As a mother, YouTube is a lifesaver. My daughter does not like to get her hair done, but I can get her to sit still by streaming Dora or Minnie Mouse via YouTube.
I strive to provide her with the best possible viewing experience by enlarging the screen. However, when she grows impatient and I don’t have an opportunity to enlarge the video she’s easily distracted by all the suggested videos. Sometimes the video does not have an opportunity to load before she starts clicking at one of the suggested videos along the side. After a while those suggested videos are so far from her initial desire that she becomes frustrated. It’s only after she allows me to take control, find the video, and enlarge the screen that she can tune in and concentrate on the video of choice.
God affords us vision and purpose. Sometimes instead of tuning into the purpose He has for us we get caught up in some suggested purpose and vision along the side. Sometimes we don’t even allow God’s purpose and vision to reach fruition before we shift our focus and invest our energy into some other suggestion. We don’t want to miss anything so we refuse to enlarge the screen just in case there’s something better lined up on the side.
God wants to occupy the entire screen. He does not want to be confined to that small screen where we can watch, but keep our viewing options open to other suggestions. He wants us to trust His vision and purpose for our life. He wants us to allow Him to occupy the entire screen so that He can afford us the best possible view of His call for our life.
Today, afford God the opportunity to enlarge His vision for your life. Stay attuned to His vision and purpose for YOU. Refuse to get caught up in the suggestions—no matter how similar—as they do not compare to what God desires to manifest within you. Allow God’s vision an opportunity to load and focus on the purpose He is calling you to fulfill. Tune in and stay focused.