Today's A New Day

By Carla Cannon

As a single woman I know what it’s like to long to be held, loved and cared for. I have been single for over two years now and it has not been an easy road however, what keeps me is my relationship with the Lord. I can remember experiencing one unhealthy relationship after another and finally I surrendered and told the Lord I would not go on another date until He released me to do so.

Sometimes we have to steal away and get to really know our first love, which is Jesus. We must know that God is our spiritual husband and until we can learn not to cheat on Him and be faithful to Him, we will never be ready for our earthly husband. The only reason I can speak with you about this is because I used to really struggle in my flesh and found myself in the sin of fornication as well as masturbation. It wasn't until I began to realize just how much sin pushed me further away from God that I no longer wanted that to separate me from Him.

We must understand that although God is a loving God, He also hates sin and that is what causes a barrier between Him and us. Now, understand we are not perfect and that is why His grace is sufficient however, we must truly repent and turn away from what was once a sinful nature to embrace the will of God for our lives and allow Him to teach us in His word how to live holy.

I know holiness is not a term that many of us especially as young women like to hear. But it is very necessary. I want to encourage you that no matter what took place on yesterday, know that today is a new day and you can begin again no matter how bad you may have previously messed up. Know that if you desire a mate, God will send one to you in His timing, but you must trust Him and know there is Power in Waiting.

I encourage you to get my new book: The Power in Waiting for in Chapter 4 I have entitled it Single But Not Alone and I dedicated this chapter to singles only. I openly share my previous struggles of battling being single and trying to live holy and also how I overcame in those areas. My book is now available on and will be sure to bless your life! I would love to hear from you feel free to email me at!


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