Not Perfect But Easy to Love

Christon Gray's song Lady Gray (Easy to Love) is playing so loudly in my head today. His whole album School of Roses is amazing and I have listened to every song on repeat daily, but today it's a "Lady Gray (Easy to Love)" kind of day. The lyrics that stand out the most to me are, "I feel like I been looking for love you see on TV. I still feel like I'm trying to write a song I already made." This particular song, I believe, is speaking of his wife. I am not sure that my outlook is in the context of what he is sharing in the song, but I believe God is definitely speaking to me through these specific lyrics in a unique way.

Social media is such a huge part of our world today. It offers us an interesting place and space to learn, connect, share, develop friendships, collaborate, and more. It also truthfully has been a breeding ground for the development of romantic relationships. Social media has given us a window into the lives of others. It is as if a story or life is created through posts, comments, pictures, and videos that are shared. We see this as an outsource for us to communicate with others that may not be within our grasp. It can be enjoyable and entertaining and also a place where people have truly been blessed, and lives have been changed because of what has been shared. Though we believe that this forum gives us a better understanding of people, especially the ones, we want to get to know more, it does not give us an internal flashlight to look intricately and intimately into the heart and condition of a person's life. So then getting to know someone only through the Internet, but never really knowing the heart of a person becomes an endless and empty cycle, because your connection only goes but so far when lacking true intimacy.

Only getting to know someone on the surface of social media is such an emotionally unavailable place. For some, it is even a way to protect their hearts because they want to connect but not too intimately for fear of being hurt. It is just easier for this to happen. When you do not make the connection, you want, then you decide to move on to the next. Isolating yourself behind the walls of social media and the Internet is an incubator that deteriorates the heart. It is so funny that these grounds only take us further away from what our hearts truly desire. That is true interpersonal connection, companionship and love. We then at this point enter relationships and even a relationship with God based off of a counterfeit idea of what love is really about. We enter these relationships with the idea that Christon Gray says in his song, "I feel like I been looking for love you see on TV. I still feel like I'm trying to write a song I already made."

Sometimes our understanding of a genuine relationship is based upon what we bring to the table and try to force on others; we are likely to force our own ideas about love into a box of what we have seen through our experiences, the media, or other circumstances. It is even harder to approach God in this manner because He wants to teach and guide us, exemplifying what true love is. He wants to show us not only what is in our hearts but also in the hearts of others. He wants us to understand the condition of the heart because then we are able to connect intimately and actually have a relationship.

Another line in Christon Gray's song Lady Gray (Easy to love) says, "You're not perfect, but you're easy to love." I believe this how God sees us. We are not perfect, but God is the ultimate lover and for Him, we are easy to love. Even through our imperfections, He loves us unconditionally; and being in a relationship with God gives us a key to the heart.

We believe a lot of times that we really know a person based on what we see of them through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. Somebody types in their birth date, where they went last night for dinner, or their relationship status and this constitutes us holding the vitality of that person's life in our hands. Then we try to develop a relationship based on the persona of a particular individual. I will not pretend like I have not been guilty of this before....hahaha.....I had to pause and laugh at myself just thinking about it. I have done it several times, but I had to learn that people are not always who they portray themselves to be; and this is why we should lean upon the one who truly knows their hearts, as well as ours.

The bible says, "Trust in the lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the lord and turn away from evil." (Proverbs 3:5-7 NLT)

Seek true wisdom and understanding.
Also when you get a chance, check out Christon Gray's album School of Roses. It is truly awesome because he is a dope Christian artist speaking and sharing about the human experience.

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Author: Francine Ott

Francine is truly thankful to have a relationship with God and is seeking Him daily for guidance and any opportunities to walk closer with Him in truth and love. Francine is a choreographer/dancer, teacher, and soon to be counselor who has a heart to see God's transforming power, renew, restore, and heal the minds, souls, and bodies of people's lives.


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