
Do you ever feel like you get graded ten times lowers when you're around a pretty girl that everyone likes? It doesn't matter that everyone likes you too because all you can see clearly is how pretty and popular she is. Because of this, every good thing about you is blocked out. You feel like everything you have to say doesn't even compare to what she's got to say. Her clothes? You've got to go out and get something similar just to feel that you're at her level.

STOP! You are so much better than that. Just because she may be more attractive than most in your eyes doesn't mean that she compares to you. Again, you are so much better than that; God, the creator of beauty, created you. Never compare yourself to anyone because you will always come up short somewhere. Walk with your back straight up and realize that you're one of the best things walking this Earth. Not in a cocky way, but it's true. Especially us Christian girls, we are some of the best creatures because our creator is in us and walking with us through every step that we take. God puts a little something special in all of us and if you let your insecurities rule how will we share our all with the world? 

Sure, there may be some of us that are more attractive than others but what happened to our quality? Sometimes our inner-selves are so beautiful we don't need a lot of outer make-up. Your ambitions, your character, your likes, your dislikes-- all of this stuff makes up who you are as a person and no one can take that away from you. You are so unique and there's no one else like you walking this Earth. God loves you so much and He doesn't want you to play yourself out here trying to be somebody else.

There is a guy out there for you that is going to love every ounce of you, but how will he ever find you if the real you is hiding behind everyone else? There is a friend out here that God wants you to meet, but how will they meet you if you're not really being you? You're not invisible and everyone can see this, but can you? Take a look at how you look at and treat others; that's how you're treating yourself. If you don't like it, change it. We're only here on this Earth for a little while and we don't have time to be down here being all insecure and scared to be ourselves. We've got a life to live and only you can live yours.

I urge you to start now. Get off of your little pony and start riding your high horse that you were always made to ride. God didn't make any girl in comparison to any other girl. We were all made in the image of Him. He created you to be courageous and bold, not insecure and minimized! If you read your Bible more I promise you that you will start to feel more confident day by day.That's just the God getting bigger and bigger within you. And people will see that and be drawn to you.

One more thing. When you get some free time, go to YouTube and look up 'Joshua Eze: Proverbs 31 Woman.' It will really change your perspective about yourself.

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About the Author :

Diamond Lewis is a 20 year old college student from Virginia. She is just trying to figure it out like everyone else. Diamond has been a Christian all of her life. However, in her late teenage years God really grabbed hold of her and captured her attention. Diamond's aim is to be one with God in every breath that she breathes so that others may see Him in her. Some of Diamond's hobbies are writing, online shopping (or looking), and just relaxing and enjoying life as it comes.


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