“Heeeyyy…I wrote that!”
I skim through social media and it always catches me by surprise when someone posts excerpts of “my” writing. I love when people receive the message and share. But, sometimes I have “two-year” old tendencies and it bothers me when individuals don’t credit the writing to me. It’s MINE. Right?!?
I am accustomed to receiving credit and recognition for my work. Lately, I've seen this happen over and over again so I know God is trying to work something out in me.
I have great Accountability Partners. They truly keep me grounded. So, I expressed this issue to them and my AP, Brittany, didn't hesitate to check me and put me in my place.
“It’s not about you. It’s about people getting what God has for them. You are the instrument. The pen does not get credit for the writing, the author does. Go reference 1 Peter 5:6. Keep showing yourself faithful and He will set you up.”
I can’t write anything without God. He provides me with the words to say. He is the TRUE AUTHOR. I am His vessel.
His mouthpiece.
His pen.
His tool.
His resource.
That’s it. As much as I would like to stake a claim on everything I write and ensure people know it is “MINE”…it’s not. God didn't gift me with this ability to write so I could keep it to myself. God didn't gift me with this ability to write so I could attain status, position, or authority. God has afforded me the honor of serving Him through writing. He has gifted and graced me with an ability to share His word through my writing. My flesh may cringe, but I’m not a two-year old. It’s time to grow up. It’s not about me.
This desire for credit stems from pride and self-entitlement. “I work hard so I deserve the recognition. I do the studying, I do the researching, and I spend the time so I deserve ____.” That is pride. But, it’s also indicative of fear. Fear of being taken advantage of, fear of missing an opportunity, and fear of not being recognized.
“And all of you serve each other in humility, for God opposes the proud, but favors the humble. So humble yourselves under the might power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.” --1 Peter 5:5-6
So, today recognize that it's not about you. God didn't call you to serve yourself. He called you to serve one another and He gifted you with a special ability to help you carry out His purpose for your life. Stop worrying about position, status, recognition, or credit and focus on serving God. The recognition that God can afford you far outweighs any form of human praise. God sees you. God is for you. Humble yourself before Him and He will honor you. You don’t have to promote, sell, or advertise yourself. Continue to serve God faithfully and in His timing He will honor, promote, praise, and recognize you in ways that far exceed anything you could imagine. Remain faithful. Be thankful that He has deemed you useful and worthy of service.

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God. Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ. She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology. Her motto is: "Be Authentic. Live Honestly. Dispel Light."