The Chase

By Dominique Currie

"Chase after the heart of God and watch Him fulfill the very desires of yours. "

Have you ever been pursued by someone so hard that it seems as if they would move Heaven and Earth just to be in your life? No matter how hard you try to fight it, how fast you try to run, how much you try to persuade them that you are a MESS and need time to get yourself together, they still relentlessly vie for your heart?

That is how I felt as Jesus Christ was calling me out of bondage, out of darkness, out of the miry clay that held me captive. He is the model gentleman. He wasn’t pushy, he wasn’t overbearing…He simply kept whispering in my ear that He loved me and that I deserved so much more out of life than being bound in chains by a sinful lifestyle. The funny thing is, I thought I was already living a Godly lifestyle. I would go to church every Sunday, I would say my prayers, I would pay my tithes, I would volunteer my time and service to the church…. I had religion down to a science. I was in essence what I called a “good person”. I thought that because I went through the motions that God would honor that and somehow wink at my behind-closed-doors sins since I was a “good person”. I loved to say that His Grace would cover me in my sin, and all I had to do was habitually (though insincerely) repent. While this was partially the truth since His grace does cover us in those times of ignorance (and sometimes those instances where we are not so ignorant), He said in 1 Peter 1:16 Be ye holy for I am holy”. He doesn’t want us living in iniquities with the belief that we can just holler, shout, cut a step, or wail at the altar in fraudulence and man won’t know we are trying to cover our hypocritical lifestyle. God knows our hearts and it gave me a reverential fear to know that He could see past my sideshow. He KNEW what I was doing. He knew I was in denial and headed down a path of destruction.

That’s when God asked me to be His exclusively. He showed me that He wanted a bride, not a girlfriend. He wanted a full-time commitment, not a relationship of convenience. He wanted me to love and honor Him in Spirit and in Truth, not by lip-service. He wanted me to actually live the life that I boasted of instead of being a hypocrite. He completely slayed any self-righteousness that I THOUGHT I had and showed me that I cannot just be a hearer of the Word; I must also be a doer. And that meant obeying every single thing He instructs me in His Word. Instead of cherry-picking through the parts of Scripture I thought were appeasing, He wanted me to die to self completely. Instead of trying to rank sin into categories of severity according to my self-made delusions, He wanted me to acknowledge my sin for what it was (SIN) and allow Him to take it away. He wanted me to cast down all of my idols and serve Him and Him only.

My Christian walk has not been easy. I have lost friends, lovers, and sometimes have been ridiculed for being too “spiritual”. But Christ gave His all for me and I am determined to do my best to live for Him to the best of my ability. He didn’t compromise his sacrifice for me to try to please man and I will not compromise my sacrifice to Him to try to please man. In the end, Christ was there for me when nobody else was. How could I ever do anything detrimental to the man who holds my heart? Christ is such a sweet, compassionate and loving Father. Having a relationship with Him is second to nothing in this world.

Some women spend their entire lives desiring to be pursued by a man that would move Heaven and Earth for them. Some of these women will never know that they already are being actively pursued by the ultimate gentleman; the one man who sees you for who you are and loves you and who cares immensely about your soul and your eternal life. His voice and call is gentle, yet firm; His arms are the safest place to be in the world.

Chase after Him and His righteousness. Chase after Him with more determination than you chase the things of this world. Chase after the heart of God and watch Him fulfill the very desires of yours.  


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