Tattoo It On Your Hand

We’ve all had seasons of life where it feels like we are being tested. Though mentally, physically, and spiritually drained an avalanche of trouble continues to freely fall. We say, “When it rains, it pours,” and brace ourselves the best we can and hope for an end.

Have you been there recently? I have. When circumstances get difficult it is tempting to take our eyes off Jesus and instead rely on logic, emotions, or even advice from friends. Often difficult situations scream at us and push us into an instant irrational panic mode. Though such a response is understandable, the truth is, God desires for us to stay level headed even when our world turns upside down.

As Christians we should find our security in God alone, for with God we can face any circumstance with the knowledge that: God is always working for our good (Romans 8:28), He will never leave us alone and will help us (Is 41:10) , He will direct and guide us. (Prov 3:6). God’s promises are true and the knowledge of them can provide comfort through the fiercest of storms. The problem is, if we do not hide God’s word in our heart through memorization, we often don’t have these words of comfort and wisdom when we need them most.

This last week I had a “moment.” Things were not going in my favor, and honestly, life just knocked the wind out of me. I have many verses memorized that I rely and bank on during these types of days, but I needed something prominent to remind me to keep an eternal perspective. So... I gave myself a hand tattoo that reflected what I needed my heart to so desperately remember.

“Make Jesus happy, everything else is TEMPORARY.”

My life situations were a mess, but in comparison to pursuing a right relationship with God, the messes were temporary. In the long run where I live, what’s in my bank account, who my friends are, what people think of me and what my job is-- do not matter. Even though all those things dominate the majority of my time right now-- they are temporary things. What matters most, in each and every situation is so ridiculously simple, yet, so terribly hard to zero in when temptations and distractions arise.

So, if you’re going through a season, let me encourage you to tattoo the truth on your hand. Remember, hardships will come, and eventually, they will pass. But, Jesus remains the same, today, yesterday and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Stay focused.

Christina Stolaas is a 30 year old who is addicted to Jesus, Coffee, and Running. She's a mom to four energetic kids who she adores, and wife to one wonderful husband of almost 10 years! Christina is a sunday school teacher to youth, is actively involved in womens ministry and uses her gift of writing wherever God opens the doors! She is passionate about seeing God redeem our mess into a message of hope to others.

The Fight of Faith

“And they came to Him and awoke Him, saying, ‘Master, Master, we are perishing!’ Then He arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water. And they ceased, and there was a calm. But He said to them, ‘Where is your faith?’” – Luke 8 v 24 - 25

The excerpt above is from a well-known story. Jesus and his disciples were on their way by boat to the country of the Gadarenes, when the Lord fell asleep. A violent windstorm arose, their lives quickly becoming in jeopardy. Rushing to the Master, the disciples awoke Jesus, pleading with Him to come to their aid. Jesus did just that, reprimanding them shortly thereafter for their lack of faith. This rebuke intrigues me, due to the fact that the disciples did exactly what believers are encouraged to do by pastors and preachers alike when a challenge strikes – run to Jesus. Running to Jesus is attractive, simply because it places responsibility for dealing with the challenge in His hands. We fall into the embrace of our Lord as a hapless man or maiden, pleading that He come to our aid. While it is important we submit our requests to Jesus and recognise Him as always being the ultimate source of our rescue, God requires more active involvement from His sons and daughters when it comes to delivering them from the storm.

You see, in the story above, Jesus expected His disciples to do what He had done! He required them to rebuke the wind and tumultuous waves. They had His name at their disposal, His example to follow. Had they risen up and told the waves “Be still in the name of the Lord!”, do you think the waves would have obeyed? Of course they would have! The power of the command lies in the name of Jesus, not the mouth professing the instruction. Dear friend, when we encounter a challenge, our God expects us to do likewise. Rise up and speak to that storm. Confess the word of God. Profess that no weapon formed against you and your family shall prosper (Is 54 v 17), that when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you (Is 43 v 2). Profess that a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you, that no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling (Ps 91 v 7, 10). “But can I still run to Jesus?” you may ask. By all means run to Him; run as a fighter, not a victim. While you are running, speak to that storm. When you find yourself in His arms, speak to that storm again and again, until it dissipates. Let Him be your comforter and encourager, but you His mighty warrior, enforcing the victory He died to give you on the cross of Calvary.

Dear friend, stand up today. Let our Lord declare, “How great is your faith!” rather than, “Where is your faith, dear one? Why did you doubt?”

Tamryn Klintworth is the founder of In His Name Ministries – – an evangelistic organization devoted to winning Africa and the world for Jesus, through the holding of mass crusades. A heavenly avalanche of salvation, healing and deliverance, follows the preaching of the Gospel. Tamryn also regularly ministers in churches and conferences, empowering believers for soul-winning. She resides in Cape Town, South Africa.

[photo: d2k6, Creative Commons]


Throughout life we are required to connect and work with other people for multiple reasons; family events, school assignments, jobs, organizations, you name it. It requires clear communication, consideration of others feelings, and most of all, respect. However, connecting with others can be a difficult task at times. Sometimes, things aren't clearly communicated and sometimes we just get on each other’s nerves! I have been experiencing this lately with some of my professional endeavors. I deal with a plethora of people depending on what I am working on and it is not always easy, but what I have learned to do is to ask God to show me how to deal with the situation. How does He want and need me to respond to certain situations that arise? Will I always get it right? Of course not, but I must make it a point to learn from my mistakes and apply it to the next situation.

“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25 NLT)

We must make it our duty to prevail when trouble arises in our relationships with one another. Whether those relationships are professional, personal, or romantic we have to encourage one another and remember the purpose at hand. When we are easily distracted by our feelings of frustration, irritability, and/or anger all we are allowing to happen is for us to get off track and lose sight of what God’s plan is. We are each other’s motivation and encouragement. We are all we have and need to build everlasting bonds with each other. We must remember that God has placed us in each other’s lives (make sure you confirm it by praying on it) and that we must reassure one another that we will overcome.

“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” (Proverbs 27:17 NLT)

Once we realize that everything that is happening around us has a larger purpose, we will become motivated to fall in line. We have to learn to work with each other and not against each other. When we sharpen each other with the things that God has already placed in us: wisdom, love, strength, humility, etc. we help to make His will come together. It will not always be easy, as we all have different cultures, upbringings, personalities, and even religions, but if we keep the end goal in mind and sharpen one another along the way connecting with one another will happen effortlessly.

So when we feel as though there is no point to certain relationships or that we may not be able to hang in there, know that if God brought the relationship before you, no matter the obstacle, we can prevail if we live in love and encourage one another.

Your values have the power to change lives.

Rochelle Burnley is a queen of all trades. She loves the Lord and desires to spread His love and light to everyone that she is blessed to touch. A producer by profession, she intends to use her gift of storytelling to spread the good news and to represent Christ. She is a chocolate connoisseur; as well as a lover of good movies, music, books, and food. She takes the phrase "shop until you drop" seriously.

[photo: wickenden, Creative Commons]

Sex Through the Eyes of a Virgin Christian Girl

SEX. one of the most talked about topics in our culture, yet the most perverted from the way God originally intended it to be. I feel very unqualified to talk about sex because as you have probably figured out from the title of this article, I have no experience in this area. However, God and I have had a few conversations about it. Since He made sex, who better to talk about it with? These are a few perspective changers on sex:

  1. God made sex: Think about that the next time you are in doubt of how creative, funny, and intricate God is.

  2. Sex is fun: In the Christian world, when I was growing up, the older generations’ strategy for trying to keep the teenagers abstinent was to make sex seem dirty and bad. This strategy backfired a lot when teenagers started having sex and discovered how fun it was; it was much harder to keep them away from doing it. While I would not know about how fun sex is, I have been blessed with Godly couples who have told me it is so worth the wait. Instead of viewing sex as this bad and dirty thing to avoid, I see it as a wonderful and fun gift God has created for me to enjoy in the season of marriage.

  3. Sex was made to be within the context of Marriage: Eccl. 3: 11 Says “He [God] has made everything beautiful in its time” Premarital sex will never be as fulfilling as sex within a marriage. 
    Sex within a marriage makes you feel safe because your spouse has chosen you over every other person in the world. No matter how much a guy tells you he loves you while dating/courting, if he has not paid the price called marriage, he does not deserve to know what your body looks like. Sex was made to be the final glue that bonds two people together, it was created to be a seal for people who have bonded spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually in marriage. It gets messy when you bond sexually with someone first and then try to figure out the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual connection.

    For my sisters who have already chosen to be sexually active, I do not want to bring condemnation, rather a challenge to choose purity. We worship a God who delights in restoring and if you decide to live a life of purity, He will empower and strengthen you to do it. You will be in a much better position to be an advocate of purity because you have been down both roads.

  4. Sex is all about serving: This would have to be the biggest shift from how our culture looks at sex to the way God sees sex. The act of having sex (or not having sex before marriage) is all about serving another person. For the unmarried Christian girl that is striving to save sex for her future husband, you are serving him in a beautiful way and showing him he can trust you after you are married. The fact that you waited for him means more than you will ever know. You are also serving our Lord Jesus Christ by honoring Him with your body. For the married Christian woman who chooses to have sex with her husband after a crazy busy day, you are serving him with your body in the most beautiful way. And as you serve him, you are also serving our Lord Jesus Christ.

How do you see sex through your eyes?

Salem Afangideh is a second year law student that moved from Nigeria, Africa to Alabama. Her passions include pursuing and being pursued by Jesus, fighting against human trafficking, bringing justice and compassion to wherever God leads her, speaking and writing to encourage others in their relationships with the LORD. When she is not too busy studying you can find her blogging at or on instagram @afro_princess.

[photo: JohnHope14, Creative Commons]

Seeing Him Through God's Eyes

I see a man who has broken my heart and hurt me deeply.
God sees the brokenness of a son in need of a Savior, a Redeemer, a Deliverer.

I see a man full of lust.
God sees a son living without the gift and satisfaction of true intimacy.

I see a man who is selfish and prideful. 
God sees a son who is fearful and insecure.

I see a man who betrayed and deceived me.
God sees a son who was deceived himself.

I see a man who will never change.
God sees a son full of destiny and influence; whose impact can change the lives of many.

I see a man lacking self control. 
God sees a son controlled by desires he is too shameful to speak of. 

I see a man who does not seem to hear the cries of my wounded heart.
God sees a son who hears the voice of the enemy tormenting him day and night.

I see a man who speaks lies in order to cover up what he does in darkness. 
God sees a son in need of TRUTH to uncover the lies and bring light to the darkness that surrounds him.

I see a man who is addicted to porn. 
God sees a son who is bound and held captive by the enemy.

I see a man whose heart seems cold and calloused.
God sees a son whose heart is full of emptiness and frustration.

I see a man who is angry and withdrawn. 
God sees a son whose heart needs peace.

I see a man who is hard to love. 
God sees a son whom He loves unconditionally.

Even though you may see your husband moving forward on his journey towards deliverance, sometimes it is difficult to see him as God sees him.  I can relate all too well.  We tend to see through eyes of the past. We see through distorted lenses.  We see through the pain, the tears, the memories.

On our own journey to healing and wholeness, God reveals to us over and over again how very precious we are to Him.  We realize our worth and value is not defined by our past, by other's opinions, or by our husband's addiction to porn.  As God speaks to our wounded hearts, we revel in the fact that we are His beloved daughters. We ponder over the scriptures that tell us what God says about us in order to bring truth to the lies we have believed.  These revelations are all so very needful and necessary in order to fulfill the destiny God has for us.  However, we must not stop there.  

Not only are we to see ourselves as God sees us but we are called to see our husbands as God sees them.

Just as our issues and our past does not define usour husband's battle with an addiction to pornography should not be what we allow to define them.

Herein lies the challenge.  I must see my husband for who he is and more importantly, WHOSE he is.  My husband is God's precious son.  The son whom He loves.  The son whom Jesus died for. The son whom He has called by name.  The son in whom He created with special unique talents and abilities.  The son whose future He has orchestrated with divine purpose and divine destiny. The son in whom He desires to work all things together for good (including his porn addiction).  The son in whom He equips to overcome every hindrance, every stronghold, and every temptation in order to be who God created him to be. The son in whom He has called to be my husband.

I must see through the eyes of Jesus in order to capture the beauty of His redemptive power. The truth is, my husband needs me to see him forwho he is in Christ, not as he was as an addict.

My husband needs to know the joy and peace of having a marriage without porn, as I do.  Unfortunately, I  hinder this from happening by seeing him as he was.  

The fact is, how we see our husbands influences how we treat them; how we see our husbands influences how they see themselves. 

As wives, we have the power to impact our husbands way beyond the here and now.  Just think about Eve.  Eve's influence upon Adam changed the destiny for all of us. We have a choice whether to influence them for good or for evil.  We are called to be suitable helpers in the lives of our husbands and to treat them with respect and honor.  Continuing to see them as addicts and treating them as such will not be helpful to them at all and will not cultivate the respect we are commanded to give. We may not feel like they are worthy of our respect, but God's commands are not based or ruled by our emotions. I have battled that one many times over and always end up with the same convictions.  God commands it, so I must do it. 

These things will not come easily. Seeing others, especially those who have hurt us, as Christ sees them won't happen by accident. It will be an intentional choice that will have to be made every day. 

Often, we want to hold on to old mind sets, fearing that we are only setting ourselves up for huge disappointment and more pain if we allow ourselves to think that good things could possibly be happening in our midst. This kind of thinking only keeps us in a bondage of our own.  

No matter what our future holds, can I tell you that obeying God will not bring you disappointment but only a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him? Dear sisters, isn't that what we long for? We are called to obey and leave the outcome to God. That's the life of peace we are called to.

As our husbands are making choices to become healthy and to be free from the past, may God help us wives to not be a hindrance to what God desires to do in them and in us.  Let us be thankful for what God is doing and for our husband's  committment to the difficult journey of healing and deliverance. As we lean upon God's strength may he empower us to surrender our old mind sets, our expectations, our selfishness, and see our husbands with our Father's eyes. 

What is God calling you to do?  Do you, like me,  need to let go of some old mind sets? I challenge you to be intentional about the lenses you are seeing your husband through. There is great things to see in the the man that stands before you.  Refocus and see him with a new perspective.  As you do, you will experience greater freedom, your husband will thrive, and your marriage will release a fragrance of God's grace and beauty like never before.  

2 Cor 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Isaiah 43:19
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?........

Ephesians 5:33
.......and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

Genesis 2:18
The Lord God said, ".....I will make him a helper, suitable for him."

Mindy D. Adams has been married to her high school sweetheart for 27 years, and blessed with five wonderful children. It is only by God's extravagant grace that they are still together. Her marriage has survived years of captivity and darkness that comes from an addiction to pornography. Her prayer is that God will use what she has been through to help and encourage others. You can read more about Mindy and her journey here.

This post was adapted from Mindy's blog Secure In Him.

[photo: johnhope14, Creative Commons]

Portion Control

Exactly How Much is Too Much?

I think a lot. More than I probably should. I say this because I am pretty sure that one thought leads to another, and then another, and before I know it I am either worried, anxious, overwhelmed, confused, sad, stressed, or tired. Get the picture? This has led me to developing a serious habit of creating lists. It’s the one way that I can clear up some of the space in my head. Most of them are “to-do” lists, but the best is my prayer list. This list is the best for me because it allows God to do what I can’t do. When I create a to-do list, it allows me to deal with things on the surface. If I complete the task, it gets checked off. If not, it stays there until I complete it. My prayer list does not operate in the same way. It’s very much internal and deals with things that I wouldn't even begin to know how to tackle.

“Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for you.” (Psalm 9:10 NLT)

As Christians, we have to find ways that work best for us when it comes to seeking God. Mine happens to be lists. I use them to write down the things that I know that only He can handle and things that I need His approval on. Once written, I pray about them. Find what works for you and make sure that it’s something that continuously draws you closer to Him. Trust God and know your portion. As humans, we try to do everything on our own and we don’t leave enough room for God to do His part. We have to understand that it is both necessary and okay for us to surrender.

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” (Matthew 6:33 NLT)

When we make it our priority to seek God in everything that we do and to consult with Him about our purpose, He will provide us with everything that we need. He not only gives us answers, but when we seek Him, live in harmony, and push ourselves toward His will over our lives, He goes above and beyond when it comes to making provisions. God will always supply your needs in abundance. It’s just who He is. Include Him on purpose. Know that this assignment called life cannot be done without Him and that when we are busy thinking of all that we have to do, remember to give God what belongs to Him.

One of the most important things we can do in life is to let God be who He is and to serve within our means. Don’t overstep your boundaries. Allow Him to take care of what seems like an overflowing list of tasks and watch Him perform miracles!

Rochelle Burnley is a queen of all trades. She loves the Lord and desires to spread His love and light to everyone that she is blessed to touch. A producer by profession, she intends to use her gift of storytelling to spread the good news and to represent Christ. A proud Baltimore native, Rochelle leaves trails of purple along her life's journey. She is a chocolate connoisseur; as well as a lover of good movies, music, books, and food. She takes the phrase "shop until you drop" seriously.

[photo: Luis Hernandez, Creative Commons]

Know My Heart

I’m not perfect.

I make mistakes on a daily basis.

I am my worst critic.

I set higher expectations for myself than I do for others.

I shake my head at myself constantly.

I tell myself to do something…and I don’t.

I tell myself not to do something…and I do it.

I fail.

I mess up.

I fall short.

I am not perfect.

But God doesn’t expect me to be. Many people use the adage, “God knows my heart” as a reason as to why we did or did not do something. But it is far from an excuse; He does know our heart. And because He knows our heart, he doesn’t expect us to be perfect. He expects us to need Him.

Unfortunately, a need for God comes hand-in-hand with something many of us tend to shy away from.


Transparency is one of those things we desire from others, but we often have a hard time giving of ourselves.

Recently I was watching a show about a woman, who had committed a crime over 10 years ago, but somehow the truth came to the light and she ended up in prison. She was working in the prison one day and a young female guard came over to her and said, "You know, we're not that different; you and I. I made bad decisions...I got myself into some pretty sticky situations. The only reason I'm not in the same uniform as you is that I didn't get caught. But we're really not that different."

As the guard was saying all of this, the camera panned to the inmate's face. Tears began to form in her eyes and she let out a quiet, "Thank you for saying that." In the midst of such a hectic and chaotic environment, here these two women were having such a beautiful and tender moment. Two women whom, society as well as their current circumstances and locale would debate as being very different from each other were having an amazing connection. Why? Because one dared to be honest and transparent.

Imagine what could happen if you allowed yourself to be transparent. Transparency is defined as operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are being performed. It involves honesty, communication, openness and accountability.

But before we can even begin to be transparent with others…dare I say, before we can even begin to be transparent before God we have to become transparent with ourselves.

As women, we have been taught to cover our scars, fight back tears and suppress emotions that might be deemed weak or could be used against us. But, sister…transparency is beautiful. It indicates that you have come to terms with your faults and shortcomings and even more, you recognize and accept your desperate need for Jesus.

Be honest with yourself.

Recognize how imperfect you are…and how perfect He is.

Recognize your inability to live up to your own standards…and His ability to far exceed even your wildest expectations.

Recognize that while you’re so busy shaking your head at yourself, you should be nodding your head at God. Indicating a ‘yes’. Indicating your need for Him, your desire for Him, and your hunger for Him.

“Search me, o God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.” Psalm 139:23

Danielle Erwin is a writer, speaker, sister, daughter, servant and friend, operating daily by the saying, "find a hole and fill it." With a heart for women of all ages, Danielle uses the God-given ministry Pursued to encourage women to live lives that are reflective of the one, true God. Her writings are filled with transparency and authenticity in an effort to inspire change and healing in the lives of others. You can connect with Danielle at or on twitter at @Elle_OVE.

[photo: Angelo Gonzalez, Creative Commons]

Tick Tock Goes The Clock

I have always had the issue of procrastination. I tend to wait until the last minute to do things and have often used the age-old excuse of “working better under pressure” to continue with my bad habit. The truth is that working better under pressure is a lie and actually an unhealthy way to live. Who wants to rush to get things done? Even if they still turn out well, the point in doing them early is that you receive the gift of enjoying the process.

What I am learning through this evaluation of myself is how important time management is. I have known this for some time and when truly necessary, I prioritize well and make the best of my time. Unfortunately, this isn't the case all of the time.

God yearns for us to be better stewards over our time. When He places us here on earth, it is to fulfill our purpose within His will, but it all must be done within a certain time frame. We do not know when our time is up, so it is extremely important that we make the most of each and every moment that we are blessed with.

Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.” (Psalm 39:4-5 NLT)

If procrastination, laziness, and/or fear are strongholds that you are dealing with, take them before God. Place them at the feet of Christ and ask that you be set free in His name. We have to focus on the assignment that has been placed in front of us, but we must also keep our eye on the clock. Time is truly of the essence and if we are not cognizant, we may miss our chance to fulfill our destiny.

“So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.” (Ephesians 5:15-16 NLT)

Take back your time and use it to glorify God in all that you do. Don’t allow excuses and lies to take place in your life. Pray off the strongholds and honor the Lord with time management. The greatest way to show someone that you appreciate them is to honor their time. It is the most precious thing that we have because it cannot be replaced.

Live the life that He has called you to live, but don’t forget that with each tick on the clock, we have less time to get it done.

Rochelle Burnley is a queen of all trades. She loves the Lord and desires to spread His love and light to everyone that she is blessed to touch. A producer by profession, she intends to use her gift of storytelling to spread the good news and to represent Christ. A proud Baltimore native, Rochelle leaves trails of purple along her life's journey. She is a chocolate connoisseur; as well as a lover of good movies, music, books, and food. She takes the phrase "shop until you drop" seriously. She holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism and Communications from Hampton University and is currently enrolled in The New School for an M.S. in Media Management.

[Photo : Dalton Runberg Creative Commons]

Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness

Is your spirit unclean and are you worn down by sin? Let God cleanse you!

Every night before I go to bed, I reluctantly truck my way into the bathroom and prepare for what seems as if it will be the biggest task…washing off my makeup. No matter how tired I am, I do it because I know that without doing it; I place my skin in a very jeopardizing situation. I remove my eye makeup, wet my face, lather and turn on my facial cleansing brush, rinse, and pat dry. Once I am finished that, I double check for any extra makeup that I may have missed. I then go over my face with a cotton ball dipped in an astringent and then I finally moisturize. Ultimately, what once seemed so dreadful to me turns into the most refreshing part of my night. This process reminds me very much of the one that we go through in order for God to wash us of our sins.

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”  (1 John 1:7 ESV)

We must be willing to allow God to cleanse us of all of the dirt, guilt, filth, and shame that comes with being a sinner. Receive the conviction, not the condemnation. Should we feel bad when we sin and turn against God? Yes! Should we believe that our weaknesses and struggles will result in a distant God and unforgiveness toward us? Absolutely not! If we allow God the chance to purify us and to get to the root of the issues in our lives, He can prevent us from placing ourselves in even more jeopardizing situations. We have to walk in the light of Christ and let God in! He will cleanse us, cover us more than once, and polish us up to make sure that we feel refreshed and touched by Him. He is the answer!

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9 ESV)

All we have to do is open our mouths to Him and repent. Let God know that what we seek is His forgiveness and that we need Him to cleanse us. We need a cleansing that only He can offer. When we ask God to cleanse us, He will transform our minds, mold our hearts, and shape our will to look like His. His internal cleansing will then overflow to the external and our light will begin to shine!

We have to remember that even though it may seem dreadful at first, allowing God to cleanse us will lead us to be restored, renewed, and more importantly, refreshed. Don’t dwell in your filth, go to God and let Him cleanse you today!

Rochelle Burnley is a queen of all trades. She loves the Lord and desires to spread His love and light to everyone that she is blessed to touch. A producer by profession, she intends to use her gift of storytelling to spread the good news and to represent Christ. A proud Baltimore native, Rochelle leaves trails of purple along her life's journey. She is a chocolate connoisseur; as well as a lover of good movies, music, books, and food. She takes the phrase "shop until you drop" seriously. She holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism and Communications from Hampton University and is currently enrolled in The New School for an M.S. in Media Management.

[Photo: Brennen Creative Commons]

When You Need a Miracle - Part 2

I have become aware that when God moves in our lives and rains down gifts upon us, we may be too quick to take stock of what has been delivered. Maybe, just maybe there is more to the gift than we first noticed.

For instance, my “money from nowhere” gift. If you have not read about it yet, look below to the precious writing. It was not until the next day, as I sat pondering and relishing his gift of money to us that I finally got the bigger blessing. For eight long years our life has been 'hurry up and wait'. We wait for the next doctor appt. we wait for the next court date. We wait for the next report to be in. We wait for an emergency court hearing that is 3 months out. Wait. Wait. Wait. Days turn into weeks, which turn into months and then years. 

I feel a real connection in some ways with the children of Israel who were delivered from slavery. How they rejoiced when Moses led them out of Egypt. How they rejoiced when they crossed the Red Sea and watched as God released the sea and swallowed up their enemies. They thought they were being led into the Promised Land. After all, that is what God had said. Problem is, God did not say how FAST he would deliver them there. Like us --- Israel's days turned into weeks, turned into months, turned into years. Do you see the correlation?

It would be so easy to begin to grumble, to begin to doubt God. To turn your back on God and say, “Forget this!” I bet I can come up with a better plan than this! Time and again God's children lost their faith in their God even though they could see the evidence of his powerful presence, and they failed to follow his directions. And because of that...they lingered long in the desert.

So fast-forward a few thousand years to my life. The day after God delivered “money from nowhere” I sat savoring the gift when it hit me. I had moaned in my agony for months.... "God, God, end this! Why must we wait for this to end? God I cannot do it anymore. I cannot wait any longer. I know I must trust you and I want to but you are God! You are the great I AM. You can do anything!"

On that precious day, God interrupts my travailing...and strikes up a conversation with me. “I've brought money from nowhere before. I can do it again.” And not two hours later there it was. Do you see the details of the gift just for me? God said it. He did it. No waiting! God said it. He did it. No waiting!

It was as though Abba Father said, “See daughter! I haven’t changed. My power is still in tact! I know the journey's been hard. We're almost there! Trust me. Hang on. We can do this!”

What a boost! What refreshment for my soul! I can so understand the joy God’s people felt when God, yet again, delivered them from thirst, hunger, fear or agony!

Suddenly, I was filled with new strength and a second wind. It reminded me of Gods word that says.... Isaiah 40: 31 – But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings of eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. 

If you are walking through a dire season or God has been leading you through a desert, trust Him. Remember that God is able to do abundantly more than you or I can believe. He is the great I Am who moves quickly in the whirlwind. He is our Abba Father who sees it fitting to take his time. He is Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides. He is Jehovah Ro'i, the

Lord who is your shepherd. He is Jehovah Shalom, God who is your peace.

He sees. He hears. He knows.

Dori Cass is a wife of 29 years and mom to two adult children. She has spent her adult life active in Womens, Children's and Youth ministry. One of her favorite ministries has been the ongoing shepherding and mentoring of a group of almost 30 yr old women who were part of her girl's group 15 years ago. Join Dori as she draws from her pool of experiences as she testifies to what God has done and is still doing. You can find her blog at

[photo: Martinak15, Creative Commons]

Expensive Mistake


Such an expensive mistake.  I pored over the settlement statement with my seller seeking to determine the source of error until I realized that it was my own.   I had left off a critical figure in my preliminary calculations and as a result he wound up needing to bring a whole lot more money to closing than we were prepared for. 

$982.79 more…

I immediately felt compelled to shift the blame.  I did not want to be held accountable for such an outstanding amount of money…such a glaring oversight…such an expensive mistake.

But, I knew I had to own it.  I couldn’t beat my seller over the head for his part in this dilemma.  He sought my expertise and I should have been far more thorough in my calculations.  So, the next day I took it to my boss, explained what had happened, acknowledged my role, expressed the lesson learned, and waited to hear that this hefty sum of money would be deducted from my commission but, it didn’t happen because to her it wasn’t about the money.  It was about the lesson.  Lesson Learned.

Expensive mistakes come at the most crucial time.  But, that in itself is a test.  Are you going to hold your peace?  Are you going to trust God?  No one wants to make mistakes, but they are inevitable.  So, instead of viewing them as stumbling blocks recognize the potential they have to serve as building blocks.  

When you refuse to shift the blame and acknowledge your role you gain the power to fix the issue (with the help of His Spirit).  But, if you choose to assign the blame to other people you miss out on the valuable lesson that God is seeking to show you and the ability to rise up even better than you were before.  Show Him that you’ve learned through owning your mistake and He may keep the natural consequence of your mistake from touching you (like He did me in this case).  But, even if He does allow those natural consequences to touch you trust Him to give you the strength to endure.

Some days I wish we could start with the lesson and end with the test, but most days the test comes before we recognize there’s even a lesson being delivered.  Sometimes when it hurts the most we learn the most.  When we have to bear the cost of an expensive mistake it changes the way we do things.  We remember…we do better…we become better. 

My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.Psalm 119:71 (NLT)

I’ll never forget my expensive mistake, but I won’t “live” there.  I won’t approach sellers in fear that I’m going to do something wrong.  I choose empowerment.  I know more than I did a few days ago and as I result I can better serve my clients.

So, today refuse to stay in that place of defeat.  God brought that challenge so you could learn something…so learn.  Take what you can get from the situation and do better.  Mistakes WILL happen.  So, instead of allowing that expensive mistake to defeat you allow it to empower you.  Now you are far more knowledgeable than you were when you started.  You’ve learned.  Shake it off.  Do better.

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God.  Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ.  She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology.  Her motto is:  "Be Authentic.  Live Honestly.  Dispel Light." 

[Photo: Lotzmana Creative Commons]


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