Once I received the notice that Circuit City was closing the ensuing days of employment were hectic. Everything was reduced yet NOTHING registered in the computer so we had to manually configure all the deductions. Absolute Chaos! The lines were to the back of the store, massive amounts of people, and everyone hungry for the best possible deal. It probably didn't register to the customers that those great deals also equated to a number of job losses so the overall disposition within in our store was indifference. However, I loved working in customer service. So, up until the end…I served. My line could be packed, but if saw a better deal for you I would run to go grab it for you. During the final weeks as I stepped away from my register to show a customer the benefits of one printer over another I happened to catch the eye of a lady in my line. She was impressed by my attitude and willingness to serve.
The lady in my line belonged to a local real estate team. She handed me her business card and suggested I come to interview for the “Closing Coordinator” position. I was excited until I went home and researched—“Closing Coordinator.” I knew nothing about real estate. I had never owned a home, had no business knowledge and it just seemed a bit of stretch for a 20 year old single mom. I didn't give it a second thought, but a few weeks later as the reality of unemployment neared while bills remained left to fulfill I knew I would need to make some moves.
I spent the day interviewing and dropping off resumes. The real estate office was my final stop. No one was there when I arrived. After sitting in the parking lot for 15 minutes I sought to leave just as the lady I saw initially in my store arrived back to the office. She regretfully told me that they had filled that position, but that she would take my resume. I went home and I remember sitting in front of my laptop crying.
The next day I received a phone call from the real estate company saying that the lady who was supposed to start that same day had called and said she couldn’t take the position. They wanted to know if I would interview. So, I came in and sat down at an intimidating conference table as three team members grilled me. I’m sensitive so at the end I did a desperate plea for an opportunity. I had no experience, but I knew how to work and I was willing to learn. Three hours later I received a call that I had got the position. I was a runner!
I staked signs in yards, did vacant property checks, picked up commission checks, delivered keys, and so on and so forth. Then I was afforded the opportunity to serve as the Marketing Coordinator. I handled all the marketing for each property we had listed. As our company continued to grow and evolve I eventually took over the role as Client-Care Coordinator. When my boss expressed a desire to send me to real estate school I jumped at the opportunity to learn more. After I fulfilled licensure requirements I because the Closing Coordinator—how ironic?!? I was now working with homes from listing to close.
We are gifted with hindsight and insight, but God has foresight. God knew that at some point I would need to step away from the hourly position and enter the true real estate market. He started me on the bottom nailing signs into the yard and took me through the entire sales transaction to afford me numerous learning opportunities to prepare for what was to come.
Today, I serve as Listing Partner. I interview with sellers for an opportunity to sell their home. I’m 26-years old and I’ve still never owned a home yet I have a wealth of real estate knowledge because of the five years I spent doing it ALL. While this transition hasn't been easy I know that with each difficult transaction God is honing necessary virtues like patience, compassion, perseverance, and diligence.
We don’t always know what we need. However, God who is afforded foresight makes no mistakes. He’s planning the “ULTIMATE HOOK-UP” and with His hook-up comes favor. I told the ENTIRE story (thanks for bearing with me) so you could bear witness to some of the coincidental ironies that lace a lot of our stories. It’s no coincidence that you’re working in that place, with those people, making that much money, and doing all that work. He’s getting you prepared. You can’t forgo the season of preparation.
Today, ask God to help you to remain content in your current circumstances. Remember that for everything you deem impossible IT IS POSSIBLE with God. Ask God to help you experience the joy in your life right now while you wait in faith for everything He has in store for you. Thank Him for his continued faithfulness and remember to keep your eyes on the Provider. He’s working on your behalf. He knows what you need and His provision is perfect. Possess a grateful spirit.