"I was called to serve, empower, and help people reach their full potential...I'm not fulfilled, if I'm not helping others become successful." - Ronne B
Whole Spotlight was created to shine the light on women who are impacting their community and the world. Amazing women of God who are stepping into their purpose that God has called them for.

"Ronnessa Brown is a woman who has defeated odds, stepped over stereotypes, and transcended barriers. This Washington, DC native’s story is one that leaves “no excuses” to the person who wants better for their lives." - HHAHG
Check out our eInterview below:
WM: Ronne, can you share with our readers a little bit about your upbringing?
R: I was raised in Washington DC, in what was considered one of the roughest neighborhoods in the DC area. By the time I was 13 my mom and dad split up. Watching them go through the separation was really difficult. With too much free time on my hands, and my dad working around-the-clock, I ended up pregnant by the age of 16. That alone gave me the motivation to want to be more and do more with my life. This huge responsibility at a young age ended up being the foundation of my testimony. I was scared, doubtful, and confused about how I was going to make it with a child. I turned that negative energy into the positive determination I needed to overcome it all. I was determined to not become a statistic. I went straight to work so that I can make ends meet and support my son.
WM: How were you introduced to Jesus personally?
R: Faith was instilled in me at a very young age. I remember having Bible study with my mom as a little girl. As I grew older, my relationship with Jesus wasn't as strong but I knew he was always by my side. While experiencing life, love, trials, and tribulations, God continued to show me that no matter how much I felt I could do on my own, there was nothing I could do without Him by my side. My purpose is clear and I know that God chose me to be a vessel, a testimony, and an inspiration to young moms and women who simply want more out of life and tap into their full potential.
WM: Can you tell us a little about High Heels High Goals Movement and the vision behind it?

R: High Heels High Goals is a membership based women's empowerment organization with a mission to empower, educate and engage women from all walks of life. Within this membership my Co-Founder, Jennifer Lucy Tyler, and I provide weekly motivational emails, monthly empowerment calls that span a range of personal and business development topics, and quarterly networking events that are designed to uplift, educate, and empower women. The birth of this organization is directly tied to my mission in life to help women see and seek their full potential. More information about the organization and how to join can be found at www.HighHeelsHighGoals.com.
WM: What advice do you have for other women on achieving God-centered success?
R: My advice would be to seek God first in everything you do. Keep your focus on Him and ask for his guidance to ensure you are fulfilling His will and purpose for you in this life. Pray and meditate on His word daily. Ask God to constantly reveal Himself to you and give you clarity in your walk with Christ. God will lead, guide and bless you abundantly when you keep your eyes on Him.
WM: What inspires you to press on, when the going gets rough?
R: My children, my family and the many women out there God is planning to send my way for me to lead and pour into. I am determined to leave a legacy behind for my children. Just knowing that I am living on purpose is such a blessing and an honor that motivates me to stay focused and motivated to keep going everyday.
WM: What advice do you have for young women who are interested in launching their own non-profit organization someday?
R: First pray on it and ensure it is in line with what God has for you to do. Next, do your research and set it up the right way with an experienced professional. Finally, just do it! Get the right people in place to help support the mission.
WM: What do you want to tell the young women out there that had the same struggles you did?
R: If I can do it, so can you! Struggles are experiences God purposely send your way to make you stronger. God is preparing you for greatness. Stay in tune with Him and allow Him to be your guiding light. He will seamlessly show you the way.
WM: What are 3 bible verses that have blessed you and why?
R: Proverbs 15:21- "Foolishness brings joy to those with no sense. A sensible person stays on the right path." This verse helps to remind us how important it is for us to live on purpose and stay in our lane. God has a divine plan for each one of our lives.
Colossians 3:17- "And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the father." If we live through Him, stay focused on Him, and be thankful to Him, we will find peace and show love in all we do, as the Lord did.
Ephesians 4:2- "Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each others faults because of your love." I love this scripture because it teaches us how to be true to ourselves and show the love to others that God shows us.
WM: How can we stay connected and up-to-date with you?
On the web at www.RonneB.com
On Instagram and Twitter @MsRonne
On Facebook at www.Facebook.com/keepupwithRonneB