Why You Should Be Fasting

By Johnnesha Parker

If there’s one thing that people get emotional about, it’s their food.  It comforts us, feeds our souls, and nourishes our bodies.  We even have a holiday almost completely dedicated to food…Thanksgiving anyone?  The Bible assures us that God created a wide variety of plants and animals for us to eat and enjoy, but there are also times when we need to NOT eat.  Sometimes we need to give our bodies a break from all the indulgence and fast.

Fasting is a discipline that many often overlook, but it is an important part of a believer’s journey.  There are three things required of Christ’s followers: giving, praying, and fasting. 

A three-fold cord is not quickly broken.” Eccl. 4:12

Doing all three acts gives you unparalleled strength in God.  Christ himself did all three during His time on Earth, so what better example do we need?  Growing up, I was always taught the importance of giving tithes and offering, so that I would not “rob God” of what was already His.   “If God has blessed you to be able to give, then you should give to those that don’t have,” my dad would tell me.  “Share your blessing and God will bless you with more.”  My sister and I were encouraged to say our prayers in the morning, before meals, and at night before bed.  I’ve seen and heard my dad on his knees in prayer more times than I can count.  But in all those years growing up, I never once saw or heard of my parents fasting…or anyone that I personally knew fasting for that matter.  Once I grew older and started to learn more about Christ for myself, I realized that I had been neglecting an important responsibility of every Christian:  fasting.

Simply put, fasting is the act of going without food and drink for a spiritual purpose.  It is a normal part of a relationship with God…completely normal.  Fasting is not a diet, and it is not something that only extreme Christians do.  Whether you fast from all food and drink, choose a “Daniel” fast of fruits, grains, and vegetables, fast for one day or forty days, if the sacrifice does not mean anything to you, it will not mean anything to God.  There are obvious physical benefits to fasting: it gives your digestive system a break, flushes toxins from the body, allows your body time to recover and heal itself, and there is usually a fair amount of weight loss involved.  Biblical fasting is so much more that just the physical benefits!

Biblical fasting involves focusing less on what your body wants and needs and focusing more on feeding your spirit!  Let’s be honest, we spend a whole lot of time feeding our mouths, but the spirit can sometimes live off of a weekly meal of Sunday’s sermon, with the possibility of a light snack of Wednesday night bible study.  Some of us feed our spirit a daily meal, and then let it starve for the rest of the day.  During a fast, your body gets its turn at going hungry while your spirit grazes on the Word all day long.

What are the spiritual benefits? Fasting will keep you sensitive to the Holy Spirit and make it possible for the Lord to give you fresh purpose, revelation, and direction.  Fasting prepares you for a whole new anointing from God…it’s a way of cleaning house in order for God to move in a new way in your life.

The best time to fast is:

- when you desire a closer relationship with Christ

- when you need his direction in your life

- when you want to walk in His will and not your own

- when you need to hear, feel, or see God working in your life. 

“Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” Rom. 12:1

Fasting is how you can present your body as a living sacrifice that God will honor.  He can work miracles and bring deliverance when we give God the room to operate in our lives.  If you have not fasted before, you are missing out on a whole other level of relationship with Christ.  Take some time to examine the stories of Moses, Joshua, Esther, Jehoshaphat, Nehemiah, or Jesus Christ and how fasting operated in their lives.  Are you ready to go deeper with God?

Photo Credit: A Well Traveled Woman

When Your Pain Comes From Someone Else's Sin

Guest Post by Kacie Lynn

I didn’t grow up aware of the worth of my body.

When I was 8 I was at a sleepover and my friend’s father, whom I’d never met before, molested me.

I went home the next day and tried to tell my family what had happened but I didn't have an adequate vocabulary or even a category in my little-girl mind for molestation, and failed miserably to communicate what he’d done.
"Out of that inability to share or even understand, a subliminal lie disguised as fact took root in my mind: my body doesn't matter. What I do with it, what I put in it, what I use it for, whom I give it to – none of matters – to anyone."
Physical intimacy was nothing to me other than a venue for attention, and quickly through my later teens, I learned that it was the fastest way to gain affection. I gave my body away time and time again, actively hunting for approval and validation – to feel known – to feel seen – to feel protected.

"And then when I was 19 I was raped, and for the first time in eleven years, I had a striking thought: what he did to my body was wrong."

I’m not sure which “he” was I even thinking about then, but I hated how it felt to acknowledge that I had been wronged.

I quickly squished the strange sad feelings telling me I had something to be angry about – clinging hard to that thing I’d seemingly always known:my body doesn’t matter – but I couldn’t shake the feeling that it might be okay to not be okay.

I fought against being “not okay” for over two years before one day, flipping through radio stations, I caught one sentence from a pastor’s sermon that changed my life:

“The majority of the pain you feel in this life will be a direct result of the sinfulness of someone else.”

In 2 Samuel 16, King David is running away from his adversaries and leaves ten women (servants/escorts – not prostitutes, just women who live in and take care of his home) to keep things in order.

Absolom (David’s son), seeking to shame his father, takes all ten women left in the house to the roof – the very tallest point in the city – and rapes them all, publically.

I’m positive that the sermon I was listening to was actually about David’s life, but all I heard was ten women were raped before most of the psalms were even written.

And I let myself get angry – really angry – for the first time.

Rape is violent. It’s dirty, it’s isolating, and it feels like part of you that can never come back to life is dying. It makes you feel hated and forgotten and unworthy.

And, apparently, it’s not new.

I realized then that I had hidden those aching parts of my heart and my mind behind the lie that it didn’t matter for years – but I was feeling it then in all of it’s raw, pervasive, intolerable heaviness.

Sitting alone I screamed at the Lord, “Where were you? Those women were your daughters! They were obedient and brave! They didn’t do anything wrong, why would you let that happen?”

And I heard this:

“I was laying beside them. I was wrapped around them. I was crying with them.

The results of sin do not only hurt my children – the wages of sin is death! Remember who died?

I have felt the ultimate betrayal. When my daughters experienced how hated sin can make one feel, I was right there with them feeling it, too. I was with them. I was with you, too.”

That was almost two years ago, but the Lord’s gentle words to me are just now clarifying more – “I have felt the ultimate betrayal” – Jesus didn’t just feel betrayed by Judas or by the Jews or by the Romans.

He cried out on the cross, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” (Mark 15:34)

My God, My God – My Father – Why have you forsaken me?

"Jesus didn’t utter those words because He thought they’d sound good in a book – He had the most authentic relationship with God of all time and was honestly asking why He didn’t feel God with Him."

Jesus died so we wouldn’t have to know the absence of God – but He has experienced what it is to feel like God is absent.

The Truth is, though, that God is never absent from us. His Word says clearly that He is never far from each one of us (Acts 17:20).

Our good God – the Creator – made us in His image and likeness, giving us the ability and desire to create, but He also gave freedom to choose Him or not.

And mankind is a singular noun – we’re connected, one body. Our choices affect others infinitely beyond what we perceive.

When a creative being chooses against God, that choice doesn’t strip said being of his or her creative nature or ability to create – but when we choose against God, we begin to create the opposite of God: we create the opposite of good, the opposite of love.

Jesus has experienced the depth of those things, though, and He’s with us.

And sometimes we just have to know that’s true because God says it is – even if we don’t feel that way – because that’s what faith is: the substance of hope, proof of things not yet seen (Hebrews 11:1) – and faith as small as a mustard seed (which is tiny) can move mountains (Luke 17:6).

You may not even see your mountain anymore. I didn’t. My mountain was “shame, anger, and fear” on one side, “victim, rejected, and worthless” on the other, and I was numb to it – but all it took was a tiny bit of faith that God is who He says He is to move that mountain so that I could see the Truth – and I’m free. I’m not angry, I’m not a victim, and I’m not worthless – I am, in fact, absolutely worthy.

Photo Credit: A Well Traveled Woman

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Kacie is 23 years old, a follower of Jesus Christ, a missionary, a foodie, a dreamer, a world-traveler, a storyteller. Kacie wants to see the sons and daughters of God absolutely liberated by the unconditional, unprejudiced, uncontainable, unrelenting blood of Jesus Christ. Follow her on Twitterand on Facebook!

This post was also featured on the Good Women Project.

Discerning Your Season

I believe now more than ever that we must have an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying and develop a solid relationship with the Him. For everything is vanishing except God’s word. We see people who are here today and gone tomorrow. We experience people who walk closely with us, but suddenly turn their backs on us. We see mothers against daughters, and sons against their fathers; just complete chaos in families. But God is one who sticks closer than any brother. He doesn’t choose us today then cast us away the next. God is the same today, tomorrow and forever.

"God is one who sticks closer than any brother. He doesn’t choose us today then cast us away the next."
God is calling His house back in order. This is the season in which those who are of the world all hell appears to be breaking loose, but for those of us that belong to Him, those that obey Him, those of us who have accepted Him as our Lord and personal Savior don’t have to worry. For God is our keeper, He is our refuge and strength. In Him we can rely on. No longer do we depend on our jobs for they are only our resource but God is our source!

"God is calling His house back in order."

Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us, ‘to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven’. I stand to declare that now is the time to discern the season we are in and to submit to the will of God for our lives. No longer doing what we want, saying what we want and living how we want. But we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God. No more cussing folks out just because you feel like it, for there are consequences when we disobey God.

"..Now is the time to discern the season we are in and to submit to the will of God for our lives."
So shift with God, release all hurt, all pain from your past; no longer ponder on those that hurt you, but forgive them and live a life of liberty in Jesus. Un-forgiveness will keep you bound and draws a wall of separation with you and God. Release people and let them go! This is a season of favored blessings and you don’t want to miss God as He makes His rounds. Position yourself to hear from Him daily & remember now is the time to. . .


Book Review: Grace by Max Lucado

By Kris Bush

Grace.  Five letters packed with power. ALL of us need grace. Yet the question that many of us seem to need to fathom is what does grace look like? Where does it come from? Grace is when you need to make enough money to pay your bills but God sends overflow and it culminates in you being able to satisfy a few wants! You can’t give grace until you’ve been given grace. Grace comes directly from God.

This is what Max Lucado addresses in his bestselling book ‘Grace’. It’s something we need, that we don’t deserve and no matter how much we try to imagine it, it is way more than our minds can visualize. 

“More than we deserve…Greater than we Imagine…this is Grace."  -Max Lucado

 Not only does Max explain grace in terms of the bible, he relays people’s story of grace, of times when God extended not just mercy but HIS grace to them. Mercy would have forgiven the prodigal son, but grace threw him a party and decked him out in new threads.

In my life, I have seen grace so many times. Mercy kept me from dying from an accident. Grace allowed me to bear children even though I was told I would never carry full term.

Max describes grace in action. Two different ways Grace acts. Grace can be saving. There is the grace that God extends to us when we repent. Then there is sustaining grace. Sustaining grace is the grace that gets through each day. As a mom, I need sustaining grace daily, it keeps me sane and replenishes my patience each morning.

I recommend that every believer read this book. Every person who has ever doubted their salvation ever doubted the grace extended to them and has ever had a hard time extending grace to others. This book will further confirm to you the grace God has extended to you, strengthen you to extend grace and remind you why it is important.
This book can be found for $14.88 on Amazon (Hardback) & for 14.99 on Christianbook.com.

Drama, Drama, Drama. . .

We all know that one person who is consumed with focusing on the negative. They are always bent on seeing the bad in situations or looking for the faults in others. Quite frankly, someone who is all drama.

We can’t expect to have happy beautiful lives if we are that person- always seeing the glass as half empty or presuming the bad in every situation or using people’s faults against them as a means of manipulation. For some this is a security blanket pointing out others faults in order to draw focus away from their own or draw attention to how good they are themselves. For some it is an issue or jealousy, but always, always it is a heart problem.

How do I know if I am that person? Let’s get honest with ourselves here:

Do I always seem to be focusing on the bad in a situation?

Do I twist a situation to make is seem worse than it really is?

Do I presume that others have evil motives when I really don’t know?

Do I use gossip or criticism to gain control of others?

Am I genuinely concerned about the people I focus on or am I looking for the latest gossip?

Do I point out others faults simply to draw attention to myself?
At times, we all have a natural tendency toward drama. If left unchecked, we could become this Debbie Downer that no one wants to be around. The key is really being honest with ourselves about our behavior, and really wanting to do what is right in the eyes of God.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8

If we really were to think on those things at all times, would we have time for gossip? Problems will arise. We are all humans, but if we are thinking on the things of God, it will be a whole lot easier to handle drama or gossip on a loving way and treat one another with grace.

Think about all the bad things God could say about us. He knows every bad thing we have ever done. He could certainly hold that against us if he wanted to.

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

I am not perfect, and neither are you, and it would do us a lot of good to remember that. God has given us amazing grace. That certainly doesn’t mean he turns his head away from our sin or that he allows us to get away with bad behavior. He dealt with our sin very severely in Christ on the cross. However, it does mean that all that he does in dealing with our sin as his children is to bring us back into his arms.

"Our grace for others is directly proportional to our understanding of the grace we have received from God."

When we hear a bit of gossip or a way in which someone else has stumbled, are we genuinely concerned with their relationship with God and doing what we can to bring them back to Jesus? Or are we concerned with having something to tell our friends or hold over someone else’s head? Will we use it as a source to draw attention to ourselves or to Jesus Christ?
Maybe you are thinking, “Yeah, I wish so-and-so would read this. They can’t seem to keep me out of their drama.” Well, just like they have to stop focusing on the negative in life, so do you. You have to stop focusing on them. Bottom line is that you can not control the actions of others. You can only control your own actions. 

Everyone is ultimately responsibly for their own stuff. 

 If you seem to be stuck in someone else’s dramatic episode all the time, pray for them, seek godly counsel about the situation, kindly speak to that person about what is going on, and if you can’t ever seem to stay out of their drama, stay away from them.

There is nothing more tiring than being the center of someone else’s gossip. But life is what you focus on. Start thinking about pure and lovely and true things, focus on your relationship with God and what he has called you to do. Focus on all the blessings God has given you. Focus on all the people you love and that genuinely love you. Stop feeding their addiction by allowing yourself to be affected by their sin.

"Stop watering the weeds in your life, and start watering the flowers."

If you discover that you are the source of drama or manipulation, big or small, ask God to forgive you, cleanse you, and remove it from your life. Ask Him to retrain your thought life, habits, and attitudes. Consider counseling with a godly accountability partner. Write down areas where you can improve your behavior in your relationships. No matter how enslaved to wrong behavior you may feel, God is bigger, His grace is greater, and He is always able and willing to give us more grace to help us become a radiant, shining example of His unending grace and beauty. Trust Him with your heart today and every day.

Lauren DeMoss is a 26 year old teacher at a Christian school in New England. Having grown up in a christian home, she knows the struggles of christian girls and the pull of the world on their hearts. By God’s grace, she also knows the peace and love of a life given completely to Jesus Christ. Through her writing, she desires to point people to Jesus, encourage, and inspire her generation and the next to be fully abandoned to their Savior. It is really all about Him. Check out her site at TheFulltimeGirl.Com.

Our Careers as Our Ministry

By Fadia Patterson

Ever found yourself idolizing someone you know or a celebrity so much so that you wanted to be just like them or have their life? As a young lady pursuing the next level in her broadcast journalism career; I just wanted to take a brief moment to talk about being a fanatic and how it diminishes our faith in God. As I work in the media I see all of the celebrities that are glorified and admired. We see them on reality TV, on magazine covers, on Facebook and other social media sites. Sometimes it's difficult to avoid these "celebrities" who are virtually modern day idols.

"No matter who we are or where we are we need to accept who we are and where we are because it has not taken God by surprise."

Ever since I was a little girl; there were many noble women that I looked up to including Oprah, Kathleen Battle, New York News Anchors; Roz Abrams and Sue Simmons.  These women have blazed amazing trails for women and minorities in Broadcasting. I was in love with the Oprah show; I wanted Kathleen Battle's voice and I wanted to anchor the nightly news like Roz and Sue!

We certainly live in a world that celebrates certain images rather than individual uniqueness.  It's very simple to go off on the tangent and idea that you need to live this person's life and achieve all of the things they have to be successful or happy. And of course, this is so not true!

"Although I admire Oprah, I do not ever wish to have her's or anyone's life because we all were blessed with our own portion."

No matter who we are or where we are we need to accept who we are and where we are  because it has not taken God by surprise. So many times, I hear people say that I wish I had this person's life or are wanting what they believe is making another person happy.  I'm certain that there were many little girls, such as myself who wanted to be the next Oprah; the next hottest star, or the next multi-billionaire. However, have they thought twice about all the trials that came before that celebrity's or entrepreneur's success? Not everything is as easy as it appears. Surely we see the glitz and glam of their celebrity; but not the prayers, tears and low moments.

". .We see the glitz and glam of their celebrity; but not the prayers, tears and low moments."

In my short time on this earth I've realized that you cannot live to be exactly like anyone other than you. You must allow yourself to be the person that Christ created you to be otherwise there is no need for your existence.  Do you realize that you are the apple of God's Eye? You are the head and not the tail. You were created for God's glory and he wants you to blaze a trail in his honor. I heard a Vlogger say it best; "God does not reheat blessings to serve you; he wants to give you something unique and fresh!" His word affirms that very notion;  Isaiah 43:19 says, "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

Indeed God is and will always do a new thing when it comes to all of the blessings in your life. We all have God-given gifts; but are unaware of how to use them. God has his idea for your life, relationships and career that far exceeds anything that you could ever imagine.  This includes our careers!  and our dreams! No matter what field we are in God is using it as our ministry to glorify God with the talents and abilities that he has given. That means that you don't have to be the next multimedia mogul, reality TV star or pop singer! We need not strive to achieve fame for ourselves.  I encourage you to think twice about who you are trying to please with such fame; God or man? God can catapult you to a status that exceeds your own expectations and it will be for his glory; not your own!

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men" -Colossians 3:23

It's natural to want to excel and move forward in our careers; but God will always look at your heart and motives. True promotion ultimately comes from God!  Give God the chance to shape you unique career or ministry! I remember instances where I knew in my mind and heart that I was qualified for a job; but could not get a break or an opportunity to advance. But, God had the final say ultimately; he  has opened many doors for my career that I could have not dreamed of. I have also reset my mind to work to bring him honor. I no longer look at the path another individual's career is going in or their successes because I'm a believer in God's greater plan for my life.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jer. 29:11

You were created by the almighty powerful God! He has a plan for your life and career.  Whatever it is that you do; do it unto God and watch him promote you every step of the way. It does no good to idolize the career, money, fame etc.  and idly worship the heavenly father who is worth far more than all of those worldly things. These worldly things will never bring the true eternal joy and peace that only God could give. They can all be gone in a moment! You can always position yourself to make a living to pay your life's expenses but, God has so much more in store and it is specifically for you. Use your life's work as your ministry to honor him.

Photo Credit: Crosswalk.com

Here Am I, Send Me!

By Christina Stolaas

"Somehow distancing myself from the facts allowed me to sleep with a freely and undisturbed conscience."

Last year I read the book Radical (David Platt) and it absolutely shook up my little comfortable world. I've never felt called to ministry or missions, and was previously fairly comfortable in the little Christian box I had myself tucked away in. Intentionally I had tried to shelter myself from the realities of poverty, sex trafficking, and other statistical tragedies that happen around the world. Somehow distancing myself from the facts allowed me to sleep with a freely and undisturbed conscience. Though I have known there are thousands of people groups who have never heard the gospel, not knowing their geographical locations always made the reality seem less real.

My husband traveled to Nicaragua on a missions trip last fall to an unreached people group. I was so proud of the work their team accomplished there, the willingness of their hearts to go (they traveled for 54 hours o get to the village!) and also excited to hear how God was working among the natives. Since Curtis got back from his trip I have been praying that God would break my heart for what breaks His and literally “call me to go.”

"I have been praying that God would break my heart for what breaks His and literally “call me to go.”"

During a morning devotional this past week I read about the call of Isaiah. I’m familiar with the story, but reading an excerpt by Oswald Chambers had me wanting to study it further. I am convinced it’s vital when we are seeking God’s direction (call) for our life and where He “wants us to be”  to understand what happened here.

In the beginning of chapter 6 Isaiah is having this incredible vision from God and actually seeing Him seated gloriously on His throne. Can you even imagine that?  He’s hearing the seraphim (similar to angels) cry out “Holy Holy Holy” and immediately realizes how sinful He is by comparison! In response Isaiah quickly cries out and confesses His unclean lips and the sinfulness of his people. The seraphim touches his lips to coal and declares his sins have been atoned for. (chapters 6:1-7)

Have you ever read a story in the bible and thought, I know what happens next? Then you re-read it and you realize it didn't go down exactly as you thought it had. I always thought essentially God told Isaiah directly to go and of course obediently he responded with the famous phrase, “Here am I! Send me!” I've always missed it.

In my Utmost for His Highest Chambers says, “God did not direct His call to Isaiah— Isaiah overheard God saying, “. . . who will go for Us?” The call of God is not just for a select few but for everyone. Whether I hear God’s call or not depends on the condition of my ears, and exactly what I hear depends upon my spiritual attitude.”
It was only once Isaiah had a clean heart before God that He could hear the call and respond with such eagerness and willingness. Isaiah’s response was a reflection of a heart that was so attuned to God (free from the incredible barrier of sin) that His only response was one of complete self abandonment and submission.
Whether I hear God’s call or not depends on the condition of my ears, and exactly what I hear depends upon my spiritual attitude.”
God is a gentleman. He doesn't call one with force, pleading, or manipulation. The call is for everyone, though few can hear it, and even fewer choose to respond to it.

As I ponder how and when God will have me go to Nicaragua this year my prayer is that I would quiet myself enough to listen to His call. My prayer is that I would not expect God to stop and say “Now, you go...” but would rather allow Him to mold my heart’s sensitivity into a servant who longs to serve wherever the needs are presented.

If you are seeking direction into which ministry opportunities to dive into in 2013 may I suggest the following thought?  Focus on maintaining a clean communication line between you and God (confess and ask forgiveness regularly) and then wait. Closely watch where there are needs around you and consider it’s quite possible that in those areas God is simply waiting for you to respond to the call of “who” with an eager,

“Here am I! Send me!”

Weekly Bite with Natalie

Guest Series by Natalie Borton

This is part of a series called Weekly Bite, featuring plant-based recipes I've cooked from around the web. Links will take you to the original recipe—all recipes without links are created by me and shared at the bottom of the post. Catch up on previous posts here.

Due to a packed week and travel plans this weekend, I didn't cook nearly as much as I did last week. However, I did manage to try two new recipes, as well as several delicious dishes in San Francisco, which I'll be sharing with you today (stay tuned for the Wanderlust guide to the city—it's coming soon!)

This was absolutely amazing! My friend Karen made this with corn and bell peppers added, and I think that would make this even better. I recommend topping it with Sriracha or chipotle hot sauce for an extra kick.

I forgot to add the ginger, and I didn’t have turmeric and cardamom on hand. It still came out great, but next time I’d try following the recipe exactly. I do recommend serving it in a bread bowl—it was delicious!

Vegan Pilgrim Sandwich // Ike's Place

Made with cranberry sauce, sriracha, vegan cheese and vegan turkey, this is far from a "whole foods" meal, but tastes a lot like Thanksgiving leftovers. I loved it!

Soy Matcha Green Tea Latte // Peet's Coffee & Tea

Simple and delicious, this new latte from Peet's warmed me up during the chilly San Francisco weekend. Made with just soy milk and matcha green tea powder (and sweetener, if you like), it's simple, nourishing and tasty.

Black Garlic & Miso Glazed Tempeh // Millennium Restaurant

Let's just say I didn't leave anything on my plate! Here's how the website describes this dish: kim chee fried Bhutanese red rice, snap peas & edamame, watercress-chrysanthemum green salad with yuzu-ginger vinaigrette, toasted peanuts, spicy pickled Thai chile & fuyu persimmon relish. Yum!

Vegan Rancheros // St. Francis Fountain

Before I was entirely vegan, Huevos Rancheros was one of my favorite breakfasts. I admit, I've missed it a little bit over the past year and a half, but this vegan version completely satisfied that craving. Once again, my plate was scraped clean by the end of the meal!

Since it looks like the Milk Free Mom website is under construction, I thought I'd share her chili recipe right here for anyone who wants to try it this week...

Vegan Quinoa & Sweet Potato Chili
Makes 6 hearty bowls of chili

29 oz can black beans, rinsed and drained
6 oz can tomato paste
32 oz vegetable stock
1 onion, chopped
5 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon cumin
1 teaspoon oregano
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 sweet potato, peeled and cut into bite sized chunks
1 cup dry quinoa
salt and pepper to taste
avocado, cilantro for garnish (optional)

Heat the oil in a large heavy soup pot over medium low heat. Add onions, and cook until soft and they start to turn brown (about 10 minutes). Add the garlic, and cook for about 2 minutes. Add the tomato paste, chili powder, cumin, and oregano and cook for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the beans, stock, and potatoes, and season with salt and pepper. Cook for about 5 minutes, then add the quinoa. Continue cooking for about 15 minutes – 30 minutes, stirring frequently, until quinoa and potatoes are cooked and the chili has thickened. Add a bit of water if the chili becomes too thick for your liking. Top with avocado and chopped cilantro.

What was the best thing you ate last week?

The Power In Waiting: The Importance of Loving You

By Carla Cannon

"Just because he is saved doesn't mean he is 'THE ONE'!"

Life as a single woman is not always easy. In my previous blog I shared with you,What to do Until Your Husband Finds You, in an effort to help you learn to enjoy where you are while you are on your way to where God is taking you. But this week I want to focus on you as a person, your individuality, your personal dreams, goals & aspirations. I want to talk with you about The Importance of Loving You. I’ve witnessed many women get married and lose their identity in their husband when God has a specific & unique purpose for them as well.

As single women we must understand a few things:

"A man does NOT complete you but he is to compliment you. . ."

  • A man does NOT complete you but he is to compliment you via every area of your life. I know Keyshia Cole came out with the song, “You Complete Me” & we recited it like it was the national anthem but according to God’s word that is inaccurate. We are complete (made whole) in Jesus. Our mate should compliment our destiny in the Lord. In comparison, we are to be a helpmeet unto him as well.
  • There is a such thing as two saved people being unequally yoked. Uh oh! I know I have lost you here, but let me help you. Just because he is saved doesn’t mean he is THE ONE. If his vision & purpose doesn’t compliment your vision & purpose then sweetie the two of you are unequally yoked. For so long the church has taught us that the true meaning of being unequally yoked was when one is saved and the other is unsaved. But I believe that the saints can be unequally yoked as well. Because if my goal is to travel around the world empowering people via Women of Standard Magazine, conferences, workshops & sharing my books but my husband is a SAVED man of God who happens to be well off financially and does not want his wife to work but only to assist him in ministry and have babies, then sweetie I would not be the one for him! Do you get what I’m saying? Allow no one to forfeit your purpose. No settling ladies!
  • A piece of a man is NOT better than no man at all. It saddens my heart how many women stay with men (whether dating or in a marriage) whom they know is cheating on them. You deserve better! The only person you should be coming second to is GOD! According to scripture you should not be coming second to his mama either! The word of God tells the husband to LEAVE his mother & father and CLEAVE to his wife!

"Save the skimpy clothing for the bedroom, for your husband!"

  • I know the world teaches us that the more we show and reveal the more likely we are to capture a man’s attention. In most cases this is true but remember you don’t want to capture just any man’s attention we want to attract the RIGHT man, the man of God whom is ordained to be our spouse. Now don’t get me wrong men are going to approach you but that’s where you will need discernment to know why he wants to be in your space. Ladies also let’s dress like ladies. Cover up your cleavage, get a longer skirt and loosen up your pants. Save the skimpy clothing for the bedroom, for your husband. I’m sure you heard the phrase, “Men want a woman in the street & a fre&% in the bed”! So let’s save something for the imagination. I believe we can be sexy without being provocative. F.Y.I. Ladies: True sexiness isn’t in what you wear anyway. True sexiness is found in how you carry yourself, how you dialogue, how you do what you do. Trust me on this one.
  • Stop seeking compliments from men. It amazes me how many women dress to be seen & gain the attention of other men. Learn to do what makes YOU happy. If you get a new dress and YOU love it, wear it proudly even if no one compliments you! If you decided to cut your hair and try a new look, be confident being you even if no one tells you how they love your new hair style!

"Real men are attracted to women who are confident, strong, independent, and know who they are."

  • Most importantly, learn to love YOU! Real men are attracted to women who are confident, strong, independent, and know who they are. Don’t be desperate and don’t do things to try to be seen. Now I am not saying act stuck up and as if you don’t need a man but what I am saying is be true to yourself and learn to see you the way God sees you.
  • If you seriously desire to be married, I recommend you not date loosely. What I mean by that is, don’t accept every invitation from a man whom you just may be physically attracted to. Possibly talk with him on the phone for a while before agreeing to go to dinner. One thing I know for sure is you can learn A LOT about an individual by listening to the words they speak.
  • Be a woman of integrity. Watch how you carry yourself. Don’t be out in public with one man this week and another the next. The Word of God informs us that we are not to allow our good to be evil spoken of so even if it is just a lunch date possibly take a girlfriend along with you just to ensure people are not getting the wrong perception of you.

"A good name is easy to ruin and a bad name is hard to recover."

Before God can send you a mate you must first come into knowledge and full understanding of who you really are in Him.


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