Book Review: Grace by Max Lucado

By Kris Bush

Grace.  Five letters packed with power. ALL of us need grace. Yet the question that many of us seem to need to fathom is what does grace look like? Where does it come from? Grace is when you need to make enough money to pay your bills but God sends overflow and it culminates in you being able to satisfy a few wants! You can’t give grace until you’ve been given grace. Grace comes directly from God.

This is what Max Lucado addresses in his bestselling book ‘Grace’. It’s something we need, that we don’t deserve and no matter how much we try to imagine it, it is way more than our minds can visualize. 

“More than we deserve…Greater than we Imagine…this is Grace."  -Max Lucado

 Not only does Max explain grace in terms of the bible, he relays people’s story of grace, of times when God extended not just mercy but HIS grace to them. Mercy would have forgiven the prodigal son, but grace threw him a party and decked him out in new threads.

In my life, I have seen grace so many times. Mercy kept me from dying from an accident. Grace allowed me to bear children even though I was told I would never carry full term.

Max describes grace in action. Two different ways Grace acts. Grace can be saving. There is the grace that God extends to us when we repent. Then there is sustaining grace. Sustaining grace is the grace that gets through each day. As a mom, I need sustaining grace daily, it keeps me sane and replenishes my patience each morning.

I recommend that every believer read this book. Every person who has ever doubted their salvation ever doubted the grace extended to them and has ever had a hard time extending grace to others. This book will further confirm to you the grace God has extended to you, strengthen you to extend grace and remind you why it is important.
This book can be found for $14.88 on Amazon (Hardback) & for 14.99 on


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