
“In the wilderness their desires ran wild, testing God’s patience in the dry wasteland.” Psalm 106:14 (NLT)

There are numerous types of wilderness environments.

Mountains. Forests. Deserts.

Each environment presents its own unique set of challenges. The mountains are steep and display colder climates. There are limited opportunities for agriculture on the mountains. The forest is dominated by large trees and coarse debris often lines the wood floor. There is limited sunlight on the surface level of the forest due to the shading from the larger trees. The desert is dry, barren, uninhabitable, and offers limited sources of and hydration.

As Christians, we have wilderness experiences that take us outside of our comfort zone while exposing us to new elements. It’s important to identify our wilderness experience so that we can strategize and determine the best means of survival.

When challenging issues pile on top of one another creating a mountain experience in our life it can cause us to stumble in our relationship with God. We are forced to climb over steep obstacles and endure new, uncomfortable, and sometimes frightening heights. When it’s difficult to distinguish a clear path and limited lighting obscures our view we may be within a forest experience. When we can’t seem to secure sustainable sources of income or our investments fail to render a return we may be within a desert experience.

God has provided us with the tools to survive each wilderness experience.

Anchor: the anchor attaches to the climber and can be used to sustain and assist the climber up the mountain. We can be secure in God’s promises despite the obstacles that may pile up in our life. Our hope is secure and immovable and we are anchored in God. We can trust Him and hinge our anchor on His promises.

“So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.” Hebrews 6:18-19 (NLT)

Compass: a navigational instrument that shows direction from a stationary form of reference. Our spiritual compass, The Bible, helps us to navigate through the forest. The Bible is our stationary point of reference that consistently shows us the right direction to go. God’s word will also shine light within the shaded portions of the forest to ensure we can safely navigate through the rough terrain.

Hydration: Within the desert it’s important to drink water on a continual basis. Our water and source of hydration is the Word of God. Allowing God’s word to continually hydrate our spirit helps to ensure we are sustained and nourished when it seems our supply runs dry.

So, today ask God to help you identify any reoccurring challenges and obstacles. Ask God to help you discern your current wilderness experience. Recognize that within each wilderness experience our desires will likely run wild unless we trust our experience to God and the tools He’s provided for our survival. He’s provided everything that we need to survive. Trust God. - See more at: http://wholemagazine.weebly.com/21/archives/05-2013/1.html#sthash.bIIzNmdc.dpuf

A Kingdom Seeker’s Strategy for Success

by Ronya Osman

 “And seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not." (Jeremiah 45:5a)

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33)

These two sentences have been given to us by the greatest life-success coach of all time. They have changed my personal vision to become a successful entrepreneur, into one where I am a fruitful kingdom-seeker, destined for success.

What is Success?

Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines success as;

1: obsolete outcome or result 2a: degree or measure of succeeding 2b: favorable or desired outcome; also: the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence.

So what happens after you reach the outcome of success, and who measures whether or not you are successful? This definition of success seems more like a desired outcome that bases our importance in comparison to others. We should see success as a present reality. A constantly improving status that raises our values, potential, and desire to fulfill the incomparable will of God for our lives. This present standing will lead to a future standing, before God Almighty, the creator of all things and hearing, “Well done good and faithful servant”. This definition transforms us into kingdom-seekers destined for success.

Who are you? 

"As the Father sent me, I am sending you." (John 20:21)

Jesus was confident in who he was. That confidence stemmed from his relationship with the Father.

Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. (John 4:34)

He knew his, purpose. We are to know our purpose, the same way. We are to take ownership of who we are because of our relationship with the Father. Then, we can effectively and righteously do the will of him who sends us. As Jesus sends us to “serve the least of these” (Matthew 25:45), and bring glory to God, we become kingdom-seekers, “and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33b)

It is vital to stay in a relationship with the one who sends us.  Scripture says a wise man builds his house upon the rock. “The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24-25). Jesus is our rock and foundation. We need to spend time in the Word and be in exposure to Jesus Christ through it. Approach God’s Word with a disciplined and focused plan. Utilize bible studies; dedicate quality time to simply talk to God. Get your life vision straight from the one who created you.

As the Word reveals we must get a special word from God about who we are and what our purpose is. Otherwise we will abandon ourselves to our own nature, and seek great things for self.

Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint. - Proverbs 29:18

What are the motives that lay behind your ambitions for success? 

It is important for us to think about what we are doing and why we are doing it. There will be times where we are tempted to seek great things for ourselves, like wealth, favor and reputation. While in God’s presence we should conduct self-examination. We should ask God to break our hearts for what breaks his. It is not easy to ask God to reveal to us our impure motives. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to see my messy sins out in the open. But when we pray prayers like Psalm 139:23-24 “Search me, O God, and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.” We are inviting God to come in and correct our ways. He will answer us, but it is up to us to listen and face those areas that God brings to our attention.

Remember You Are Not Alone

The true strategy for success is not through our own strength. But through God’s Spirit in us and through hope in the promise He gives to us. Jesus promises to be our help “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30), He also promises us eternal life, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand” (John 10:27-28).

As we listen to the shepherds’ voice, let us remember through faith all things are fulfilled.

If you can? said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” (Mark 9:23)

As kingdom-seeker Mother Teresa once said; “God has not called me to be successful, He has called me to be faithful.” 

Private Moments with God

This season has offered me an opportunity to nurture many private disciplines.  Our private spiritual disciplines—prayer, devotional time, tithing, repentance, fasting, and worship—play a significant role in the development of our faith and our relationship with Jesus.  The unguarded moments that we spend with God provide us with the best view of who we are in Christ.

“Private Practice Proceeds Public Performance.”

The private spiritual practices that we employ fuel our ability to publicly perform in the manner that God designed us to. We must nurture our private spiritual life because God uses these disciplines to help grow our faith and confidence in Him (click to tweet).  The habits that God is seeking to develop in us right now will leverage us as we transition into new roles. 

All relationships require some degree of spontaneity, but consistency and routine help to ensure a balanced, authentic, and intimate relationship.  This dynamic is applicable to our relationship with God because it allows us to draw into a closer, more dependent relationship with Him. 

So, today recognize that our private moments with God afford Him the best opportunity to engage us personally and strengthen our faith (click to tweet).  If you’re in a spiritual “rut” or lacking faith, confidence, or trust you may have allowed your private spiritual disciplines to fall to the wayside.  Bring God out of the periphery and place Him at the forefront of your life.  Pray.  Fast. Worship. Spend unguarded time with God daily.  Allow Him to shine light on your human circumstances through His Word and watch how you receive perspective, revelation, and wisdom.  There’s a distinct correlation between our private practice and public performance. Don’t lose sight of the importance of your private spiritual life and the impact it has on your ability to do all that Christ has called you to do. Discipline yourself to spend time with God daily.

Written by Ashley Ivery

Be Empowered Without Being a “B”

by Dominique Currie

If there is one word I absolutely loathe, it is the “B” word. It is used so loosely around social media and sadly, can even be used on television now without a censor. It saddens me to see women (and men!) openly refer to themselves as a “B”, yet become so offended when someone else calls them that. I’m sorry, but if you openly and commonly refer to yourself as this word, then anyone who agrees with you and follows suit is not “calling you out of your name”. 

Ladies, let’s have a little more respect for ourselves. It is not cute for us to call ourselves this word. The word simply means “female dog”. While we love our domesticated canines presently, dogs in the Bible are often symbolic of poverty, lack and disdain. Conversely, God calls women lovely, wise, submissive, respectful, kindhearted, generous, helpful, excellent, gracious, honorable, faithful, trustworthy and agreeable. While these characteristics can almost perfectly define our favorite four-legged companion, these definitions are almost the antithesis of the secular meaning of the word for female dog. This is another way the enemy has taken an innocent word and twisted it into something perverse and unsound. Wikipedia defines this word as “someone who is belligerent, unreasonable, malicious, rudely intrusive, and/or aggressive; and in a feminist context, it can indicate a strong or assertive woman, one who might make men feel threatened. When applied to a man, it is a derogatory term for a subordinate.”

We have come too far as women to allow society to define us this way. I am perfectly capable of being a “strong or assertive woman” without having to be called this word; and furthermore, as a Godly woman, my attitude should not be one that is meant to make a man feel threatened. I would also never use this word to define any man in efforts to emasculate him. I am all for empowering women, but not at the expense of emasculating our men. We need our men to be confident, strong, and mighty as the heads of our households. We run the risk of creating effeminate men when we try to exert our femininity over their masculinity. I am perfectly happy stepping into my role as help meet and allowing my man to be the head of the household just as Christ designed and intended the family unit to be. The enemy knows that if he can cut the giant at the head, the whole body will fall. Basically, if he can continue to attack the family unit by effeminizing our men and thwarting the design that Christ has left for us to follow when it comes to Godly family units, he can get in and wreak havoc. We must continue to play the roles that God designed for us. He did it for our own protection. He knows that any familial unit that is not built after His design runs the risk of failing, and failing quickly. God knows what He is talking about!

A lot of women find it difficult to fall into a submissive role. I also see these same women complaining about their men being too passive –aggressive or effeminate. I want to shake these women and ask them what exactly they want! If you do not want to submit to a Godly man, don’t be surprised when he becomes worn down and allows the woman to take the ungodly lead in the marriage. I would even risk saying that the way a woman treats a man is indicative of how she deals with her Heavenly Father. After all, marriage is an earthly representation of a heavenly relationship. We must tread carefully….

One of my best friends always says that it is not about what we are called, but about what we answer to. This derogatory word has many implied implications, none of them good. Let’s stop using it so liberally and concentrate on being the men and women that Christ has called us to be. It may be meant as a joke or as a symbol of empowerment; but quite frankly, if my Heavenly Father doesn’t see me as a “B”, I refuse to let any mere mortal use that to define me. Period.

The Author of Life, Part One

My life is an open book. The problem is too often people are blind and God did not write my story in braille.

I like to believe that I am an open book: pages easily accessible and legible to anyone willing to read. What I’ve found is that most people would rather skim through the pages and paraphrase what they can understand instead of going in depth. Even more, people will read the back cover or preface to decide whether it’s even worth the read.

There are many pages of my past that I used to wish could be ripped out and burned. But, growing in my faith has shown me those chapters were necessary for my character development. Without those chaotic back stories of abuse, molestation, self-mutilation and homosexuality (oh how the the list could go on and on), my salvation wouldn't be as climactic as it’s been.

People read one another every day. Some are easier to read than others. As Christians, believers of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, we should be the easiest to read. Like open books with the pages amplified, when someone crosses our paths, without knowing anything about who we are as people, we should be read as God’s children.

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. “ (Philippians 2:3-4)

The title of our life as written by God has no problem captivating the hearts of others. It’s when we choose what chapters we want people to read that God’s AUTHORity is questioned and we keep ourselves and our stories from bringing others to Him. Think about how many stories from your own past that you've kept from people just to keep them around.

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

When God came after my heart, I stood in front of a congregation of people I had never met and admitted my sins. Someone came to me afterwards and told me I was “bold” and that she would never have had the nerve to do what I did. I am now understanding the impact my salvation could have had on someone in that room. We never know who shares the same struggles without sharing our struggles.

“There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you who judge your neighbor?” (James 4:12)

The first steps in walking in faith are always the hardest as we try and forget our pasts and create Christian relationships separate from anyone knowing the real reason we've allowed God to take control. We are often so afraid of what others will think of us. But, when we learn to love as Jesus loved and the Father loved Him, we love ourselves enough to share our stories to reach others.

“ Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”’ (Matthew 22:37-40)

In the way that we carry ourselves, God’s commandments should be written on our lives and our stature. A complete stranger is able to see us from a distance and read all over us that we love God wholeheartedly and that we love others as we love ourselves. How can we expect to love anyone if we do not love ourselves enough to be vulnerable with one another?

Like a feather-tipped pen dipped in eternally bleeding ink, our skin should be like paper soaking in every drop from the words scripted beautifully upon our lives.

Sift through the pages.

What is written on your life? 

Read part two of "The Author of Life," here.

Jasmine Hernandez is a young woman growing everyday in her walk with Jesus. After years of struggling to define Christianity by her own terms with dictionaries and textbooks, God met Jasmine at her well on Valentine's Day. She was saved countless times over the span of her 23-years, but this time it was different. The pull on her heart and the way He spoke directly to her had her standing at the altar screaming out for Freedom! She actively writes for a Christian-blog, is a member of a spoken word/poetry group, and does freelance content writing. She prays that God uses her words to touch those who have similar stories by being completely transparent about her tarnished and now redeemed past. 

Impatiently Waiting

I caught a glimpse of my son, Aiden, in the rear view mirror and I could not believe it. He was pouting! We had just discussed our plans for “Fun Friday” and he was excited until he realized that it was Tuesday and he would have to wait a few days to enjoy our activities.

The moment I opened my mouth to reprimand Aiden for his ungrateful and impatient attitude God did not hesitate to shed light on how often I cross my arms, roll my eyes, and poke my lips out when I encounter a delay or change of plans.

As a parent, I have a difficult time doing anything for my son when he’s sulking, pouting, and displaying a negative attitude. I expect my children to trust me. I have demonstrated my faithfulness time and time again. I have rewarded them when they were obedient. I have rewarded them when they failed to meet my expectations. However, I never need a reason to reward them. I love them. I love to see them smile. It brings me a lot of joy. But, when they sulk because they can’t get what they want IMMEDIATELY, I may choose to delay fulfilling their desire until their attitude changes. Ain't nobody got time for that!

I’m grateful that our Father isn’t the type of parent that I am, but I think that God expects us to trust Him. He’s displayed His faithfulness time and time again. He rewards us when we’re obedient. He rewards us when we fail to meet His expectations. However, He never needs a reason to reward us. He loves us. He loves to see us smile. When we sulk, hang our head, and pout in impatience God may delay fulfilling our desire until our attitude changes.

“I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises.” Psalm 34:1 (NLT)

So, today remember that our attitude reflects our belief system. Our ability to maintain a positive attitude despite bleak circumstances demonstrates whether or not we TRULY believe that God will work all things together for our good. Our attitude while we wait plays a significant role in how and when God will work in our life. Happily anticipate the good things that are coming and praise God for them in advance. It may be difficult to see God’s hand working on your behalf, but aggressively hope and wait in confident expectation for something AMAZING to happen in your life. Some delays are designed to demonstrate just how much we trust in and rely on the Lord. Are you trusting God? Is your hope in God? Ask God to restore your hope in Him and His ability to do whatever He needs to do in your life. "Fun Friday" will be here before you know it. Hang in there and smile.

Ashley is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God. Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ. Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate. She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology. Her motto is: "Be Authentic. Live Honestly. Dispel Light."

As is the Mother, So is the Daughter

Guest post by Katrina Smith

Most of my adult career has been working with women. If you’ve ever lived or worked a great deal with women, you will notice that something strange occurs. Their menstrual cycles begin to synchronize with one another. I believe it is nature’s way of telling us that we were created to work in unison as well as letting us know exactly how influential femininity is. This implies that our patterns and behaviors have the power to influence our environment. This could be good or bad.

In my new book releasing in July, “Wisdom is a She” explains that femininity has always been associated with heavy influence. In biblical history, cities and nations were referred to as a “she” because of the weight that they carried on the culture and society. Like a mother that breastfeeds its infant, whatever is being fed to the people will determine the overall health and pulse of the nation. In fact, the state of a culture and society was measured by the participation of the women of the time because the matriarchs set the standard for behavior as the bearers and nurturers of life. They set the tone. Roman 1:26 tells us that Israel had become so corrupt that  “Even their women  exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.”

“Even their women” was often written as an indication of how bad the culture and society had deteriorated. When women abandoned their natural instinct to nurture the next generation for their own selfish desires, (fame, fortune, status) it became a nation in ruin. It was the physical manifestation of the consequences of violating the law of nature. Today, women are the leaders in the pro-choice movement arguing that their civil rights supersede human life. When women abandon femininity, the youth are silenced, discarded and/or abandoned and chaos ultimately follows.

Like all life, we were created for specific roles much like the north was created to sustain life in the frigid temperatures of Antarctica and the south was created to sustain life in the rain forests of Brazil. When nature is thrown off course, it disturbs the weather patterns and interrupts the cycle of life. Like the oil spill in the gulf, millions of corpse’s washed up on the coast making us painfully aware of the consequences of interfering with nature and defiling the source of life. This is what tends to occur when humanity abandons their role of the law of order in creation and sets out to follow their own plans.

When I was five years old I was sent to foster care while my mother served time in prison. This was a vital time in my life because I was a young flower uprooted from a garden of weeds for my own well being. Where I would be replanted would determine my chance of survival. Luckily, I was planted with my aunt and uncle. But my aunt wasn’t just any flower in any garden, she was a rose.  Unlike annuals, roses are perinnials. Although annuals only last one season, perinnials bloom every spring after surviving the worst of winter storms. They survive and resurrect because of their strong roots. She inherited her strong roots from the one who came before her.

My aunt was an only child and was very close to her mother. We would have dinner with her mother a few times per week and I would watch and analyze everything around me, absorbing my environment like a sponge.

My aunt’s mother was the first person to introduce me to Jesus. It was through her that I first heard the song “Jesus loves me.” She would also sit beside me and read  bible stories. I remember her reading to me the story of Moses, telling me that he was separated from his mother but it was because God had a plan for his life. He was ”set apart” from his family and later sent back so that his people could be free. She told me that I was like Moses.

She would make the most beautiful dinners, putting such effort and attention to detail into every single plate, glass and napkin. She would set up the table as if she was serving Jesus Himself. Before each meal, she would pass around a prayer box in the shape of a loaf of bread that we would pull prayers to read to one another. We would read them aloud and when I had trouble reading in my childish dialect,  like a patient teacher, she would help me sound it out but never read it for me. Little did I know at that time that she was helping me to transform from an annual to a perinnial by planting in me strong roots. And even long after I left their garden going back to a garden of weeds, my roots remained strong. Once they were planted, they could not be uprooted, no matter how strong the elements.

My aunt carried the exact traits of her mother. From the way she decorated her home, put care into her hair and outfit for the day to the dinners that she served for her family and community. She presented herself to the world as an ambassador and servant for Christ and her mother passed to her those same traits.

My aunt became the woman that she was because her mother guided her through every aspect of life. Her character spilled over into her daughter and then her daughter’s character spilled over to her daughter’s daughter. And for some reason, God saw it fit to place me there for a short time to glean the seeds that they were willing to share with me.

Their natural femininity had an enormous impact on me in such a short period of time. Our femininity within seeks to align with the matriarchs of our day that we are supposed to model after. A woman’s instinct has a gravitational pull like a flower reaching and stretching for a tiny taste of the sun. It aches for that warmth and beauty. The problem today is that the models that we are to emulate have become harder and harder to find as that soft and gentle femininity has become a thing to be hidden.

Last week I received notice that my aunt’s mother had passed away. But I realized while standing at the funeral home watching her family weep over her that even though she was gone physically, she lives on through the generations that she influenced. I now know exactly where I got my love for hospitality. I thank God for the time that I had with them because I picked up so much from them to pass to my own daughters. Her legacy spread much further than her own family.

I believe she had such an impact because she understood her role in the cycle of life. She understood that she did not need to be a celebrity or the next Martha Stewart to be recognized as the apple of God’s eye or the matriarch of her family. Her obedience and sacrifice was the standard and she set that bar quite high. She knew far in advance what most of us do not realize until it’s too late. She avoided anything that sought to destroy her because she understood the power of her influence that would be left long after she left this life. Because of her character, her family will never carry shame or inherit generational patterns that could destroy their name as her name carried the symbol of the cross. She never once compromised due to the One she represented.

As women, we can learn a lot from her influence. Our girls will follow in synch everything that we do, like a shadow that follows behind us. From how we speak, how we present ourselves to the world, how we treat ourselves, how we treat others and the type of men that we will bring in and out of our lives. If you would like to know how your daughters will turn out, look in the mirror, listen to your speech and then look at your behavior. You will see a direct reflection of what will be left behind when you are gone.
“As is the mother, so is the daughter” Ezekiel 16:44

Photo credits:
Models, Jewell Freeland, Yvonne Green, Brittany Case & Kinley Case (Four generations of matriarchs) and also the women mentioned in the article.
Photographer, Heather Chapman at HMC Photograph.
Visit  http://www.hmcphotography.com

Katrina Smith is a simple mid-western girl from the inner city of Indianapolis, Indiana, where she is married with a blended family of six children. After teaching financial literacy in underserved communities for eight years, she is now the author of The Butterfly Movement, Evicting Jezebel and Independent No More. She is also currently working on the release of her next books, Bride of Christ, Child of God and Wisdom is a She due to release in Mid 2013. You can find her on Facebook and Twitter or contact her by email at katrina@butterflymovement.org

Treading Water

Some days I can barely keep my head above water. Waves of negative circumstances and the weight of single motherhood threaten to drag me down. Life becomes less about thriving and more about surviving. I would love to swim, but in some cases I find myself just treading water.

The concept of treading water bears a negative connotation due to the lack of forward movement. Treading water can be deemed as unproductive or lazy, but it is important to note that treading water is an important survival technique that can also be applied to our walk with Christ.

When we encounter the deep waters of life and we have expended our energy swimming we may be forced to tread water.

Treading water will provide us with the means to take a break and allow our energy to be restored. Unlike floating, treading water encourages us to remain alert and upright so that life’s currents don’t take us by surprise.

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”—Isaiah 40:31 (NLT)

Treading water affords us an opportunity to spend an extended amount of time above water, surveying our progress, and ensuring we’re headed in the right direction.

As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me.”—Micah 7:7 (NLT)

So, today tread water. Take a break from swimming. Allow God to restore your energy. Allow God to provide you with direction. Allow God to come to your rescue. Treading water provides us with a valuable opportunity to wait on God. Sometimes He allows us to exhaust our efforts so that we will slow down, stop swimming, recognize our deep need for Him, and just wait. So, relax, catch your breath, and allow God to prepare you to swim again. We can do whatever we need to do in life through Christ.

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God. Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ. Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate. She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology. Her motto is: "Be Authentic. Live Honestly. Dispel Light."

Book Review: Revealing Jesus Devotional

by Kris Bush

{This devotional is absolutely beautiful, hard back with the most beautiful paper inside. *I love hardback books!*} 

For a devotional, this is by far the best I’ve come across. Don’t get me wrong I have come across a few other good ones, but none that can be read by anyone regardless of gender. This devotional is completely scripture based. It starts with the daily scripture, which could be a single verse usually it’s about 2-3 verses. I love how Darlene Zschech starts with the scripture then builds on from there. It includes of course practical tips and a prayer starter. The other thing that I love is there are whole songs to the Lord in the devotional. For example around mid-April there is the full word for word of the song Holy, Holy, Holy.

If you have been searching for a good scripture based devotional, here is one worth having. Thus far, I have not missed a day. Usually I read each day twice, once in the morning and again in the evening. Then with this devotional there is a CD/DVD combo available of the same name that features Darlene Zschech, Kari Jobe, and Israel Houghton leading in worship. I do not have the CD/DVD however I have watched their live performances on YouTube and loved them!

What I can tell you about the author, Darlene Zschech, is that she and her husband are the Senior Pastors of Hope Unlimited Church on the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia. She is well known for her work as a worship leader and doing worship music with Hillsong Church. I love that what she sings, what she says, what she writes, is all backed up her walk in Christ. I would recommend this book to every person who just wants to read and get bite sized portions of the Word to strengthen them throughout the day. I promise you will not be disappointed.

If you’ve read, or plan to, please me know if you enjoyed the book & your own personal review.

You can find out more at: www.darlenezschech.com & www.revealing-jesus.com

{FYI: I did receive this book from the publisher in exchange for my HONEST opinion.}

The Ultimate Hook-Up

Once I received the notice that Circuit City was closing the ensuing days of employment were hectic. Everything was reduced yet NOTHING registered in the computer so we had to manually configure all the deductions. Absolute Chaos! The lines were to the back of the store, massive amounts of people, and everyone hungry for the best possible deal. It probably didn't register to the customers that those great deals also equated to a number of job losses so the overall disposition within in our store was indifference. However, I loved working in customer service. So, up until the end…I served. My line could be packed, but if saw a better deal for you I would run to go grab it for you. During the final weeks as I stepped away from my register to show a customer the benefits of one printer over another I happened to catch the eye of a lady in my line. She was impressed by my attitude and willingness to serve.

The lady in my line belonged to a local real estate team. She handed me her business card and suggested I come to interview for the “Closing Coordinator” position. I was excited until I went home and researched—“Closing Coordinator.” I knew nothing about real estate. I had never owned a home, had no business knowledge and it just seemed a bit of stretch for a 20 year old single mom. I didn't give it a second thought, but a few weeks later as the reality of unemployment neared while bills remained left to fulfill I knew I would need to make some moves.

I spent the day interviewing and dropping off resumes. The real estate office was my final stop. No one was there when I arrived. After sitting in the parking lot for 15 minutes I sought to leave just as the lady I saw initially in my store arrived back to the office. She regretfully told me that they had filled that position, but that she would take my resume. I went home and I remember sitting in front of my laptop crying.

The next day I received a phone call from the real estate company saying that the lady who was supposed to start that same day had called and said she couldn’t take the position. They wanted to know if I would interview. So, I came in and sat down at an intimidating conference table as three team members grilled me. I’m sensitive so at the end I did a desperate plea for an opportunity. I had no experience, but I knew how to work and I was willing to learn. Three hours later I received a call that I had got the position. I was a runner!

I staked signs in yards, did vacant property checks, picked up commission checks, delivered keys, and so on and so forth. Then I was afforded the opportunity to serve as the Marketing Coordinator. I handled all the marketing for each property we had listed. As our company continued to grow and evolve I eventually took over the role as Client-Care Coordinator. When my boss expressed a desire to send me to real estate school I jumped at the opportunity to learn more. After I fulfilled licensure requirements I because the Closing Coordinator—how ironic?!? I was now working with homes from listing to close.

We are gifted with hindsight and insight, but God has foresight. God knew that at some point I would need to step away from the hourly position and enter the true real estate market. He started me on the bottom nailing signs into the yard and took me through the entire sales transaction to afford me numerous learning opportunities to prepare for what was to come.

Today, I serve as Listing Partner. I interview with sellers for an opportunity to sell their home. I’m 26-years old and I’ve still never owned a home yet I have a wealth of real estate knowledge because of the five years I spent doing it ALL. While this transition hasn't been easy I know that with each difficult transaction God is honing necessary virtues like patience, compassion, perseverance, and diligence.

We don’t always know what we need. However, God who is afforded foresight makes no mistakes. He’s planning the “ULTIMATE HOOK-UP” and with His hook-up comes favor. I told the ENTIRE story (thanks for bearing with me) so you could bear witness to some of the coincidental ironies that lace a lot of our stories. It’s no coincidence that you’re working in that place, with those people, making that much money, and doing all that work. He’s getting you prepared. You can’t forgo the season of preparation.

Today, ask God to help you to remain content in your current circumstances. Remember that for everything you deem impossible IT IS POSSIBLE with God. Ask God to help you experience the joy in your life right now while you wait in faith for everything He has in store for you. Thank Him for his continued faithfulness and remember to keep your eyes on the Provider. He’s working on your behalf. He knows what you need and His provision is perfect. Possess a grateful spirit.

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God. Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ. Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate. She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology. Her motto is: "Be Authentic. Live Honestly. Dispel Light."

Right Here, Right Now

I stayed with my grandmother for a brief stint when God called me to end my relationship and leave my home. During this time Aiden rode the bus to school.

One morning I woke up late yet managed to get Aiden dressed and at the bus stop within 10 minutes flat. While waiting for the bus I noticed four girls and one boy huddled in a circle. It didn't take me long to figure out what they were huddled around, looking, and laughing at. A condom. The same used condom and wrapper that I had stepped over for the past week in disgust. Someone had carelessly discarded this condom right at their bus stop. So, that morning as these elementary students laughed and kicked at this used condom I realized that I had missed an opportunity to act. I chose to rely on "someone" to pick up that condom.

I remember taking a good look around the neighborhood. Foreclosed properties. Unkempt yards. Trash littered everywhere. Kids with no jackets. Each day I drove past these homes and these children, but I never really saw them because it was not my reality.

I had been researching mission trips and that day I realized I did not need to go anywhere. I did not need to take an 18 hour flight to another country to speak life into the lost. The opportunity was right in my backyard.

God woke me up that morning just in time. There was no alarm. I needed to see those kids. God needed to wake me up and draw awareness to the immediacy, urgency, and needs of those right within my neighborhood. God is sending me on a mission trip...right into my own backyard.

It's so easy to witness injustice and adopt an attitude of indifference because it's not our reality. Yes, we may feel bad about it, but sometimes it is difficult to bridge that gap in our mind that makes that person, that project, or that cause seem so far-away and irrelevant to our day-to-day life. Instead of adopting my normal "but, God" list I sat there in my car and posed one question:

"What do you want me to do here?"

But, I already knew. I went home, grabbed some gloves, and trash bag. I went back picked up that used condom and the rest of the trash that littered that lawn. I accepted God's call to action. I went home, got on my knees, and prayed.

Father God,

Use me. You have my hands. You have my feet. You have my eyes. You have my legs. You have my mouth. You have everything. Thank you for waking me up. Thank you for popping my bubble. Thank you for forcing me to live aware...not just of my needs, but the needs of others. Thank you for paving the way and ordering my steps. Send me. I'll go.

In Jesus Name...Amen

So, today ask God what He wants you to do "there." You are not "there" by accident. WAKE UP! Ask God to alert you to the needs of those in your immediate surroundings—workplace, neighborhood, family, and community.. Recognize that He may be asking you to plant a seed. Recognize that He may be calling you to get your hands dirty. If one person plants to the seed, and another person comes along and waters it, and another person spreads a little sunshine then at some point that flower will blossom. However, if we refuse to accept our call to action that initial seed may never have an opportunity to take root and change a life. Refuse to turn a blind eye. Choose to act. Choose to be that "someone." Remain aware so that you don't spend a week walking over or looking past something or someone that God needs YOU to help. Wake up.

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God. Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ. Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate. She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology. Her motto is: "Be Authentic. Live Honestly. Dispel Light."

Loving Yourself

by Mickela Rutledge

Have you ever felt that a friend or peer had something better than you? Better hair? Better grades? A better body? A better life or relationship? Or maybe you felt they had a better relationship with God. If you are anything like me then you have felt all of these scenarios at one point in time. God spoke to my heart to share: ‘it is time for us to stop comparing ourselves to others’. God made all of us unique and that is a part of the beauty of God. He loves diversity! God delights himself in our differences.

Comparing ourselves to others stems from insecurity. I know this all too well. I spent so much of my life trying to be like the next person and never realizing my own beauty and talents. I was so focused on what I couldn’t do and trying to perfect those things that I ignored my own strengths. I became so tired of insecurity when God whispered to my heart that he was pleased with me and that I am uniquely and beautifully made. From my talents, gifts, weaknesses and strengths, God was pleased with them all! And guess what? He approves of you! He is pleased with you and you are wonderfully and fearfully made! (Philippians 2:13) (Psalm 139: 14)

In order to start living your full potential in God you have to have a good relationship with yourself. The Bible says to love your neighbor as you love yourself. You can’t correctly love others if you don’t accept yourself. I encourage you stop comparing yourself to others. It can drive you to competition, low self -esteem and jealousy.

Take time to learn about your uniqueness and start counting the blessings that you have in your life and the fact that there is only one of you! Change your self- talk! There are so many ways to do this. You could write positive statements about your life and yourself on your bathroom mirror so you can see them as you get ready in the morning or at night. You can also stop negative thoughts as they begin to formulate in your mind. As Christians we have the authority to cast down thoughts that do not line up with what God says about us. (2 Corinthians 10:5) You could also read books about the power of positive thinking.  Joyce Meyer has several books about thinking positive thoughts and liking yourself. And most importantly my sisters pray and talk to your Heavenly love. Confess to him how you want to change your thought process and start embracing the way that he sees you. Ask him to help you see yourself the way that he sees you. Let’s start today! What is one thing that you like about yourself?

You Can Do it

I subscribed to an email based Christian devotional. After receiving them for three days I felt God say, “You can do it.”

That day as I was driving to pick up my son, Aiden, from his Pre-K class I toyed with the idea of writing, but I wasn’t really convinced that I could do it. I did not feel like I knew enough about God, the Bible, or writing. I write exactly like I talk so I’m still learning the mechanics of writing and I have a long way to go. However, God encouraged me not worry and prompted me to focus on just sharing “My Truth.”

So, May 16, 2012, I wrote my first email devotional and shared “My Truth.” Since then each day I write a devotional I seek to share the truth surrounding my journey with Christ. I went from sharing with a few friends and family to contributing to a devotional column for WHOLE Magazine.

Too often we wait for ideal circumstances to arise before we take our next step in purpose. We shrink in fear at the prospect of failing or falling short of meeting expectations. While the desire may be there we fall prey to the notion that we’re somehow inadequate or incapable of fulfilling the purpose God has set on our heart.

We must stop bringing meaningless and half-hearted offerings and do the things God is calling us to do. In many, cases God is able to use us in the areas we’re weak, strengthen us within our strengths, and develop us in new areas of purpose…if we allow Him to. While it requires some degree of transparency, vulnerability, and risk of failure we must trust God to fill us up once we’ve emptied ourselves for the benefit of another.

So, today when God tells you, “You can do it” trust Him and take a step in purpose. Maintain a sense of urgency. Flush out the negative people and thoughts that discourage you. Remain available and allow God to dictate how He wants to use you. God will present opportunities to nurture and hone your talents. God won’t do our part. We must exercise our free will and choose to commit to being used by God. You are approved and chosen. Trust God to guide you into your specific purpose and play your part. You can do it.

“For if the willingness is there the gift is acceptable according to what one has; not according to what he does not have.” -2 Corinthians 8:12

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God. Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ. Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate. She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology. Her motto is: "Be Authentic. Live Honestly. Dispel Light."

Coat Tail Faith

by Frances Crusoe

As a parent, I am often reminded of Proverbs 22:6 which states, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” My constant prayer is that my sons becomes genuinely passionate about Jesus and spend their lives telling other about Him. I strive to practice what I preach to them by serving in the church, loving people, turning away from sin, and applying the scriptures to my own life. It pleases me to see the natural leadership traits peek through my teenager when he is participating in his high school ministry and how much my six year old loves to sing and dance to worship songs.

When my teenager heads out of the door each day, I know that he will be bombarded with different messages and influences. I am not there when he walks down the halls at school or hangs out with friends in between classes. I will not always be there the moment that he faced with a tough decision. I cannot always protect him from making mistakes. I realize that he has to have room to develop his own personal relationship with Christ and not attempt to ride on the coat tails of others to Heaven.

Proverbs 22:6 gives parents a specific command of training up the children we are blessed with. It is not the responsibility of children's church volunteers or youth pastors to train up our children. They are in place to cultivate the biblical morals and values instilled in the home. We must do our part in laying the biblical foundation and allowing Christ to water the seeds we spend years sowing into their spirits.

I firmly believe in Proverbs 22:6. I am a product of it. I had family who sowed those seeds of faith into my heart at an early age. When I was old enough, I made the decision to create my own path that lead to countless mistakes. I assumed that because I got baptized at 10 and had a praying grandmother, I would always be in good standing with Jesus. Yet, Romans 14:12 says that “every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” I would have to give an account of my life, not my grandmother or youth pastors. I would. I couldn't rely on the faith of others to ensure a free pass to Heaven. I had to seek my own forgiveness for my sins and develop my own relationship with Jesus. So do my sons.

I encourage every parent to pray for with their children. Read and discuss the scriptures with them on a regular basis. Be an example for them to follow. Challenge them to live a life of righteousness even when the world says otherwise. Encourage them to develop their own relationship with Christ and give them room to seek Him on their own. Above all else, trust God with their lives and they will not depart from Him.

Castor Oil for Longer, Thicker Hair

by Carmen Beckett

Castor Oil is an age old trick for growing longer, stronger and thicker hair. A year ago, my hair was thin and brittle from the overuse of heat along with a string of other unhealthy hair habits. I started applying castor oil to my hair weekly, and a year later, my hair is so much longer and thicker. It’s a great aid to use for those of us who prefer natural beauty products and remedies.

Castor oil has several uses. It can be used to grow hair longer, treat dry scalp, fill bald spots, and prevent hair breakage.

Three Ways Castor Oil Can Be Applied:

-Add 1-2 teaspoons of castor oil to the deep conditioner of your choice

-Apply castor oil directly to the scalp

-Apply castor oil after using the hair moisturizer of your choice

All three ways of application have helped me tremendously. Applying castor oil to a deep conditioner strengthens the hair follicles and gives the hair a nice shine. Applying castor oil after using a hair moisturizer helps to lock in the moisture for long-lasting, daily nourishment. Lastly, applying castor oil to the scalp provides a healthy environment to stimulate faster hair growth.

Using castor oil is always a real treat for my hair. I love it! It can be purchased online or at your local health food store.

Warning: Due to castor oil’s thick consistency, hair should be washed often when used.

Whose Sand Are You Running On?

by Christina Stolaas

One of my favorite places to run is the beach. The serenity offered by coastal surroundings is like no where else in the world: glorious sun-rays, gentle consistent breeze, the slapping of waves on the shore, and of course-- soft sand! On a beach getaway this year I was enjoying the luxury of an uncrowded beach early in the morning. Gracefully, I glided through the low tide whites of the waves, each step refreshing as I stepped on the smoothly paved firm sand. It was absolutely divine!

In the far distance ahead, I caught sight of a young lady running the opposite direction about 20ft from the shore. As she neared, the first thing I noticed was the obvious fact that she was an experienced runner, as evidenced by her performance apparel, sleek figure and toned muscles. She was trudging through the soft “fluffy” white sand with strenuous effort. With each step, her legs were literally bounding off the sand but due to the inconsistency of the terrain she was running at a shockingly slow pace. As she got closer I noticed she was soaked in sweat, red faced and labored in breathing as though she was running a speedy sprint.

As I continued to run effortlessly on the wet, flat, firmer sand I thought about all the extra effort she was exerting by choosing to run on the distinctly opposite sand that was literally just feet away. Why would anyone choose to run on that sand when a much more comfortable surface was literally inches away? As we passed each other I wonder if she noticed that vast difference of our strides that was merely a result of the terrain on which we ran.

I was struck with the parallel of the Christian walk. As Christians, fear, lack of trust and self-sufficiency too often lead us to choose to run on sand that will inevitably wear us out prematurely. Though the white sand is visually appealing and even “feels great” to our feet-- attempting to run for any length of time on it is exhausting! It’s obvious that this type of sand wasn’t made for running! In fact, running for prolonged periods on this type of sand can cause overuse injury to calves, arches, and ankles due to the strain and lack of support for your feet.

I know I have too often then I care to admit trudged through the debilitating white sands while boldly proclaiming my desire to want to know God's will for my life and my path. I choose my sand instead of His. I want to do it my way; I ignore the Holy Spirits prodding and gentle whispers, “Get in! Come dip your toes in the water...” I run on the white sand because I don’t want to get too close to the waves. Maybe I fear the majesty of the sea, the unpredictable tide or perhaps it’s the temperature of the water. When I choose to run on this other sand I face obvious and unavoidable consequences-- often injury and paralyzing exhaustion.

The stunning reality is that the course God desires for us to run, which we often fear, is actually easier. Matthew 11:30 says: “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Our Father in heaven literally paves the road He has marked for each of our lives much like sand. Stop and visualize that for a minute. Gentle, white foam tipped water creeping up the shore consistently with wave after wave; thousands of sand granules being lifted up, replaced and methodologically moved with each covering to leave flawless smooth sand; literally waves of mercy and grace perfecting the ground ahead to give you secure footing on which to run! The God who created the universe is willing to remove obstacles! God desires to literally smooth the bumpy sand of your individual circumstances so that you can run unhindered and gracefully. 

I believe God requires us to run on His sand if we are to fulfill our unique destiny on earth. His waves are gentle and graceful, distinctly paving a clear path for each step of your life. Matthew 11:29 also says when we take His yoke upon us “you will find rest for your souls.” That means He desires you to run successfully! He also longs for you to enjoy the adventure and scenery. We ought to be describing life's daily runs with vibrant adjectives! Fulfilling. Delightful. Intoxicating. 

The reality is, if you run on the sand of your own choosing you will finish debilitated, with fatigued muscles and fall short of accomplishing within your performance potential. Choose today to take God at His word and run on His sand-- the scenery is amazing! As others see the contagious smile you run with perhaps they’ll decide to join you in this amazing adventure!

by Christina Stolaas

His User Agreement and Terms

I’m notorious for clicking the “I have read the user agreement and terms” button prior to even opening the document. Honestly, it’s just pages upon pages of legalize that I barely understand so I just scan it to ensure there aren't any hidden charges. Sometimes it’s just too much to read. Many times I just want to access the program or utilize the software. The only time I seek to reference the user agreement and terms is when I experience an issue. I reference that document quick when I encounter trouble.

Sometimes we neglect to read our salvation “user agreement and terms.” We don’t read the "fine print" and in doing so we fail to fully realize the benefits of our agreement. There is a wealth of valuable insight and wisdom within the Bible, but it’s an extensive book that can be quite intimidating. We want to access the life Jesus purchased for us and utilize the gifts that He affords us, but sometimes we only reference His word when we’re in trouble.

Imagine how different your life would be if you actually read the “user agreement and terms” and committed that knowledge to heart. Read this. No…for real. Read it. I’ll wait. =)

Bless the Lord, O my soul,

and all that is within me,

bless his holy name!

Bless the Lord, O my soul,

and forget not all his benefits,

who FORGIVES all your iniquity,

who HEALS all your diseases,

who REDEEMS your life from the pit,

who CROWNS you with steadfast love and mercy,

who SATISFIES you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

Psalm 103:1-5 (ESV)

Did you read it? I hope so. Really think about it. When we refuse to read our agreement we carry more hurt, more pain, more regret, and more burdens than He ever intended for us to carry. When we choose to confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us. We don't have to bear shame or regret. We don't have to walk around filled with condemnation. He forgives us. He is our Healer. He is our Redeemer. Sometimes we allow ourselves to be thrown into a pit and other times we dig it for ourselves, but either way He pulls us out of our mess. He encircles us with love and He's willing to start over with us every single day. He renews our strength and satisfies us with good things. That’s good stuff. And, there's more...so much more found in His Word.

So, today spend some time reading your salvation “user agreement and terms.” Take some time and meditate on the “fine print.” God saw so much value, worth, purpose, and potential in us that He traded Jesus for us. Yes...Jesus. That's amazing. He chose us, pursued us, and drew us into a relationship with Him for a purpose. Read the terms of your salvation. Spend time getting to know God and understanding His promises. Commit those promises to heart. What you don’t know CAN hurt you.

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God. Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ. Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate. She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology. Her motto is: "Be Authentic. Live Honestly. Dispel Light."


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