Beautiful Chapters in His Story

Dear Sister, our lives are made up of a series of beautiful and profound chapters that are filled with grace and touched with the inexplicable love of God. These chapters are filled with characters, lessons, experiences and activities that vary in time and intensity. Whatever chapters we find ourselves in, we are encouraged to trust the best-selling author of this Universe – God.
Chapters You Never Want to End: There are chapters that crackle with excitement and mellow-drama. They are fast paced and filled with quirky moments. Prosperity, success and pure bliss define the rhythm of these chapters. Be it the birth of a child, the joy of obtaining a new job, the purity of a new relationship, the victory of achieving a new goal – this is a chapter filled with memorable moments. Sister, if like Job, you can declare, “You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit” (Job 10: 12), lift up your thankful soul and offer a sacrifice of praise to God for these chapters of favor.
Chapters You Desire to End: You may also find yourself in a chapter that you deeply and desperately desire to end - like a boat on a tormented sea, you find yourself being tossed and turned by the monotony or inactivity of this chapter. You may insert every literary device, character, or conflict into the plot so that it can abruptly end, but know that this chapter is one where your strength is being tested, your faith wings are being developed, your character is being molded, your heart is being transformed and your mind is being renewed. This is a chapter of rebirth and growth so “consider it pure joy…. sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.” (James 1: 2) Don’t become discouraged and close your heart to what God is completing within you.
Chapters You are Afraid of Beginning: Then there are chapters that usher a new experience into our hearts and minds. We become afraid of moving through the pages and remain stuck on the outskirts of a new experience with fear-riddled hearts. Sister, if you are filled with fear of the unknown – a new career decision, an upcoming endeavor, starting a new ministry, moving to a new location – put your hand in God’s nail pierced hands and surrender to the newness that is ahead for you. ("But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.” Jeremiah 17: 7) You are not walking into a fog of the unknown but you are walking into a blessed future with God. I encourage you to let go of fear.
Chapters You are Afraid of Ending: You may not want a chapter to end so you continue writing - thinking that your writing, directing, manipulating and plotting will arrest the characters, change the formula of the plot and prevent the chapter from ending. You don’t desire to let go the scenes that take your breath away or the high octane narrative that draws you or the characters that have added beauty to your life. It is often painful accepting that a chapter so rich and healing, passionate and inspiring, beautiful and blessed can come to an end. Sister, let go with grace for the Lord has seen it fit for this chapter to end for a blessed reason.
No matter the chapter you are walking through I encourage you to trust the perfect author of your life, God, for He is penning a bestseller story that is filled with chapters that flow with purpose, grace, and passion. The author of your life’s story has never written a disappointing storyline to date and He will not start now. Your greatest joy is in knowing Him and beholding the richness of every chapter He unfolds in your life. 

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About the Author :

Dentrecia Blanchette is a 24 year old from the island of St. Kitts in the West Indies who is pursing graduate studies in Communication, Media and Public Relations. She is passionate about culture, women issues, relationships and mental health as she is passionate about spreading the good news of Jesus one printed piece at a time. Her quiet strength has dubbed her the nickname, “Gentle Lion” and she believes that God can use even introverts as herself to spread His message of hope.


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