Becoming A Lady of Christ

It’s ok to be a lady. In fact, I think all women should be ladies.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have been fascinated for the days gone by of how women would talk, act, and dress as ladies. History required women to become ladies, especially those of high social standing, wealth, and royalty. True ladies were not always wealthy though. Money and power were not, and are not prerequisites to being a gracious and poised individual. Instead, I have found that it is something that all women can and should learn. 

As daughters of the King of Kings we have a great responsibility. We are ambassadors for our Heavenly father.  We are princesses.  We need to act accordingly. This does not mean that we have to drink tea with our pinky fingers sticking out or wear stuffy clothing. I believe that being a lady, especially a daughter of the King, begins in our hearts. The reflections of our hearts will manifest themselves in our outward appearance and actions.

My heart breaks when I see young women act and talk crudely. I have been in groups where young women have tried to act like one of the guys. I understand that society does not exactly encourage women to be ladies. Being a lady is associated with not having fun and being a bore.  We as women get upset when a man does not open the door for us, but if we are not acting as ladies how can we expect them to be gentleman? Many times it is said that acting like a lady means that you are weak and helpless. I think this is as far from that truth as it gets. I believe it is a quiet strength.

When I have researched “being a lady” or "characteristics of a lady,” the main thing that pops up on the search engine are a myriad of tips on how one should act, talk, dress. It is all focused on the outside. I believe that by becoming closer to Christ, being a lady will come naturally. If women who are unsaved are able to act like a lady, how much more should daughters of the King be able to act in a way that represents her Heavenly Father? There are some areas that must be learned that are appropriate to the day and age you live in (cell phones and social media, to give a couple of examples).  Proper etiquette for formal and informal settings is one area that is very helpful to know about. Knowing how to act in different settings has been a tremendous help as I have attended formal events as well as hung out with friends at a coffee shop. 

The heart is the foundation for a lady’s dress, actions, and speech. In the fairytales the bad character always has an evil heart. How do you know this? Well, his or her actions and speech definitely showed that. Luke 6:45 says, 

“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” 

How is your heart doing? Is it bringing forth evil or good? Are you struggling with bitterness? Anger? Jealousy? Do you need to forgive someone who has wronged you? If your heart is not right with the Lord, it will show.  Our heart is something that we need to constantly keep in check. The Lord is merciful and gracious. If you need to ask His forgiveness for something, He will forgive! Psalm 51:10 says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.” 

We cannot act as true ladies of Christ if our hearts are not where they ought to be. Let us each examine our hearts, fall more in love with Jesus, and be true ladies of Christ. 

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About the Author :

Leah Hill is an Army wife and Graphic Designer. Her desire is to share with others what the Lord has been teaching her, whether through writing or building relationships. Leah thoroughly enjoys writing letters, knitting, staying active, and cherishing every moment with her wonderful husband.


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