New Level, New Devil

Whenever we make an effort to do something for God we’re bound to experience push-back. Each day we decide to take new ground, refuse subtlety, and boldly declare our intention to pull people off the enemy team there will be a “new” devil to contend with.
There's a reason why they instruct you to put your oxygen mask on first before you seek to help other people secure their mask. Too often we run around looking for needs while silently pushing our needs for oxygen to the bottom.

Sometimes we commune with God daily, but we focus less on personal nourishment and more on how to provide nourishment, encouragement, and strength to those that are hurting. Our automatic response is always: "I'm fine." But, at some point we reach a point of "oxygen" depletion where we must seek prayer and encouragement ourselves.

Today, take the time to secure your personal oxygen mask and allow your energy to be restored. As God calls you to a new level of worship take the time to enjoy His presence for the sole purpose of your personal nourishment. Sit back and just listen. Remain determined to press beyond this point…beyond the adversity…beyond the call of your flesh….beyond the dip in stamina…beyond this “new” devil…and press into your relationship with Christ with greater intensity.


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