Favor In His Eyes

What is Favor?
Favor is God with us.

Favor is a lot simpler than we often make it, just like grace is simple as well. The hard part about grace is learning how to receive; the struggle with favor is learning how to abide. 

In the first chapter of Luke, an Angel appeared to Mary saying, "28 Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you." (NASB) There are actually many verses through out the Bible where favor is mention in conjunction with the presence of God in that individuals life. Hints to the fact that favor is not something to do with who we are but who God is.

In the foretelling of the birth of Jesus, favor is spoken over Mary. Favor was not based on something she earned or worked for. Through God's presence in her life, she received favor.

If you can begin to grasp the depth of Grace, you can also understand favor. In the New Testament the word used for Grace is the same word used for favor. The word for Favor in Greek is derived from the word Grace. When a passage says found favor, in the Greek it translates as a benefit of Grace.
Grace is a gift from God we can receive through accepting Jesus, who paid all the wages of sin, which is death. Jesus gave us the gift of eternal life through his death and resurrection. When we accept Jesus we accept grace. Grace is not earned, it is not obtained through working, and it is not something you deserve. It is a free gift from God you receive.

If you were to throw yourself a birthday party and I was invited and said I was going. When I arrived at the party, I brought with me a gift for you. Would you accept the gift but then try to pay for it? A gift is something given to you and is paid for by someone else. I brought to you a gift for your birthday; all you have to do is receive the gift. It is already yours; I put your name on it.
I was listening to a sermon by Brian Houston, Pastor of Hillsong, His message was entitled No other Name, and it is on Vimeo (you should watch it). Anyhow, he told a story to illustrate the power of someone's name. He spoke about how because of his name his daughter was able to gain access to the reserve Airport Lounge even though she was not flying on that Airline. Due to the fact that He was a member his daughter was able to have access through him.
It is through Jesus we have access to the Father, it is through Jesus we have found Favor with God and Man. Jesus spent time with the Father; He grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52). Favor is much of the same nature as Grace; it is a gift that we receive because God is with us. God's presence in our lives is Favor.
Favor did not appear for the first time in the New Testament, there are in fact many stories of favor in the Old Testament. They are stories of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Gideon, David and many more all received favor.
In 1 Samuel 18:14, "In everything he did he found great success because the Lord was with him." The verse is speaking of David; he had favor because the Lord was with him. We have favor because the Lord is with us.
Favor is not based on merit. It is not something you earn. You receive favor, because the Lord is with you. 

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About the Author :

Felecia Efriann is a storyteller. She enjoys hearing and sharing a good story. She walks with God in her everyday life and it is the greatest adventure in her life. She strives to enjoy all the other little adventures throughout the day.She is a lover of laughter and people. You can find glimpses of her life on her blog.

Finding Your Focus

Something very powerful happened while I was studying about God today through an online course.  One of the messages in the text said, stop right now and go over the answers you wrote and see how many times you mention “I,” as in comparison to God.  I could not do anything but pause and just stare at the computer screen.  Forty-five to sixty minutes of a lesson and the very end of it shut me down.  I do not actually know how long I sat at my computer staring at the screen but it was a long time before I went back through my answers to see; just know that I was there for a good bit of time in shock. 

When we pray, study, worship, or talk to God, how much of our communication is centered on us more so than Him?  Just think about it for a moment and ask yourself, Did God really get the glory or did I just list all the things I think He should be doing for me?  I am not saying this to say that we cannot make our requests known to God but even if He does provide, it is so that we will not forget who supplied our needs. 

When we want God to do something powerful in our lives, should we focus on what we want or on Him?  Well I hope we all know this answer, we should be focused on God.  I spent a lot of time in prayer today but even so, I had to just ask God, Lord, was I really focus on you?  It made me wonder if I needed to go back and pray over again and try to get it right; but that is not the lesson because again I would have only been focused on me.  What we all need to understand is that our focus should always be on God. 

If God is our provider, counselor, friend, lover of our souls, our banner, and our hearts desire, then why is He not our focus?  This question reminds me of what I learned yesterday, sometimes we are so busy being defensive about everything and always walking in fear that we do not know what truly offends us.  When this happens, we definitely become the victim instead of the victor.  God is our defender, but we like to take over His job by doing things on our own. 

“My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues me from the traps of my enemies,” (Psalms 25:15, New Living Translation).

We want to be healed, delivered, released, covered, protected, defended, and more; but we want all of this done our way, when God’s way is so much better.  We lose sight of our focus.  Sometimes we want God to respond to all of our emotions and feelings immediately so He can appease our appetites, but most of the time I believe He is waiting for us to calm down so that we can actually hear Him clearly.  Asking God for His wisdom and understanding is not a quick fix, He wants us to be forever changed and transformed by what He shares with us.

“My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands.  Tune your ears to wisdom and concentrate on understanding.  Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding.  Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures.   Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God.  For the Lord grants wisdom.  From his mouth come knowledge and understanding,” (Proverbs 2:1-6, New Living Translation).    

We live in a world that revolves around self-pleasure and instant gratification, which makes it difficult for us to remember to be still and wait on the Lord.  When we do not wait on Him, we are sending instant messages that will only invite temptation, sin, and the enemy; it almost happened to me today.  Do not let your feelings and emotions ride you like a rollercoaster, instead let God’s peace exceed what you understand; otherwise we are just putting Him in a box.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.  And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.  Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise,” (Philippians 4:6-8, New Living Translation).   

About the Author :

Francine E. Ott is truly thankful to have a relationship with God and is seeking Him daily for guidance and any opportunities to walk closer with Him in truth and love. Francine is a choreographer/dancer, teacher, and soon to be counselor who has a heart to see God's transforming power, renew, restore, and heal the minds, souls, and bodies of people's lives.

The Night Grace Saved Me

I spent a few hours with a dear friend tonight talking about the way that our lives can be so radically changed in such a short amount of time when The Lord pursues us. So much of the way that God can use us is by pointing back to His glory through our story. I wanted to share a piece of my testimony in the hopes of encouraging you to do the same. This post is from a blog I wrote over two years ago, but I love to look back to remind myself of how far The Lord has brought me. He will wreck your life so that you can share the change that He gracefully offers.

So I've been thinking a lot today about what my life was like five years ago on this day. I woke up and ran errands without eating breakfast, found out my car was rejected for inspection after getting four brand new tires put on only to hear that my brakes were bad. I thought it was the end of the world. I went home and cried because I didn't know how I was going to stretch my pennies everywhere they needed to go.

That night, we went out to "celebrate" my husband's new job. I ate my first (delicious) meal of the day, and accompanied it with too many glasses of wine. We then went to "celebrate" a little more at a bar, and another bar, and another bar. Then, we headed home. Since I had drank so much to help celebrate, my mouth was pouring out a lot of colorful talk—loudly, angrily, bitterly. My husband stopped the car on 460 and got out to start walking home. I got behind the wheel and yelled convincingly for him to get back in. I drove us home. Made it to the top of the driveway and he got out again to go for a walk (the conversation was filled with words of anger, unforgiveness and jealousy) so I decided to go for a drive. I hit the gas and I never let off, even when I saw the headlights heading toward me (because I was in their lane) and heard my husband's voice screaming for me.

I was upside down in the ditch. My husband was trying to pull me out and he couldn't because I had my seat belt on. I made my way out the window. We held each other in the ditch until the police arrived and found us both sobbing. I had a piece of glass between my eyes. That was it, no other injuries.

My heart was sober even though my body wasn't. For the first time, I realized that God wanted me. His Grace was the only reason that I walked away from that accident. That curve had claimed many lives before and has since. I was spared  to share this story about what He has done for me and all of us. 

My life isn't perfect, I have gone through trials and heartaches since that night. The difference is that I don't face those issues with the hopeless heart I had before. I'm not angry. I'm not bitter. I'm not jealous. I am covered by the blood of Jesus and I am so grateful. I am brought to tears when I think about the chance of missing these past 5 years, and everything that has changed so much since then. Our marriage is stronger now than I ever could've dreamed it would be then, we have an incredible daughter and all of our needs are met. God provides. He never fails. Never

We may not see it in the midst of the trial, but God makes all things work together for our good. 

For those of you who read this and knew me before five years ago, I hope this can explain the changes you see that may leave you puzzled.

I am a new creation, 5 years strong. Thank you God.

The Lord pursued me before I even considered turning to Him. I had no idea that the very thing that was missing in my life was the only thing that I would ever truly need. A real relationship with a real Savior. If you are reading this today and you find yourself living in despair, ask Jesus to come into your heart and make you whole. Your life won't be perfect, but you will have the true anchor of Hope beside you every step of the way.

"As God’s co-workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. For he says, 'In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.' I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.'" -2 Corinthians 6:1-2

"But what does it say? The Word (God’s message in Christ) is near you, on your lips and in your heart; that is, the Word (the message, the basis and object) of faith which we preach, because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God), and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation." -Romans 10:8-10

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About the Author:

Emilee is a Christ following wife and mother who lives in Wilmington, North Carolina. She is a former hair stylist who is committed to being used by God in whatever way He sees fit.

Spiritual Identity Crisis

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the psychological term 'Identity Crisis'.  It is a term that refers to an internal conflict or search for identity. Most seem to experience this during their adolescent years as they are seeking a clearer sense of self and an understanding of their role in society. 
And, just as we search for a sense of self in society, there are so many, that genuinely love God, fear Him, and want to please Him. But yet, they are constantly struggling as they seek to have a clear sense of who they are in Christ. 
They are experiencing, what I would call, a Spiritual Identity Crisis.  They're distressed and frustrated because they simply want to know who they are. 
Questions like, "Who am I?" "What am I called to do?"  "What is my purpose?, bombard their thoughts constantly. 
When I was looking at the term 'identity crisis' in my studies, I saw that, as I stated earlier , it typically happens during adolescence before one matures and becomes an adult. 
And for those who may be experiencing a spiritual identity crisis, you must know that it is because God is seeking to bring you to a place of maturity. A place that you are consistently walking in what He has purposed for your life. 

Purpose demands that you know who you are. 
God says to us in Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."  Not knowing who you are and your purpose can cause you to be ineffective. 
In order to overcome spiritual identity crisis, you have to understand positioning. You must understand where you are spiritually positioned.
"Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral  and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh  and  new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17 AMP)

"But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised  us  up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus." (Ephesians 2:4-6 NKJ)
You have been literally placed and established in Christ.  Seated in heavenly places with Him. Once you have accepted Him as your savior, you then become one with Him. You become a new creation. All of the old has passed away. You've passed from death to life. You must grasp that truth. You are a new creation. And, the only one that can tell you every little detail about the wonderful new creation that you are, is the Creator Himself.

"For I know the thoughts  and  plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts  and  plans for welfare  and  peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome." (Jeremiah 29:11 AMP)

And Col 3:3 tells us, "For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God." (Colossians 3:3 AMP)

Your new, real life is hidden with Christ. After you said yes to Him, the old you died. In order to find out who you are in Christ, you have to seek Him. Your new life is hidden in Him.
This is how you find your new identity.  This is how you find out who you are. By seeking Him.
One mistake that has taken place in the Body of Christ as a whole is that when a new believer comes in, we try to put them in our little religious boxes. 
We tell them, "You gotta' dress this way." "You gotta' pray this way." 
What does this do for that person? It stifles their individuality. And the wonderful expression of God through that person is hindered. Then they begin to try live up to and conform to everyone else's expectations. The goal then becomes fitting in. 
Please know that the only place you need to fit in, is in Christ.
"As you have therefore received Christ, [even] Jesus the Lord,[so] walk (regulate your lives and conduct yourselves) in union with and conformity to Him." (Colossians 2:6 AMP)

What God has placed in you is needed and valuable. But if all of that creativity and uniqueness is hidden behind the expectations of people and the fear of man, the world will never experience the beautiful unique expression of God's heart as He desires to release through you.
Be free to be yourself. God wants to express Himself through you. 
Don't be frustrated anymore. Just seek God.  Ask Him to help you overcome the fear and expectations of man. You will not struggle with your identity anymore.  Things from your past will no longer define you.
Some of you have allowed things from your past to define you.   Be encouraged by these words- You are not your past!
Those things are broken and destroyed. Walk in confidence and boldness as He speaks and shows you who you are. 

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About the Author :

Pastor Pamela Bell is a passionate, lover of God, who desires to see God's people walk in the knowledge of who they are in Christ. She resides in Mobile, AL and serves as an Elder at her church, Gulf Coast Christian Center. Pastor Pamela enjoys reading, spending time with friends and all things chocolate.

She Is Clothed With Strength And Dignity

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” – Proverbs 31 v 25
Clothe: “to endow with a particular quality”
Endow: “to bestow”

This is a nice-sounding verse; almost poetic. While it is nice to read and easy to quote, this verse contains a lot of importance, especially about the character of a Christian woman. As explained in the definitions above, to be clothed in something, one needs to be endowed with that particular thing. In this case, those things are strength and dignity. 

The strength being referred to here is not physical, but rather, it is an indication of one’s strength of character. The whole scripture about the virtuous woman is based on the condition of her heart and character, but more importantly, it highlights the Source of all of these qualities displayed. Proverbs 31 is not that popular amongst all women, and reading it on the surface, I can understand why. It almost paints a picture of sheer perfection; an impossible goal for any woman to reach. How could anyone in their right mind ever achieve all of this? The answer, dear sister, is very plain. 

Proverbs 31 does not paint a picture of perfection for no reason. Every word has been strategically placed and is completely God-breathed. Am I saying that God wants us to feel incompetent and unworthy? By all means, no! He simply wants us to realize that we cannot achieve the kind of strength of character that pleases Him on our own – we need His help, of course; we need His Spirit! The Lord sets an impossible standard because without Him is just that – impossible. 

To be endowed with something, one needs to be completely soaked on the inside to be able to display it on the outside. When we come to Jesus, he bestows upon us His beauty and loveliness, soaking us in His glorious light. His Word transforms our hearts and renews our mind until He has completely taken over on the inside and the out, making it possible to display godly strength of character. “Strength” and “dignity” are listed separately; almost as if the two have nothing to do with each other, when actually, they point to exactly the same thing: character. Another word for dignity is “honour”, which God graciously gives us when we accept His salvation – it is an automatic part of the package. 

We can be called virtuous because we have been redeemed by the Most High God. He has replaced our ashes with His unfading and ever-increasing beauty. He has replaced our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh. We can “laugh without fear of the future” because we undoubtedly know Whose we are and what spectacular future lies ahead for us here on earth as well as eternity. We are safe and secure in the arms of our Saviour, now and forever more.

So, dear virtuous woman, rest in the fact that Jesus has clothed you with strength of character, which He has given you to stand out in this dark world. Today and every day, make a mark for Him. Rest in the fact that regardless of what happens, you are safe in your unfailing Saviour’s embrace. Trust and rely on Him to perfect you – He will surely complete the work He started within you. Laugh without fear of anything, because Jesus had got your back.

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About the Author :

Danelle Vingtas, wife and mother, is the Founder of South African based young women’s ministry, Proverbs 31 Sisterhood. Through her testimony she is determined to show the love of Jesus to the young women of this generation.

Don't Be Discouraged

Oh, its hard to learn the lesson,
As we pass beneath the rod,
That the sunshine and the shadow
Serve alike the will of God. - Anonymous

Whether we like it or not life is sprinkled with hard times. There is no getting around it. In fact the Bible promises us that we will have hard times.

Jesus is quoted in John 16:33 “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

I recently read a story about Casey Seymour, a successful soccer player and coach. He always has his team run a 10 x 100 drill at the end of practice. Before the men can leave the field they must run at full speed - with minimal rest - 100 yards ten times. If they dont beat a prescribed time they have to do it again. The men hate it until the day of the game. Each game they find that they can play at full capacity for the entire match. Their effort has been rewarded with a championship!

We are all playing the game of life, running the gamut – dodging balls, sidestepping boulders, having to learn offensive and defensive strategies. And one thing remains the same.... the injustices of life – the unfair turnabouts will come, question is how will they affect us? Will life's problems, tragedies and injustices rob us of life, joy and love, or will we utilize those seasons and turn them into strength and endurance training?

During his time as a missionary to the Gentiles, Paul submitted to the instructions and drills of God amid great hardship and suffering. Paul was no stranger to suffering. He endured beatings with whips and rocks; he was lost at sea; he was shipwrecked three times and had to learn to survive; he labored and toiled for a days food; he was transient – never putting down roots; he spent time cold, naked and hungry and was falsely imprisoned.

But Paul set the bar for us. Though he endured these unfair, unjust hardships he never allowed any of them to embitter him. Paul endured and thrived. Is it even possible? Yes! And he showed us how....by keeping our eyes fastened upon the person of Jesus Christ!

You may say “Easy for you to say Dori. You dont know my life. You dont know what I've been through and suffered.” You are right. I do not. But I have experienced a training ground of my own.

While I am no Paul I have a resume of my own – suffering the years' long consequences of someone else's choices (talk about unfair!), losing your home, financial devastation, a marriage re-written by my husband's injuries due to a disabling accident 8 years ago; being homeless, selling your belongings to survive, moving 3 states away from your family because that is where God led you to go; finding my mother dead and enduring a loved one's battle with addiction – all these are but a few of the things I've encountered in the last 8 years including the death of my father.

During this last decade my life was so disassembled. Whether I knew it or not at the time - every thing, person, value and belief was tested and or removed in this refiners fire - especially my faith in and knowledge of Christ. The one thought that ocurred over and over was “how do people survive these tragedies, these storms – without God?”

You see Christ was my anchor in these times. I clung to him. With each new storm my voice grew louder and those storms became HIS proving grounds. I witnessed firsthand the power of his ability and miracles. I chose Christ – to cling to Him and to believe in Him, come what may.

Looking back I know that I had every reason and every right to choose differently. For all I witnessed and for all the details I alone know I could have chosen to hate various individuals especially the man who attacked my husband and to be bitter at the disability system for how it ravaged our lives and my husbands body. I could have allowed my heart to be overwhelmed with the desire to get even. I could have easily worn the clothes of a victim of someone else's bad judgement – the victim of “the powers that be”. Churches, pastors, believers in Christ, have let me down sorely. I could be angry at the mortgage companies that would not help us, heartbroken over the one who broke promises, the list goes on.

What would I have gained if I had blindly taken the well earned “right” to be this way? What would it have profited me in life had I chosen to allow the troubles to win? Yet so many do succumb as they blindly demand their rights to suffer on, which only leaves a swath of debris in lives and hearts that are reminscent of paths of destruction left by tornado's and hurricanes. May I say the choice is ours? We can either allow life's troubles to destroy us, or we can turn our tough seasons into training camps.

The apostle Paul often used metaphors of training and competition in his letters to the church. Using his words we can find important training principles:

Galatians 5:7 says “You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?”

Life was good. You were running (living) well. Then trouble happened. Who or what interrupted your life, your stride – to trip you up? No. Go back to what your training (what the word of God tells you to do and apply it.). Guard your heart and your mind against unholy thinking and reaction. Find your stride again.

Hebrews 12:1 says, “let us throw off everything that hinders and every sin that entangles us. And let us run - with perseverance - the race marked out for us.”

In guarding your heart and mind be aware of putting on the coat of “right” --- for it will bleed through your chest to your very heart. Throw off that coat – that “I have a right to feel this way” feeling, for it will only grow in length and weight and hinder your stride, tripping you as you run. Do not agree to become weighed down by things that will hinder your race.

“Do you not know that in a race, all the runners run but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last – but WE do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly. I do not fight like a boxer beating the air; No. I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I will not be disqualified for the prize.” 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Recognize that life is a training ground. There is a war being waged for your soul. Our enemy, satan, intends to rob you of your faith in Jesus Christ in an attempt to de-robe Christ and de-stroy the truth of God's power and ability. Satan desires to leave you de-feated and hopeless. Decide and determine to deactivate that power. Land the deathblow.

Here are your training instructions as set forth by Paul –

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up your shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all of the Lord's people.” Ephesians 6:10-15

I challenge you to lace up your running shoes. Let's run.

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About the Author :

Dori Cass is a wife of 29 years and mom to two adult children. She has spent her adult life active in Womens, Children's and Youth ministry. She finds that she writes a lot about faith which are the nuggets mined up out of a decade long journey in the wilderness walking with a husband whose life changed completely when he was injured on the job as a police officer. You can find her blog, Heaven's Confetti.

When God Asks You to Stand Still

It was 3:23 am, and I was awake.
Still. Again. 

In a span of five months, I had been laid off, found a new job, moved away, and left a second career field and company that I loved. It’s as if the beautifully scenic train ride of life that I’d been on simply dropped me off in the middle of a new town, and then sped off in a cloud of dust before I’d even had a chance to put both feet on the platform. 

Looking around, this new place looked foreign. Confusing. 


I prided myself on multitasking like nobody’s business, and I just knew that when I laid down my second job and moved to my new town, that God would start me off on a new plan. I’d step off the last train, and hop onboard the next locomotive, ready and willing to do great things for the Kingdom of Heaven. I’d start a foundation, a new chapter of a pre-teen encouragement mission, or champion a Bible Study for women hungry for Jesus that would awaken an entire town in an earth-shattering domino effect. Something to show the people on the train that I was here for a reason. A divinely appointed purpose. I would do exactly what I’d done before, but in a new zip code. I was prepped and ready at the starting blocks, waiting for the gun to go off for my next race.

Yet here I’d sat, for five months, with not a single taste of what God had in store. Oh, I questioned. I begged. While everyone else was asleep, I was pleading for some little inkling of my next mission. There has to be a mission. Don’t you remember how you made me, Lord? Energetic! Fun! Encouraging! I NEED to multitask! I am ready. I’m willing. I am only juggling three things right now, and Lord you KNOW I can handle at least six! I am a goal warrior, leaving no goal unmet in my path. I am all over this. I NEED A MISSION!

There was no answer that night and I finally went to sleep just before dawn. I knew starting something outside of God’s will would not flourish, so I waited. And waited. The more time passed, the bigger the doubts were that crept in. Surely God still had a purpose for me, right? Surely God wasn’t through with me when I stepped off the train. But the more I sought answers, the fewer I had. When I’d speak up to my friends about my lack of pre-lit next steps on my path, they’d stare at me with a confused look that clearly said “Why are you complaining? YOU made the choice, why are you waiting for the next step? Make your own path!” After all, they knew me. They knew that I was always doing something, always blazing a trail. But I didn’t choose this path, I only made the choice to follow when God asked me to move. This new path was unfamilar. How was I to know where it was leading?

Other friends would ask me, “So what are you doing there?” 

My answer was always the same: “Nothing. I mean, I don’t know yet. But I’m sure God has a plan for something great!” Because He did. Right? As the friend voted “Always doing something,” doing nothing felt wrong. It felt lazy. 

Come on, Lord. Even when the disciples wondered about your plans, they had someone else to talk to that could confirm they’d both heard the same call to drop their fisherman nets and follow you.

I have no one to talk to but YOU.  

Sounds bad, right? Worse yet, when I questioned God’s motives… I mean, asked for wisdom and guidance, I didn’t get an answer. Nothing. The silence this side of heaven is deafening when the only One we can talk to isn’t giving answers to our questions.

It was only when I stopped talking and began listening, stopped trying to force the next move and let go of the reigns completely, and stopped trying to determine WHY I WAS HERE, could I  see that God’s plans did not include train-hopping. They included times of rest and times to seek Him, not just work on His list of things for me to do. I’d assumed that God wanted me to continue with the same work I’d done before, but in a different zip code. In reality, God simply wanted me to stand still, take His hand, and listen. 

“The Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. (1 Kings 19:11-12) 

I was searching for God in the wind, ready to hop on the next train to the next thing. But we’ll never find God if we don’t stand still long enough to listen to His whisper. Is God asking you to do the same? Whether it takes one year or ten, if standing still is the only thing on God’s honey-do list for you, doing anything else, no matter how noble the cause, will not bring you the whisper you crave. 

I’ll admit, when you’re a go-getter, a dreamer, and a goal warrior, standing still is hard. Having faith that standing still IS part of God’s plan is even harder. If you’re in the midst of standing still, wondering what God’s next step is, take heart. Standing still is part of God’s plan too! Psalm 37:7 reminds us to “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him…” When there’s no one there but the two of you, your simple act of faith to follow Him may be the only task he’ll give you. It is those times when your patience and quiet obedience means more to God than any other offering you could give.

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About the Author :

Karen Sipps is the creator of www.christianbedtimestories.com and the author of More Than Sales: God’s Heart for your Direct Sales Business. She encourages women and girls of all ages to love and embrace themselves exactly the way God created them. She blogs at sheisfreemission.blogspot.com and currently lives with her husband, two kids, cat, and dog in North Mississippi.

Beware of the Snares: Avoid 4 Common Mistakes Singles Make

1) Settling:  

To accept or agree to (something that one considers to be less than satisfactory).
Settling usually occurs after a long period of being single (or a short period, depending on the person), and we’ve decided, “Waiting on God,” is taking too long.

Beauty On A Budget

Even by just looking at all the faces around us, we know that beauty comes in all different shapes, colors, and uniqueness. When talking about makeup, it also comes in many different prices. Whether you're on a college budget like I am, a busy mom, or just don't see the need to shell out all your money on pricey high-end makeup products (I'm with ya, sister), then this post is for you. These low-end beauty options can all be found at most drugstores, and more importantly, won't break your bank. Enjoy!

  • Eyeliner. I've gone back and forth throughout the years between pencil eyeliners and liquid ones, but I found my niche: gel eyeliner. My favorite in particular is the Loreal Infallible Lacquer Liner. It goes on smoothly, and it never smudges or fades, even after wearing it all day. And because it has to be applied with an angled brush, it's easier to control when applying.
  • Mascara. While mascara preference does tend do be a personal thing for everyone, I really haven't met anyone who doesn't love the CoverGirl Lash Blast Volume formula. Because of it's big brush, it really thickens even the tiniest of lashes. Even my mother, who used the same mascara for years, got hooked on this gem. It's that good.
  • BB Cream. I can't even begin to tell you how many foundations I've tried in my life, and how much they never worked for me. Luckily, I went a different route and tried the Garnier BB Cream and never looked back. It comes in different formulas based on your skin type, and comes in different shades, so everyone should be able to give this a try. It has a built in sunscreen to combat these summer days, has great coverage to even out your skin, and is so light! It can be applied with just your fingers. What's not to love?

  • Concealer. I really don't think I could rave about this product enough. If you are looking for a heavy duty concealer that gets the job done, then the Hard Candy Glamoflauge concealer is for you. Even when I had a face full of acne, no one could really tell because this stuff covers just about everything: no lie. But warning: a little bit of this stuff goes a long way. It has a pretty thick consistency, so this is probably not a good option for an under eye concealer or to cover up light imperfections.

  • Powder. Just like with BB creams, I've tried slews of face powders, and none worked except for this one: The True Match Super-Blendable Powder by Loreal is a dream. It's light, never looks too powdery or cakey, and comes in a ton of shades in cool, medium, and neutral tones so that every woman can find her match. Especially in this summer heat, this powder is a definite must-have.
  • Lip Color. If you are looking for a great new lip product, then you need to try the Revlon ColorBurst Balm Stain. The colors range from nudes to hot pinks to reds. Obviously in the name, these balm stains go on and feel like you are only wearing a lip balm but stay on for, in my experience, quite a few hours. The new formulas now come in matte and lacquer textures, so you now have tons of options with this product. So slather it on, and never worry about it budging on you! 

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About the Author :

Ashlyn is a small town girl with a big heart for family, laughter, and all things beautiful. This history nerd enjoys taking walks, yoga, delicious food, and of course, fashion and beauty. She desires most to see a world where women have true and deep relationships with themselves through Christ.

I Loved You First

I love you!
Ah, but I loved you first.
And that was that.
It was not a ping pong of words
Or a guessing game of who would hang up first
It was, I loved you first and there was no competing with that
This love for us was paid with a price that we could not live long enough to pay back
I loved you first coated in past tense
formed and expanded before we even knew what this love could look like
He felt it towards us
Unconditional and guideline free
I loved you first
I loved you first
I loved you first
Close your eyes.
Imagine being loved before anyone earthly knew you would exist
Before you were a squirming ray of life in her womb
You see,
there is no competing with that...
It graciously just is.

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About the Author :

Originally from Northern California, attending Azusa Pacific University Arielle has been captivated by the SoCal sun. She loves a good cup of coffee and conversation that ignites. In her spare time she writes poetry for the soul as a ministry and performs it on little sanctuary like stages for healing. Check out her website: Chroniclesofalioness.com

Dearest Daughter, Part Three

I love you, My child.
You're My daughter, My beloved, My everything,
and I adore you.

 You are beautiful in My eyes,
called by Me,
dear to My heart.

My darling, You are everything to Me.

You are free because of My Son,
grace filled because of My sacrifice,
and endlessly loved in incomprehensible ways.
My child, take heart in Me. Let Me take care of you.
I take delight in you, My beloved.
I sing your love song; a song only your ears can hear and your heart can dance to.
I wrote it just for you. 
Tune your ears to your love song.
Listen for My voice, My darling.

The deepest yearnings of our hearts are the same; to know and be loved by one another. Your desires are not to be focused on fulfilling the needs of others. Your desires should be focused on intimacy with Me.

Focus on Me and the plans I have for your life.
I am known for my wonderful, marvelous, and mighty works.
Have faith that I have the absolute best in store for you.
Afterall, I'm your Father, My darling.
Why wouldn't I want the best for you?

As you keep your focus on me, I will please other people through you by radiating My glory on your outer self. But first, you must make time for Me. Let Me fill your heart with My love and My desires for you. I will bless others through you as you continue to seek My face.

You will find Me when you seek Me with your whole heart.
Remember, My beloved, I'm not running from you.
I'm running after you.

My Word is strong,
and My love could never in a million earthly years become undone.
Hold on to this Truth, and keep My promises in your heart.

When the ground beneath your feet gives way,
and you hear the sound of crashing waves,
remember that I am the Rock that NEVER moves.

How I love you, My darling. Oh, how I love you.

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About the Author :

Emily Lauren is a 20 year old southern girl who has a heart for loving Jesus, loving others, and serving the world. She is currently pursuing a degree in ministry as she continues to fall madly in love with Jesus by the day. Emily is also a lover of books, coffee, koalas, yoga, and the great outdoors. Her daily dose of life consists of a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus.


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