Prioritizing Your Priorities

"Ugh, I have so much stuff to do."

I find myself getting overwhelmed often. Most of the time, my frustration is expressed in the exact phrase mentioned above. For those of you who are in settings that demand load after load- whether you're in school or you work a full time job- why do we let our work get ahead of us? Over and over again I find myself getting behind schedule with all of the work I have to do when, honestly, I had countless opportunities to do them beforehand. When we let procrastination take over, we are second. This does not make much sense when living with the understanding that we were called to be first and never last; the head and never the tail. 

Ladies, if we truly devote ourselves to following Jesus, He will never allow us to fall too far behind that we simply cannot catch up.

Sometimes it's a priority thing. We need to learn how to set our priorities straight. Make a list, in order, of the things that absolutely have to get done on that day and stick to it. Don't put anything off. However, make it realistic also.

When we slack in our classes or in our work, it downgrades us because everything starts to weigh us down. If we are constantly under pressure, how do we expect to soar? We are Kingdom children and we must learn how to discipline ourselves in how we order our priorities. In other words, God must always come first. When we live with our priorities set with a focus on the Kingdom and not the world, we are able to do our work in the world a whole lot better. People should be able to look at us and see that our King comes first. It may not make our workload any lighter, but by putting God first, we will have a better sense of control regarding the rest of our everyday activities. Guarantee it.

Here's a little prayer that can help you through these rough times:

"Dear God,

Thank You for giving me all the opportunities that I know many other young women my age don't get to have. Sometimes I put stuff off and get overwhelmed with the things I have left to do. Help me to refocus my aim back to You and realize that everything I am doing is for Your glory and it all should be done in excellence. I know I like hanging with my friends and catching up on the reruns of _____, but help me to realize that school is more important right now and that the position I hold at work cannot be taken lightly. I know You have given me all of these things in confidence that I could handle them. Help me to have that same confidence in myself so I can work eagerly toward my goals. I appreciate every single gift that You have given me and I thank You that I will not be overwhelmed. Restore in me peace, joy and patience and help me to get to where You have desired for me to be. 

I pray all of this in Jesus' precious name, Amen."

Now, what are your waiting for? Go out there and achieve your goals! With the Lord as your first and foremost priority, you won't be as fragile this time in doing so- I promise.

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, she laughs without fear of the future," (Proverbs 31:25). 

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About the Author :

Diamond Lewis is a 20 year old college student from Virginia. She is just trying to figure it out like everyone else. Diamond has been a Christian all of her life. However, in her late teenage years God really grabbed hold of her and captured her attention. Diamond's aim is to be one with God in every breath that she breathes so that others may see Him in her. Some of Diamond's hobbies are writing, online shopping (or looking), and just relaxing and enjoying life as it comes.


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