Book Review: Worthy of Her Trust (What You Need to Do to Rebuild Sexual Integrity and Win Her Back)

 About the book:

Few challenges in life are as difficult as regaining a wife’s trust—and few are as ultimately worthwhile. Trust can be rebuilt in your marriage! With patient, loving, self-sacrificing effort, it’s possible that one day your wife will risk her heart with you again. And she may even have more respect and love for you than before.

In Worthy of Her Trust, Jason Martinkus relates how he repaired his own marriage after revelations of sexual addiction. Along with Stephen Arterburn, Jason offers exercises and tools rooted in counseling principles to help your marriage begin again. This comprehensive guide discusses: 

· How to be truly and effectively transparent 
· Combating the “he must not love me” myth and other untruths
· What to do about the Internet, office temptations, and travel
· Encouragement for wives who wonder if trust can ever be restored 
· The “five-minute phone call” and other daily trust-building strategies
· What meaningful forgiveness and restitution look like
· The Amends Matrix—a concrete exercise to admit past wrongs and cast a vision for a faithful future

Including insights from Jason’s wife, Shelley, Worthy of Her Trust guides you through the process of rebuilding your relationship so it is stronger than ever.

Editor's Thoughts: 

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. My husband and I read it together as well. It was a book we could relate to. the author's not only shared their unhealthy addictions to pornography and other sexual sins, but Jason's wife, Shelley also put in her thoughts and things she struggled with during those times. It was nice to read a man's perspective and give biblical counsel on rebuilding trust in the marriage. It was encouraging for both husbands and wives. 

This book provided realistic, biblical ways to overcome sexual temptation and experience victory over those desires that destroy families, and marriages every year. 

I highly recommend this book to not only men struggling, but to read it along with your spouse. This book would also work wonderfully as a bible study for men's group.

My husband was addicted to Pornography since he was a child and it was something that was a part of our marriage for years, and also a part of the problems in our marriage. It led to infidelity as well and this book helped me to recognize some things I, myself, was still dealing with due to my husband's sexual sins. 

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.

Disclosure of Material Connection: We received this book free from the publisher book. We were not required to write a positive review. The opinions we have expressed are our own. 

Author image

About the Author :

Carmen Miller is happily married mother of 5 and wife to Jarrad. As Founder of Whole Magazine, and Co-Founder of God Over Porn; Carmen's heart's passion is to see broken women made whole through the power of Jesus Christ.


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