Day Dreaming

By Mickela Rutledge

What will he look like? What will we talk about? How will I meet him? Do I already know him? But back to true contentment. What does that look like? What does that feel like? Do I have it? When will I have it?

Have you ever asked yourself these questions? I know for the past couple of months I have struggled with finding the answers to these questions. Especially when it comes to my season of singleness. In a world where it seems that everyday someone is getting into a relationship or engaged or meeting a significant other, it is so easy to ask God what about me? I am doing everything right. I am following you, desiring to be with a Christian man and I am constantly waiting on you. Why am I still single? But we all have to come to a point to where God is simply enough. He fills all voids. Philippians 4:11 “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content”. True contentment is learned and it is not a feeling. We often have the tendency to think that when I reach a certain level of contentment and peace, then God will give me a relationship. And even though I was waiting on God, I still made ‘God giving me a relationship’ an idol. God is definitely jealous for us and nothing comes before him. Not even our dreams or desires. James 4:5 says” Surely you don’t think the scripture is wrong when it says; the spirit which he sent to live in us wants us for him alone?”

The truth is, God alone is enough. He is more than anything we could ever imagine. Yes, God has the power and the ability to orchestrate our love stories and I believe he wants to do that but we can’t wait to let our lives began when we meet that special someone. Our lives started when we accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior. True contentment knows who you are in Christ and learning to let your mind and heart rest with where God has you right now. God is everything we want in a special guy. He is perfect, he loves us for who we truly are and he desires to see us grow and succeed. He has a sense of humor and he loves and enjoys life! He has the ability to comfort us when we are sad and truly knows what to do to put a smile on our faces. He also loves to hear us talk! We need to start realizing that God is everything that we seek and desire in a relationship.

So, what is keeping us away from accepting where God has us right now? I had to realize that daydreaming and fantasizing about my special someone or how God would put that special someone into my life took my focus off of God’s plan for my life in this season. Dreaming about this took me away from my present reality and made me even more discontent with the season that I was in. Luke 12:34 reads, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”.  I took a break from love songs and songs that made me dwell on having a relationship until my head was clear and I was able to fully trust God with my love life.  Having a relationship is like having icing on a cake. God and us make up the cake. We are whole with God. Having a guy is the icing. We have to learn to love ourselves and find the beauty and joy that is in our lives right now. So get out and start enjoying your life as a single godly woman. Grow deeper in his word and want he says about you. Enjoy hobbies or hanging out with friends or even serve others who may need your help. You only get to be single once. In what ways can you enjoy your life as a single? Feel free to share.  


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