Coping With the Trials of Life God's Way

What do you do in times of disagreements or anger? 

You generally have three options: lash out, jump on the phone or social media, or get on your face before God. Many of us (myself include) have had troubling times in which they have responded by getting angry and jumping on social media to “vent.” Some of us even try to rationalize this by saying its harmless and that it is “just venting.” However the truth is that it is quite harmful to you and your relationship with God. God longs for us to come to Him, with everything good or bad, big or small. First Peter 5:7 tells us “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you”. So do just that. Work stressing you out, turn to God and let Him care for you. You and your husband having issues, turn to God and let Him work it out. How many times have we (myself included) got irritated or angry and got on social media to talk about it? I can go on Facebook now and see posts like this. Yet, how many times can we honestly say that instead of going online or calling up a friend when we should have sat down and called up Jesus?

Are you truly aware of the fact that God knows you? Knows your husband and knows your situation better than you ever will? We are told in Jeremiah 17:10 “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve." God knows the heart of each of us. So what can you possibly know that God does not know? What problem could you possibly have that He does not have the answer to? The answer is none. You need to know this. You cannot stand tall, stand strong and persevere if you do not realize that God knows you better than you know you and can address your problems for you, if you let Him. Our Father God is the ultimate gentleman, even though He knows what we need before we ask Him, He still waits for us to ask. He waits for us to show that we trust and depend on Him. Ask anyone who is still standing in their faith what the secret is and they will say prayer and trusting God. Why? Because that is what our faith depends on. That is what our marriages and friendships depend on.

Sisters (brothers if you’re reading), I implore you to take the time to take everything that’s on your plate; your struggles, your fears, your worries, your needs, the argument from this morning, and leave them on the altar. Write them down and pray over them, leaving them with God. Really leave them. Don’t allow yourself to pick them back up, nursing them. Let God do what God does best and take care of us. Learn that every situation does not require us to respond to it but for us to go to God and let Him respond to it. Hearts can be changed by God not people. Situations are best changed by God not people. He says "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord Almighty.” Zechariah 2:6).

Recently, I was reading my bible and listening to a bible study by Heather Lindsey (she does them often on YouTube) and Heather touched on this topic. Reminding me that too often I’ve place my hope in what I can do. And that’s putting myself in place of God. So I tell you, don’t put your hope in what you can do; in what money can buy. Put your hope in Jesus alone.

So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him- 2 Peter 3:14 

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About the Author :

Kris Bush is a wife to Chris and mom to her Bush babies. She has been blogging for a few years now and is committed to sharing her love for Christ with others (as well as her love of books). Kris is a work in progress, trying to help other “works in progress” get progressing toward Christ and unto completion in Heaven. You can read more of Kris's writing on her personal blog.


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