing as a fatherless child. He has adopted you, daughter. No matter what your past looks like, you are seated with Him at His table.

A child is secure when they know that they have a father that protects them, provides for them, and loves them. Yes, Christ came to save us—to redeem us—to reconcile us back. But He also came to grant us the same relationship that He has with the Father.

Stop seeing yourself as fatherless by worrying, doubting, and fearing. Embrace the greatest love of your Father in Heaven. 

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. –Psalm 68:5

Hearty Avocado Sandwich

By Kieya Hudson

One of my favorite foods that I love to add to my meals is a few slices of avocado. I experiment with
all types of meals to incorporate this amazing veggie. I also find that when I use it as a moisturizer, it softens and clears my skin.

Of course anytime I begin to add something new in my life, I always do my research! I found that avocado has so many essential benefits—not only for your skin, but for your hair and overall health as well. Avocados are packed with Vitamin E and Omega 3 oils, benefiting you in so many ways. Weight loss is also an avocado benefit. Since avocado is filled with good fat, it stops you from gaining bad fat. Try to incorporate avocado into your everyday life and you will definitely see the benefits!

Easy ways to incorporate avocado:

If you have dry skin, try an all-natural avocado facial mask. Simply cut open an avocado and mash up the yellow pulp. Then apply it to your skin allowing it to moisturize for at least 20-30 minutes. The antioxidant properties found in the avocado hydrates the skin natural moisture, while also softening it.

Sometimes I add three or four slices of avocado to my favorite salad or rice with my meals. A quick and easy snack is guacamole. Enjoy the guacamole with your favorite tortilla chips. I love organic, no salt added, blue corn tortilla chips with mine.

I experimented one day and came up with this delicious low-calorie breakfast sandwich. (10 minutes)

DIY: Hearty Avocado Sandwich

1 Cinnamon raisin or whole wheat English muffin
Egg Whites from 2 Large Eggs
½ Slice of your choice of cheese
½ Avocado
1 Tablespoon of Canola Oil
A pinch of pepper/salt (Optional)

  1. Cut English muffin in half (like a sandwich). Mash up the avocado and spread it on the inside of the muffin slices (like you would spread butter on toast). 
  2. Place the egg whites in a bowl/container and mix well (add pepper/salt). The seasoning is optional.
  3. Cook egg whites in medium heat skillet with canola oil. Do not break the egg whites up while they’re cooking. You want them the cook together, almost like an omelet. 
  4. Remove egg from skillet. 
  5. Place egg on the muffin slices with avocado. 
  6. Add your choice of cheese.
  7. Place back in skillet, occasionally flipping the sandwich until cheese is melted. Turn heat down to low on this step.
  8. Remove from skillet and enjoy.

Voids Aren't Avoidable

What are voids? How do I know I have them? How do I fill them?

Do these questions sound familiar to you? Growing up I would always hear people talk about voids, but I never truly knew what they meant. As a result of these unanswered questions, I found myself in a cloud of depression that I couldn’t see my way out of. You see, when voids aren’t dealt with by turning to the Lord, depression will always be the outcome.

What is a void? A void is anything in your life that leaves you empty. For example, emptiness in self-worth leads to insecurity, further leading to depression.

How do you identify a void? Although a void can’t be physically described in a tangible sense, we know that voids are dark and empty.

How do I know if I have a void? How do I know that I’m avoiding it? You constantly find yourself in cycles of depression.

How do you fill a void? Voids can only be filled with God’s word.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. – Genesis 1:1-4 ESV
Words have filled voids since the beginning of time. Sometimes, we try to fill our own voids with things other than God’s WORDS. We think getting a man will fill our voids of insecurity. But we still end up depressed because MAN can’t fill voids—only God’s words can.

Depression was something that I struggled with for years. Now, looking back, I can see why that was such a big giant in my life. I tried so hard to get people to fill my voids with THEIR words instead of GOD’S. So every time they would fail me, I’d fall back into depression. I didn’t realize that my battle with depression was tied to the voids that I kept trying to avoid.
Today, stop trying to avoid what isn’t avoidable. Allow the Lord to heal every void in your heart with His Words.
My Pastor touched on this in a sermon one day. We see that even in the beginning, God didn’t approve of voids. When He created the world and it was without form and void, He saw that it was not good. God then SPOKE LIGHT into the void and later produced LIFE (Adam). Life couldn’t even come until God dealt with the void. Many times, we try to avoid the voids in our lives because we don’t want to “deal” with them. We’d rather soak in depression, where we “feel” comfortable, rather than dealing with our voids. However, filling our voids with God’s words is the only way we can rise up from depression and start LIVING again.

Believer, just as God separated darkness from light, He desires to separate the darkness of depression in your life from His light. God, the Creator of the Universe, couldn’t even continue with creation until He dealt with the void He saw. Today, stop trying to avoid what isn’t avoidable. Allow the Lord to heal every void in your heart with His Words. Ask yourself when you’re feeling depressed, “Where have I stopped filling my voids with the Word of God today? Who’s words matter to me the most, God’s or people’s?”
Allow God’s words, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made”, in Psalm 139:14, speak life into your void of insecurity. His words in Colossians 2:10 that declare, “You are complete in Him” should be all the validation you need to fill that void of loneliness.

Believer, stop trying to avoid a void when God gave you power to speak life into it.
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” –Proverbs 18:21

by Kieya Hudson

Beauty Food: The Power of Blueberries

By Kieya Hudson

Say “GOODBYE” to belly fat!

As summer quickly approaches, I know us ladies are looking for new diets to be ready and confident for the summer. A few months ago, I randomly had a sudden craving for blueberries. I literally ate blueberries right out of the box for almost a week straight. I noticed my waistline was getting smaller in my jeans after a few days. So I took it upon myself to research the benefits of blueberries.

Blueberries might just be the new “POWER FRUIT” in tackling belly fat.  Adding blueberries to your daily diet reduces abdominal fat. Check out this short video to see how it works:

Jennifer Warner, from WebMD Health News also found, “Researchers say the results suggest that antioxidant-rich blueberries may change how the body stores and processes glucose or sugar for energy, thereby reducing the risk of both heart disease and diabetes.”

As you can see, there are clearly a lot of benefits in just adding one thing to your diet. If you don’t prefer eating the blueberries straight from the box, try other ways to incorporate the fruit in your meals. For example, try adding them in your favorite smoothie or salad.

Let’s continue on our WHOLE journey by getting healthier!

Photo Credit: I Made That!

Beauty Food: Honey-Lemon Mask

By Kieya Hudson

Do you have skin problems, acne, scars, or just pale, boring skin? If you are like me, then you have it all. Recently, I was looking for an all-natural remedy for my acne. Proactive, Clinique, and Clean & Clear just weren’t working for me. I came across an all-natural mask online. I tried it out for a couple of weeks and immediately saw results. After only two weeks my skin was smooth, soft, and glowing.

The honey-lemon mask is great for those who are looking for a skincare breakthrough. Combined, the honey and lemon clear your complexion, while leaving your skin fresh and glowing. Honey is a great moisturizer, which leaves your skin soft and radiant. It also helps prevents wrinkles and damage from the sun. Lemon helps fight acne and scaring. If you have oily skin, the lemon prevents that as well.

I do this mask at least three times a week. It’s affordable, fast, and easy. Did I mention the results are amazing too? Give it a try and be one step closer to clear and glowing skin!


-3 Tablespoons of honey

-1/2 of a fresh lemon

1. Pour the honey into a container or Tupperware you don’t mind getting dirty.

2. Add the lemon juice.

3. Mix with a spoon until the mixture is combined.

4. Apply the mask to clean face with using your hands.

5. Leave on face for 15-20 minutes.

6. Rinse face with lukewarm water.

*If you have very sensitive skin, dilute the mixture with 1 tablespoon of water. Add more water if necessary.

*This amount will be enough for 3-4 masks.

*Only do one mask per day.

*Refrigerate the remaining mixture until the next mask. 

Am I Content Enough?

By Kieya Hudson

“Just be content!”

That’s usually the first thing that spits out of someone’s mouth when asked about singleness. When I truly started following Christ and began to embrace my singleness, I did all of my “research.” I read blogs and watched videos and sermons on singleness. One word that remained the same throughout every source of my research was “contentment.” So I thought, “I’ll just be content in my singleness for a little bit and then God will send me my man.”

Boy was I wrong.

Our season of singleness is just what it is—a season. As the season goes on for weeks, months, and sometimes years, the anticipation of receiving our “Boaz” quickly turns into anxiety. Then the question comes, “Am I content enough?” This was something I struggled with big time.

Well, what exactly does it mean to be content?

How do you know that you’re content?

And most importantly, how do you remain content?

There is a difference between being content in your singleness and being content in God

My Pastor taught on singleness not too long ago and this blew my mind. If God hasn’t given you the gift of celibacy, you will NEVER be content in your singleness. A very popular scripture confirms that, “It is not good that man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). God created us to be with each other. He knew that Adam wouldn’t be content alone, so He created Eve.

Now, being content in God is where The Lord wants us to be—at peace, resting in His promise. You see, we lose our contentment in God when we long for the affection and attention of men more than we do God. Many times, it’s our insecurities that cause us to lose our contentment in God. Before I found Christ, I’d fill my voids of insecurity with the attention and affection of men. If he told me that I was beautiful, then I was. If he said that he loved me, then I was loved. Beloved, stop trying to fill your voids with the love of a man in your season of singleness. When those insecurities rise up, remind yourself of God’s love for you.

God has us in seasons of singleness to grow us and to heal us. He wants you to fill your voids with His love in your singleness, so you won’t bring those voids into your marriage.Be content in His love and affection for you. All the attention you need is in Him. Child, you are the apple of His eye (Psalm 17:8). You have the attention of the most amazing man ever. Isn’t that enough for you?

You know you’re content in God when you desire His love more than man’s love.

The Lord knows that you’ll never be content in your singleness. He created you to be with a man, in His timing. In your singleness, you will take an interest in guys and that’s okay. There will be times where you want to just go on a date with someone, and that’s okay too. But in those moments, ask yourself, do you desire that more than you desire being in His presence? Find where you lost your contentment in God. Is it an insecurity that caused it? Immediately, go into worship, “God, Your love is all I need. You alone fulfill me. You complete me, Lord.” A lifestyle of worship is a sure way to remain content in God.

So the question isn’t, "Am I content enough in my singleness?" It’s, "Am I content in God’s love for me in this season of my life?" "Is God’s love for me enough?"

Seek after the attention and affection of your Lord and Savior—the One who’s love poured out of His veins for YOU.  Don’t worry, He didn’t forget to make your “Boaz.”

“Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, not to awaken love until the time is right.” –Song of Solomon 8:4

Make a Move

And suddenly, a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment. For she said to herself, “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.” But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, “Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And the woman was made well from that hour. –Matthew 9:20-22

She had every right to give up—but she didn’t. The woman with the issue of blood in the bible truly shows us how faith and healing work hand-in-hand. In order to receive healing, you must release your faith first. She went to Jesus—He didn’t come to her. God is waiting on you to make a move of faith.

Faith is the first step to wholeness. But sometimes, as broken people, we hesitate to take this step because we allow our emotions to rule over us. So we say with our lips, “God, I believe You can heal me.” However, our feet remain motionless. You see, many times we get in the way of our own healing. Never allow your emotions to block your breakthrough. The woman with the issue had plenty of opportunities to back out of this whole thing.

“Should I go?” What if the woman with the issue stayed home that day? Comfort zones are a place where we feel secure. However, she didn’t allow the fear of being judged or condemned to block her opportunity to get to Jesus. When will you leave your comfort zone? Doubt, fear, and insecurity could have stopped her—but she didn’t allow it. She didn’t stay at home in her comfort zone.

The crowd. What if the woman with the issue let the crowd get in her way? She could have seen the crowd and went back home. Even as she pressed through the crowd, the negative words from the crowd could have even discouraged her to turn around. When will you get over people? Stop letting negative people around you cause you to turn away from Jesus.

No matter what the situation looked like, she continued to press through her emotions to get to Jesus. You see, she knew that no one could make her whole like Jesus. Oftentimes, we do the opposite. Instead of running to Jesus for healing, we run to everything and everyone else.

Are you releasing faith or emotions?

The differences between the two are pretty simple. When you release emotions, it usually stems from your mind. Releasing faith flows from both your heart and mind. However, the thread between the two is your actions. For example, you want God to heal you from your past broken relationships. But instead of truly turning to Jesus, you turn to that man you know is not good for you. Or perhaps, you turn to porn. So in actuality, you released an emotion of loneliness, instead of faith that God has a husband for you.

You know that you’ve released faith when your actions reflect the Word of God. Like the woman with the issue, our actions must line up with our faith.

Stop releasing emotions to God and release your faith. The woman with the issue could have seen Jesus and immediately released her emotions. “Hey Jesus, why did this have to happen to me?” “I thought you were God?” “Why am I being punished?” But instead she released her faith by taking a step closer to Jesus. “If I may but touch His garment, I shall be whole” (Matthew 9:21), she said. Take that first step of faith toward Him. He’s waiting for you to move.

It takes our radical movements of faith to receive radical healing from God.

Today, release your faith and receive the healing God has for you. Releasing emotions only lead to more brokenness. God wants to make you whole. All He desires from you is your faith. Run to Him. Crawl. Do whatever you need to do to get to Jesus. Every day, let your actions of faith reflect the Word of God. Ask the Holy Spirit daily, to give you strength to conquer your emotions.

Identify the emotions that block your healing. Is it fear? Loneliness? Insecurity? Doubt? Right now, wherever you are, release your faith.

Instead of… “I can’t do this because I’m afraid.” Move… “I can do all things with Christ” (Philippians 4:13).

Instead of… “I doubt that will work out for me.” Move… “God, You make all things work together for my good” (Romans 8:28).

Get the idea?

Beloved, Jesus is the ONLY one who can make you whole. All you need is one touch from Him. Jesus is waiting to say to you, “Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole” (Matthew 9:22 KJV).

Will you move?

by Kieya Hudson

Beauty Food: Carrot-Apple Juice

By Kieya Hudson

Looking for an all natural beauty treatment that’s easy and inexpensive?Carrot-apple juice is great for your skin, hair, and nails. It is also recommended for prenatal health and reduces the risk of skin and breast cancer. The beta carotene in the juice is loaded with various vitamins and minerals that are great for your overall health. Together, both the carrots and the apples provide an excellent amount of Vitamin A and C. The calcium is also great for your bones and teeth. To top it all off, the natural vitamins and minerals in the juice boosts your energy—Say goodbye to Red-bull!

Personally, I drink about 8oz to 16 oz a day. It works amazing! After the first week of drinking it, I noticed my hair was thicker and healthier, my nails were stronger, and my skin had a natural glow. I also have more energy after drinking the juice. I definitely recommend this to anyone struggling with acne and/or acne scars as well. The beta carotene in the carrots fights off acne, giving you clearer skin with a fresh glow.

Within ONE week, you will notice a difference in your skin, hair, and nails. Take this WHOLE beauty challenge. 

DIY What you’ll need for 8oz of Carrot-Apple Juice:

-A juicer

-1 Apple

-3-5 Carrots

You simply juice the apple and the carrots with your juicer. You can use more carrots or apples if you would like a larger serving. Choose any apple that you like (Granny smith, Fuji, McIntosh etc…). For more information on juicers log on to

Will you take the one week challenge?

Feel free to share your results.


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