I subscribed to an email based Christian devotional. After receiving them for three days I felt God say, “You can do it.”
That day as I was driving to pick up my son, Aiden, from his Pre-K class I toyed with the idea of writing, but I wasn’t really convinced that I could do it. I did not feel like I knew enough about God, the Bible, or writing. I write exactly like I talk so I’m still learning the mechanics of writing and I have a long way to go. However, God encouraged me not worry and prompted me to focus on just sharing “My Truth.”
So, May 16, 2012, I wrote my first email devotional and shared “My Truth.” Since then each day I write a devotional I seek to share the truth surrounding my journey with Christ. I went from sharing with a few friends and family to contributing to a devotional column for WHOLE Magazine.
Too often we wait for ideal circumstances to arise before we take our next step in purpose. We shrink in fear at the prospect of failing or falling short of meeting expectations. While the desire may be there we fall prey to the notion that we’re somehow inadequate or incapable of fulfilling the purpose God has set on our heart.
We must stop bringing meaningless and half-hearted offerings and do the things God is calling us to do. In many, cases God is able to use us in the areas we’re weak, strengthen us within our strengths, and develop us in new areas of purpose…if we allow Him to. While it requires some degree of transparency, vulnerability, and risk of failure we must trust God to fill us up once we’ve emptied ourselves for the benefit of another.
So, today when God tells you, “You can do it” trust Him and take a step in purpose. Maintain a sense of urgency. Flush out the negative people and thoughts that discourage you. Remain available and allow God to dictate how He wants to use you. God will present opportunities to nurture and hone your talents. God won’t do our part. We must exercise our free will and choose to commit to being used by God. You are approved and chosen. Trust God to guide you into your specific purpose and play your part. You can do it.
“For if the willingness is there the gift is acceptable according to what one has; not according to what he does not have.” -2 Corinthians 8:12