Writing at times is such a smooth process for me, flowing from my mind right onto the paper in one continuous movement. But lately I’ve been spending a lot of time writing, rewriting, and reconstructing the words I had thought were perfect just a few moments ago. Straining for perfection, and mirroring myself against other writers, I tripped and was blind to MY purpose, blind to the purpose of MY writing. Somewhere between the beginning and middle, the lines have blurred, and I’ve wandered into a whirlwind of traffic. Lost in someone else’s vision, wondering why I can’t find my way out. In these moments, I have to catch myself before I get to deep, and constantly implore that He [the Lord] close the gate that I aimlessly wandered into.
It’s so easy to get consumed into the lives of others; one moment you view them as a healthy form motivation and the next you’re coveting and trying to play dress up in their purpose. Only to realize that it doesn’t fit. Take off her purpose sister! God has designed your purpose the exact way he wanted it to be. He didn’t intend for you to use a refurbished purpose, or borrow one from your friends. He created and blew his breath into a purpose that was intricately designed for you. We don’t have to run back and forth trying to emulate the outer appearance of other’s “designs”. God has given us a key to unlock the precious gift He has placed inside of us. We just have to use our key to unlock OUR door.
1 Corinthians 12:12-26, helps us to understand that there is purpose in every one of us. Two verses in particular stand out to me,”18 But in fact, God has arranged the parts of the body, everyone of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part; where would the body be?”
Whether you are just stepping into your purpose, on the path to discovering your purpose, or fulfilling your purpose, stay true to you. Morphing into everything around you isn’t healthy, you cannot do it all nor should you try to. Just like 1 Corinthians 12:19 says, “ …if we were all one part where would the body be.” We need our sisters with their unique characteristics and gifts to form one body, and aid in areas that may need support or refinement.
Remember: You are the twinkle of God’s eye. He loves you so much; he would never ‘skip’ you or ‘forget’ to give you what you deserve. Take the time to nurture and care for your seed, you will be blown away at what will be unearthed. Put on your purpose today Sister; it's a perfect fit.