The Comparison Game

If by our standards we measure well we are filled with pride and a sense of accomplishment. We’ve been validated. Upon falling short, we sabotage ourselves with a slew of negativity ranging from depression, condemnation, regret, disappointment, or jealousy. These feelings have the potential to cast us into a place of hopelessness as we succumb to the notion that maybe “we’re just not good enough.” We adopt characteristics that are not our own and attempt to reshape the very essence of who God designed us to be in an effort to “measure up.”

“We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves, they are not wise. We, however, will not boast beyond proper limits, but will confine our boasting to the field God has assigned us, a field that reaches even to you.” - 2 Corinthians 10:12-13—NIV

However, there is but ONE standard of Truth by which we should strive to measure ourselves. If it’s not by God’s Truth as described in His Word then it’s not a suitable comparison nor is it designed to measure your progress, character, or accomplishments. Open your eyes. This manner of judgment derived from earthly standards is detrimental to our Spirit. Our journey is as unique as our personality and does not deserve to be stifled, repressed, or condemned. The very experiences that you wish never happened or the ones that make you feel unworthy are the ones designed to help you fulfill your purpose.

So, today refuse to participate in the comparison game. Choose to live by His Truth. Accept your limitations. Seek help in areas where you are weak. Maximize your strengths. Recognize that He will “perfect everything that concerns you, be power in your weakness, fight this battle for you, contend with those who contend with you, and work all things together for your good”—YES…the scripture said all this. Get in your WORD! It will refresh you and provide you with the best example of who you should be trying to “measure up” to…Jesus.

Written by Ashley Ivery


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