Goodbye, Soul Ties

Years had passed, but the conversation was effortless. We fell back into a familiar rhythm and regaled over stories of our youth. The entire conversation was friendly, proverbial, and comfortable yet dangerous because he was married. We shared an intimate history with ties, soul ties that had yet to be broken. Marriage, kids, and physical proximity had not lessened the impact of the tie we formed when we allowed our souls to mingle through physical intimacy. We had an undeniable emotional connection, but our union was not ordained by God. Maintaining seemingly “innocent” communication only served to strengthen an already unhealthy and toxic soul tie.

“And the two shall become one flesh; consequently they are no longer two, but one flesh.” --Mark 10:8

Our soul is a part of our body. When we allow our body to engage in acts of physical intimacy we engage our soul in this interaction and create a tie with residual impact. The impact of our soul ties can extend beyond the life of that relationship and into future relationships. Soul ties are often linked to an inability to let go, move on, or seek closure. Relationships that fall outside of the will of God create unhealthy soul ties. We must be intentional about breaking these soul ties if we hope to experience the fullness of the relationships that God has anointed for us.

So, today ask God to help you discern any unhealthy soul ties within your life. Recognize that each time you choose to open a door that has been closed or relive some element of your past tie you hinder your walk in the Spirit. You empower and strengthen that soul tie and create a bridge for future pain, disappointment, and sin. Refuse to compromise your relationship with Christ. Repent of the action that led to the creation of your unhealthy soul tie. Ask God to help you move on and let go. Stop grieving, reliving, and wondering about past relationships and partner with God to break those soul ties. Commit to honoring God through your relationships. Ask God to help you to create healthy soul ties with individuals founded on godly principles. Say goodbye. Move on.


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