Colliding with the Will of God

There was a complete cessation of movement as each vehicle halted to an inexplicable stop. After some time, traffic resumed at its normal pace and I was afforded a glimpse of the source of our delay—a vehicle collision.

I observed the scene and noticed that there were only two cars involved in the collision yet for nearly five miles the flow of traffic was impacted.

A collision is when two or more things come together with direct impact. Collisions may involve a clash or conflict. Admittedly, there are times when God’s will, God’s plan, and God’s dream for our life bears little semblance to our will, our plan, and our dream for our life. We experience a collision.

Can you imagine the collision that took place when Mary learned that she would have a son named Jesus? Imagine the confusion Mary must have experienced at this change in plans. Imagine the conflict surrounding this pregnancy and the impact it had on her as a newly engaged woman. Imagine how different our lives would be today if this collision with God’s will had failed to occur.

When our lives collide with God’s will we may face unexpected twists and turns. Our life as we know it may spin out of control. We may be thrown off course and made to endure pain as we seek to align our will with God’s will. Sometimes we may even face death…death of a dream, goal, idea, or career.

The impact of our experience may be felt far beyond the actual scene of the collision. Our experience may spill over and touch the lives of many people....people we may not even know.

So, today recognize that we may experience collisions in our walk with Christ when our will collides with God’s will. This unexpected collision may change the course of our life. We may endure pain, confusion and loss. However, the most important thing to remember—through the pain, through the confusion, and through the loss—is that this experience stands to impact the individuals that come after us—future generations. Everything that touches us has passed through God’s hands first. We can trust that each situation we experience has a purpose. It’s not so much the collision, but our response to it. We must remember that with God’s help any situation can be used for good.

Written by Ashley Ivery


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