The Great Commission of a Mother and Wife

Let's face it, being a wife and a mom isn’t always the most glamorous of jobs. In fact, when you’re walking around with spit up on your clothes, pulling sippy cups out your purse, wearing the same yoga pants three days in a row and underwear sniffing before throwing in another load you soon begin to realize your life truly is not your own.

On the surface of it all, who in their right mind would consider themselves “called” to something like that? 

Many of our deeds go unnoticed. Our milkshake now brings toddlers to the yard, which by the way you’ll be thoroughly cleaning up later. We’re not necessarily the forefront of the mission field although if you’ve been a mom just for a couple days you’ll soon find its as mission field as mission field gets.

A friend of mine, who’s much more of a mentor and spiritual mom to me as she’s older than me and has gone before me, would tell me again and again, “Your house comes first. It is your first ministry.” I knew this and I understood this. And then God began to work in me and reveal more and more to me about the importance of motherhood and being a wife in His great plan for the universe. You see, when we look at the mundane day to day things sometimes its frustrating and sometimes other “bigger” opportunities seem more enticing. But I want to take the time to highlight why the call of a mother and the call of a wife is probably one of the most critically important callings in God's plan. 

Shaping Society

Marriage is the first institution God ordained on this Earth. And He saw it as good! He then told man and woman to be fruitful and multiply. We see God's order for the world—the Master architect constructing civilization, starting with the home. It's God's will to create healthy marriages, which produce healthy families and so all of society is built on the institution of the family. Really think about it. One household at a time, as a body we are the foundation of society. The way we manage our homes and our families becomes a pillar that plays a bigger role in our world. CEO’s, Civilians, Teachers, Medical Professionals, Entertainers, Humanitarians, etc, every role fulfilled by humanity branches out from the heart of the home. 

If our families are out of order our society goes with it. We already have seen what the result of a generation of men absent from the home looks like. And ever since then, beginning with the fall, the enemy has done everything he could to tear that down. Getting into the families is always the core. But God has laid out a perfect plan since the beginning. And it starts with each one of us women deciding today to play our role. It begins with making intentional choices to be the women God has called us to be to help build a better world by starting with our homes. We have enough bad examples, who will be a good one? You are shaping society. You have a divine assignment.

Shaping the next generation

That child you’re raising up. Yeah the one that makes you question, “What in the world did I sign up for?” That precious child is the next generation. And there is a call on their life. Your pregnancy may have even been unexpected for you, but its no accident to God. They will go out into the world as an example in their schools, jobs and in society. As a body, we are raising up an entire generation and every mother plays their role, because a generation is made up of individuals first.

Its our job to bring structure and lay the foundation in their lives so that they do not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6) The teaching and discipline you’re instilling in the lives of your children on a day to day basis are not in vain (no matter how frustrating). Over the course of time it will produce fruit in their lives which will plant seeds in our world. You are shaping the next generation. You have a divine assignment.

You’re modeling the gospel to those around you

When you have a family you find yourself loving the unlovable, forgiving the seemingly unforgivable and laying down your life over and over again. And when you really think about it, is that not the heart of the gospel?

When Christ is the center of our homes and we’re being the wife and mother He’s called us to be, not only is it an example to our husband's and children, but those around you who are a witness to your life. I believe the best way we spread the gospel is by our lives being an active witness. Believe it or not, you are embodying and furthering the heart of the gospel by managing your family as the heart of your household. Marriage is designed as a direct parallel of Christ and His bride, the church. What a beautiful understanding the world can gain of this by fulfilling your divine purpose as a mom or wife.

Proverbs 31:25-30 
Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”

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About the Author :

Brittney Moses is happy wife to Jonnese and mother to Austin. In June 2012, she founded Unashamed Impact, a worldwide organization uniting young believers in Christ to rise to their calling and gather to take action in their cities through evangelism and community outreach.


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