When We Ask God Why

by Christina Stolass

As human beings who are greatly attracted to a life of ease, when hardships come, we are often tempted to question God and become frustrated. Many times we wonder “why me?” and if you’ve ever wrestled that question with God with the intensity of pain and struggle burdening you, it’s what I personally refer to as a circular question.

The answer always seems to be that we must trust that God is working in ways we cannot understand, that His ways are not our ways (Is 55:8), and that if we believe in His character we must trust that in His love for us He is working for our greater good throughout our lives in every situation. Honestly, it’s easy to talk that as truth, even easier to write it– but, when the rubber meets the road, most of us wrestle with that from time to time.

John Chapter 9 talks about a young boy blind from birth. His disciples must have wondered the question we often contemplate, why? They asked, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus responded in a way that is notable and sometimes troubling to believers, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” (vs 3)

Though, I do not believe that God would cause illness, disease, suffering as a result of the sin of others, etc… I do believe fully believe that a Sovereign God allows such things into our life for many reasons– one of which is “that the works of God might be displayed…

Can I just shoot straight?

I don’t have easy sugar coated answers. Not for children suffering. Or diseases taking lives that have not been fully lived. Not for poverty and families without homes. Or war. Not for natural disasters destructive trails of homes, businesses, and lives. Not for murder, theft, and crimes of horrendous natures.

But here is what I know– I know– with every fiber of my being. God has the ability to work through any and every situation. Nothing is impossible, too big, too much of a surprise or headache for the All Powerful Great “I am.”

And, as we face unthinkable hardships and trials in this world, I believe His desire is to orchestrate our lives in a way that each of our individual stories is one in which, “The works of God are displayed.”

When we allow to God enter our brokenness… His healing power is displayed.
When we allow God to be sufficient in times of need… His provision is displayed.
When we choose to be obedient even when the cost is great… His faithfulness is displayed.
When we trust Him in the face of opposition and obstacles… His mountain moving strength is displayed.
When we surrender our fears and anxiety during emotional storms… His calming and peaceful presence is displayed.

Wherever you are, whatever you are facing– God’s desire is that your life is not only a reflection of your love relationship with Him, but, also that your life is evidence of the manifested power of God at work. Strive to live your life aligned with Gods plans, so that others too may see the miracle, and that their response will also be… to praise God! 


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