Hello Gorgeous Body, Goodbye Calorie Counting

By Carmen Beckett

As we embark upon this amazing New Year, the luring thought of fad dieting is at its all-time high.  However, if all of the torturing, time-consuming calorie counting has never really worked for you, then this article is for you! Honestly, measuring out my food and having to do math at breakfast to track every calorie eaten has never really fit well with me, which is why I had to find new ways to stay healthy and in shape.  So below, I’ve listed a few steps that have allowed me to shed off many unwanted pounds and I know they can help you to do the same! 

Now let’s start!

1.) When you wake up in the morning, drink a glass of water. – Every night before I go to bed, I like to place a bottle or a cup of water on my dresser so that it is right there for me to drink when I wake up.  This easy, simple step has been such a great aid in regulating my appetite, and I’ve also noticed how I no longer crave bad food in the morning (you know, those blueberry muffins or that bacon dripping in grease).

2.) Do not buy junk foods - If it’s in your kitchen, you will eat it!  This is true for almost all of us so why tempt ourselves?  Just like a recovering alcoholic doesn’t keep a cabinet full of liquor in their kitchen, fabulous women who are becoming healthier do not keep junk food in theirs.

3.) Ignore the last rule – Yes you read that right.  Step #3 is to ignore the last rule every once in a while. Wondering why?  Well, have you ever noticed that when you try to cut out a food completely, you end up wanting it EVEN more?  Join the club! In fact, most of us are like that, which is why it’s important to treat yourself to the food or dessert of your desire every so often.  So start with a schedule that works for you! This could be once a week, every other week, or maybe even only once a month.

4.) Find a FUN exercise – Everyone doesn’t enjoy the same workouts so find an activity that you genuinely like.  If you like to dance, try going to a local dance class or getting a few fun dance DVDs.  If you like sports, then go play one.  It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you do it!

5.) Get a partner – Living healthy is so much easier when you have a partner in crime to share your latest victories and sometimes even struggles with.  If no one in your life right now sounds like they would fit this role, then there are several online health & fitness forums likeMyfitnesspal and Beachbody that you can check out.

So now you know 5 totally doable steps to give you an awesome kick start to a healthier new you!Have fun in your new, gorgeous body!


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