
“In the wilderness their desires ran wild, testing God’s patience in the dry wasteland.” Psalm 106:14 (NLT)

There are numerous types of wilderness environments.

Mountains. Forests. Deserts.

Each environment presents its own unique set of challenges. The mountains are steep and display colder climates. There are limited opportunities for agriculture on the mountains. The forest is dominated by large trees and coarse debris often lines the wood floor. There is limited sunlight on the surface level of the forest due to the shading from the larger trees. The desert is dry, barren, uninhabitable, and offers limited sources of and hydration.

As Christians, we have wilderness experiences that take us outside of our comfort zone while exposing us to new elements. It’s important to identify our wilderness experience so that we can strategize and determine the best means of survival.

When challenging issues pile on top of one another creating a mountain experience in our life it can cause us to stumble in our relationship with God. We are forced to climb over steep obstacles and endure new, uncomfortable, and sometimes frightening heights. When it’s difficult to distinguish a clear path and limited lighting obscures our view we may be within a forest experience. When we can’t seem to secure sustainable sources of income or our investments fail to render a return we may be within a desert experience.

God has provided us with the tools to survive each wilderness experience.

Anchor: the anchor attaches to the climber and can be used to sustain and assist the climber up the mountain. We can be secure in God’s promises despite the obstacles that may pile up in our life. Our hope is secure and immovable and we are anchored in God. We can trust Him and hinge our anchor on His promises.

“So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.” Hebrews 6:18-19 (NLT)

Compass: a navigational instrument that shows direction from a stationary form of reference. Our spiritual compass, The Bible, helps us to navigate through the forest. The Bible is our stationary point of reference that consistently shows us the right direction to go. God’s word will also shine light within the shaded portions of the forest to ensure we can safely navigate through the rough terrain.

Hydration: Within the desert it’s important to drink water on a continual basis. Our water and source of hydration is the Word of God. Allowing God’s word to continually hydrate our spirit helps to ensure we are sustained and nourished when it seems our supply runs dry.

So, today ask God to help you identify any reoccurring challenges and obstacles. Ask God to help you discern your current wilderness experience. Recognize that within each wilderness experience our desires will likely run wild unless we trust our experience to God and the tools He’s provided for our survival. He’s provided everything that we need to survive. Trust God. - See more at: http://wholemagazine.weebly.com/21/archives/05-2013/1.html#sthash.bIIzNmdc.dpuf


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