God Gives Us Rest

I’m odd.  I have a hard time resting.  I often express to God how tired I am and for the past few weeks He’s been emphasizing my need to rest. 

“So there is a special rest still waiting for people of God.  For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world.  So let us all do our best to enter that rest.  But if we disobey God, as the people of Israel did, we will fall.”Hebrews 4:9-11 (NLT)

I read through several interpretations of this scripture and noticed the same degree of urgency.  God makes it clear that we are to-—make every effort (NIV), do our best (NLT), strive (ESV), be diligent (NAS), labor (KJV), and hasten (DRB)—to enter into His rest. 

God has gifted us with a day of rest… a special day of rest by which we are to take a break from our day to day activities.  God doesn't say “try” to enter into this rest and if it happens that's cool, but if it doesn't no big deal.  No!  He states that we are to work to enter this rest which means we must employ pro-active action to enjoy this gift each week.

He makes it clear that if we disobey Him in this area…we will fall--drop, go down, or collapse.  Our ability to remain up-right and passionately perform the work God has given us to do will lie in our willingness to acknowledge our need for renewal, relief, and rest with God.  This requires we check our pride at the door and hang up our super (wo)man cape. Our strength as humans is not enough to sustain us...we need to connect and recharge with God.

The more we refuse the gift of rest that God affords us the less capable we are of withstanding the fickle ebb and flow of our life. 

So, what does it mean to work to enter this rest?  

As a student it means that I can’t wait until the weekend to do all of my assignments.  I must prioritize during the week so that by Sunday my weekly deadlines have been met.  As a Realtor it means that I block off the time on my calendar and say “no” to the money and “yes” to myself by choosing to turn off my phone and wait to read emails.  As a mom it means I clean up throughout the week so I don’t have to dedicate an entire day of my weekend to cleaning.  This frees me to spend quality time with my children and guilt-free time with Jesus.  As a friend, sister, and daughter it means exercising personal boundaries and adhering to my convictions to enjoy a day of rest.

So, today stop complaining about how tired you are and—make every effort, do your best, strive, be diligent, labor, and hasten—to open the gift of rest that God has afforded you.  You can’t appreciate the benefits of this gift if you keep it wrapped up.  Take action on your part and fight for your day of rest with God.  Allow Him to provide you with the relief, renewal, and rest you need to passionately and enthusiastically continue to walk in His purpose for your life.  You need it and the gift is already there for you. You gotta open it!

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God.  Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ.  Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate.  She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology.  Her motto is:  "Be Authentic.  Live Honestly.  Dispel Light."

Shifting Sands

Most of my life I've searched endlessly and effortlessly for stability and security. Everything in my life since childhood has been unstable. Growing up without parental support made me seek it in others or things I felt would bring me the security I desired. I can remember every relationship and friendship I've had in my life and realize how the longing for stability forced me to make irresponsible choices that only left me empty and heart broken.
There is still a longing in my heart for stability, but not as strong. Something in me changed about a year ago. I was forced to let go of toxic things and people in my life so I could finally let God do His redemptive work in me.
Most of us spend our entire life searching for anything to fill the void in our life and we never give ourselves time to heal. Sometimes it's someone coming into our life who completely eradicates every barrier we've built around our hearts completely. And before we know it the life we built with this person comes to a sudden end and we wonder how much time we invested only to be…left.
The foundation already unstable, we continue searching for something to replace the person or thing that left. We reconstruct and build our hearts and life on instability and it only deepens the wound and hurt. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I was naively building my heart on shifting sands.
This has always been an area I struggled in with men and relationships. I 'played house' with men from my past. I was there without hesitation. I swooped in with my 'love cape' and helped them in every area of their life that needed. I was there through everything and gave the world. I allowed men to use me and I thought that what I was doing to prove my love would eventually lead to them love me in return.
Physical and emotional boundaries were crossed and while at the time it felt good to feel needed and wanted, the structure I built wasn't secure on any spiritual foundation. Every vulnerable exchange added to my instability.
What started as innocence only ended in heartache I tried building on something secure that wasn't mine to build. I wanted someone to spend the rest of my life with, marry, and eventually have a family with, and I was going about it the wrong way; I wasn't relying on God. 
God not only wants to be a part of everything we build, He wants to build it for us. He wants to be first in our hearts. Anything we try building and doing on our own strength will only lay in ruin. 
In the midst of my heartache, God never left me stranded. When I was at my weakest and broken, He lifted me up and set me on His rock of love, hope, and truth. It's on this rock, His promises, I've been able to stand and listen to His voice more clearly instead of the overwhelming desires of my heart. 
God wants to save us from the disaster of building our life on anything unstable. He is our sturdy watchtower, our refuge, and protection. He wants to be the builder and redeemer of our hearts. 
Most of my life was spent building my life and heart on shifting sands of instability, but now my hope and faith is on my rock. Jesus is my rock. 
Jesus invites us daily to build our life and heart on a firm foundation of faith. It's only on this foundation we can build a life and future with another person.

Julie Caulder has a passion for people and meeting them where they are in their struggle. She believes in the power of transparent community and in God's redemptive grace. Her life motto is: "Love God, Love Others, Go!" You can connect with Julie on Twitter @InciteFaith

Confessions of a Boy-Crazy, Jesus-Loving Girl

The LORD and I had a conversation recently and during the course of that conversation He told me I was boy crazy. My response:

“Excuse me LORD, but I am not boy crazy...I am not (and have never been) one of those girls that doodle hearts on the pages of my notes. I don't even make it a habit of talking about guys with my friends. Actually, LORD you are the only person that I talk about guys to”

His response:

“...and that is why I am the one person that can tell you how boy crazy you are. Besides you are already getting too defensive...”

I have spent a lot of time pondering this conversation and I guess I have realized that God was right - I can get a little boy crazy. While on one hand, there is nothing wrong with finding men attractive, God put the desire in there for a reason. There is something wrong when guys become a distraction in your life. Looking back at a few specific scenarios in my life, I have realized that whenever God has a specific task for me to do in a particular season, my biggest distraction happens when a “fine” Christian young man pops up out of the blue. The enemy has realized (long before I did) that guys are a distraction to me and he sends them at their finest whenever he wants me distracted from the task God has called me to do. While I am not a date-for-fun kind of girl so nothing really happens with these guys, they do take a lot of place in my heart. Thoughts from whether they are interested in me, to whether they could possibly be “the one” occupy so much of mind that I have a hard time focusing on the task at hand.

Have you ever been there?

See, I always thought that just because according to the worlds standard I was not “boy crazed” I was okay in that area. However, I am constantly reminded that God's standards are more stringent because He looks at the heart. So ladies, what is your heart distracted by? Ask the LORD to show it to you and let's try together to refocus on the One who truly matters and spend less mental energy on even seemingly good things that take away from the time we could be spending with our King.

Salem Afangideh is a second year law student that moved from Nigeria, Africa to Alabama. Her passions include pursuing and being pursued by Jesus, fighting against human trafficking, bringing justice and compassion to wherever God leads her, speaking and writing to encourage others in their relationships with the LORD. Her daily desire is to decrease and let God increase in her as she serves others. When she is not too busy studying you can find her blogging at setapartwarriorprincess.blogspot.com or on instagram @afro_princess.

Book Review: Victim of Grace

To put into words an accurate description of this book that needs to be understandable...

First word that comes to mind? Graceful.

This book shares stories of grace from Robin Jones Gunn life as well as stories of grace from the bible that she has related to different stories of her own life.

There is so much that can be learned in this book. Granted its full of stories but those stories are lessons waiting to be learned and applied.

There are a few chapters that stood out for me completely, even after I finished reading. One such chapter is chapter 6, Banner Word. This chapter stood out to me because I love to read, I enjoy writing and sharing. Something I share with Robin Jones Gunn. And after reading this chapter I have prayed for my own Banner Word; one that I can study and can learn from. Another chapter is chapter 4, A Blessing inside the Obedience. This chapter stood out because I tend to have a problem being obedient at all times, especially when I can't see past the moment. And it has cost me/us dearly. There have also been times when I have seen the benefit that could come from being obedient and it has blessed me/us.

There has been so much I learned from chapter 4. One thing that stood out for me was consistency and obedience sets us up for our blessing. The blessing may be months or years down the road but the blessing will come because we have served with obedience and consistency. Many times it is not always about do we want to do it but if we will be obedient and do it anyways.

One thing I am sure of is that my heart has gone through a much needed washing. And I have a stronger resolve to see God's grace in everything and to be obedient in everything. My obedience and consistency is necessary not optional. I’ll be honest I’m not there, I’m a work in progress just like you are a work in progress.

You can find more on Robin Jones Gunn at http://www.robingunn.com/.

{Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher, Zondervan, in exchange for an HONEST review. These are my heartfelt words.}

Written by Kris Bush

Take Care of Yourself

Where are you on your “To-Do” list?  Too often we place our self at the very bottom of our list.  We neglect our physical, emotional, and spiritual health and in doing so we encounter imbalance within our lives.
”Stay alert!  Watch out for your great enemy, the devil.  He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.  Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith.” 1 Peter 5:8 (NLT)  It’s important to note that if we don’t strike a balance in every single area of our lives we become more susceptible to the enemy.   “…and do not give the devil a foothold.” Ephesians 4:27 (NLT) 
A foothold is defined as a secure position from which further progress may be made.  The moment we fall into a state of disproportion we give the enemy a foothold to spread, advance, and develop his work within us.  This foothold…this one seemingly small area of our life serves as an opportunity to separate us from God and His will for our life.

My boss told a story about a few mice she discovered in her house a few months ago.  She’s been able to catch them within a few hours and there wasn't a whole lot of damage, but the latest mouse was afforded the opportunity to enter when she was away on business for a week.  She had to clean and disinfect everything … inside the cabinets, her stools, behind the stove … everywhere.  This mouse didn't come out during the day, but the moment the lights went out…it was on!  The funny thing is mice can distort their bodies to fit into a dime-sized hole.  They don’t need a large access point … just a dime-sized hole … 1/4 of an inch.The same holds true for our enemy.  Where there is darkness in our lives…he can hide.  He blends right in.  We can’t recognize the damage until we allow the light of God’s word to shine on that area.  It’s only then that we see what the devil has been gnawing at and taking from our lives!  The enemy doesn't need a large access point and too often we do most of the hard work for him.

”Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.  Keep putting into practice all you have learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing.  THEN the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9 (NLT)
It’s only when we put the Word of God into practice that the peace of God has room to reside in us.  If we continually allow ourselves to be filled with nonsense through our entertainment choices, sex (outside of marriage), masturbation, lewd music, and poor food choices there’s no room for His spirit to do work. Like the mouse … the enemy gets in through one of our “dime-sized” vices and he doesn't just stay in that area … he roams.  He finds other areas and he disrupts the work of the Holy Spirit.  We cry out for breakthroughs and promotions, but we’re steady prolonging the work of the Holy Spirit through our poor choices.  We aren't taking care of ourselves

When we get convictions that tell us to stop doing something or remove something from our life … it’s for our own good.  God doesn't benefit from our obedience.  His will is done regardless.  When we choose to hold onto that “thing” we aren't afforded His peace.  The peace that is independent of our circumstances.  The peace that allows us to stay calm in adversity. 

We aren't invincible.  We must stop relying on how we feel and start choosing God’s will and God’s word for our life in every single area.  What you do today matters.  It may not be immediately valued or noted, but the way you care for yourself is an extension of your relationship with God. Today choose to take inventory of your spiritual, physical, and emotional health.  Ask God to identify any access points?  Ask God to reveal any areas in your life that don’t please Him.  Ask God to reveal any area in your life that jeopardizes your witness and may serve to turn people away from Christ.  When God reveals that area … don’t wait to change it.  Don’t allow that “mouse” to run around for weeks creating more mess … Catch it early.  Respond in obedience.  Take care of yourself. 

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God.  Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ.  Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate.  She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology.  Her motto is:  "Be Authentic.  Live Honestly.  Dispel Light."

Use What You Have

My presentation deadline drew closer and I had absolutely no idea what I was going to share.  Seventh grade girls aren't interested in real estate.  I didn't know what I had to offer and frankly I started to question why I was even asked to present.  Each time I sought inspiration God kept saying…
Use what you have.
As I was spending time in the book of Exodus with Moses God afforded me insight.  When God called Moses to lead the people out of Egypt he didn't feel equipped.  Moses questioned if the people would listen to him.

“Then the Lord asked him, ‘What is in your hand?’  ‘A shepherd’s staff,’ Moses replied.  ‘Throw it down on the ground,’ the Lord told him.  So Moses threw down the staff, and it turned into a snake!  Moses jumped back.”Exodus 4:2-3 (NLT)
That’s when it hit me….God used exactly what Moses had to display His power.  God didn't ask Moses to go acquire a new unfamiliar tool or go pick up a sword in order to fulfill his call.  God met Moses right where he was at and utilized a standard day-to-day tool that Moses had readily available…his shepherd staff.  
It’s important to note that Moses’ went from an Egyptian prince to a shepherd which is a considerable downgrade in employment.  He probably didn't view his staff as valuable.  Moses may have even resented his staff and all that it represented. 

I think that when God calls us He’s willing to meet us right where we’re at and use what we have to display His power to those who may be unwilling to receive us on our own.  God was willing to use Moses’ shepherd staff and God is willing to use our ordinary, mundane, and familiar “staff” to display His power and contribute to our effectiveness in all that He calls us to do. 

God is not limited by what we may deem to be a useless or ordinary resource.  God just requests that we trust Him enough to use our “staff” and believe that He will provide what’s needed in the moment to ensure our success. 

So, today recognize that God wants to use what you have.  God wants to meet you where you’re at and use what you have to display His power.  Ask God to help you get over your objections with regard to using your “staff.”  Your “staff” may not seem valuable.  You may hate what you went through to acquire your “staff,” but if we follow God’s lead and accept His help He will take our ordinary and make it extraordinary.  Trust Him.  Use what you have.

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God.  Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ.  Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate.  She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology.  Her motto is:  "Be Authentic.  Live Honestly.  Dispel Light."

The Significance of Purity

I failed to grasp the significance and value of purity during my youth.  I indulged each lustful curiosity and freely gave of myself both physically and emotionally. In hindsight, I recognize the magnitude of those choices which now encourages me to pursue purity and reserve physical intimacy until marriage. 

While I recognized that, “anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.  The old life is gone; a new life has begun.-2 Corinthians 5:17,” I still experienced shame, regret, and feelings of unworthiness.  I knew God had forgiven me, but I had not yet formally sought forgiveness and cleansing from each sexual sin nor had I truly forgiven myself. 

I asked God to forgive each sexual sin that I engaged in outside of His will. I asked to be released from the memories that have kept me from developing into the woman He called me to be. I asked God to help me to release all people and situations from my past. I sought forgiveness and freedom from the memories and shame of my past. I asked God for an ability to forgive myself and walk in the newness of my life.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1:9 (NIV)

I can say, today,  that I have been cleansed. Virgin status has been restored to my body and my heart. I am forgiven

So, today if you find yourself overwhelmed with feelings of shame, regret, or a sense of unworthiness…repent and seek forgiveness. God loves you. He doesn't love you for who you will be, but for who you are right now.  He loves you unconditionally.  He will free you from the pain, regret, shame, and embarrassment of your past, but you must submit those areas to Him.  You are a new creature in Christ.  God has taken all the old and clothed you in righteousness.  Ask God to help you to live each day controlled and guided by His spirit.  You are audacious, accepted, secure, courageous, cherished, pursued, forgiven, and most of all loved.  

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God.  Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ.  Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate.  She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology.  Her motto is:  "Be Authentic.  Live Honestly.  Dispel Light."

Charm is Deceitful?

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her worth is far more than rubies." (Proverbs 31:10)
Ah yes…The infamous “Proverbs 31 Woman of Noble Character.” Even when I say it in my head, I’m saying it in a voice-over with an echo. No matter how many times I have read this chapter, she always seems to make me feel inadequate, like I can never measure up.
A few years ago, my friend and I were preparing for a photo shoot to depict modern day interpretations of women of the bible, of course one being this infamous Proverbs 31 woman. At the time, I was this frazzled single mom balancing three children, a demanding career and taking college courses part time. Even with all my efforts, I still felt insignificant because the Proverbs 31 woman was a wife, not an unwed mother. She balanced everything, all while still maintaining a happy marriage; one of the toughest ministries in life.
Sighing through my frustration of not measuring up to this signature woman of the bible, I still stayed up late one night studying her, ending with:
"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised" (Proverbs 31:30)
I fell asleep with my bible as my pillow so when the alarm went off to teach 8:00am class of 50+ people, I overslept. I jumped out of bed, got in the shower and into my car, speeding. Being that it was a Saturday morning, the streets were bare so I was making progress to get to my destination on time, despite my late start. All of a sudden, a car rushes up behind me and I see police lights flashing in my rear view mirror. I pulled over, reacted solely on gut instinct by throwing off my glasses, pulling out my hair-clip and flipping my hair, transforming into “The ding-bat blonde who told Mr. Officer that she didn’t realize that she was going ten miles over the speed limit.”
Thanks to my drama classes in high school, the police officer fell for my acting skills, let me off with a warning and a smile and I made it to my destination with two minutes to spare. I felt so accomplished that I had the power to manipulate and charm my way out of a speeding ticket. Then of course, that last line in Proverbs 31 came rushing back into memory of “Charm being deceptive.”
Geeesh! I can’t even measure up to that either. I put my glasses back on and pulled my hair back up feeling ashamed that I resorted to manipulating a man to get out of a ticket that I deserved. I thought, “At this point, I would be better at interpreting a modern day version of Delilah.” That night I picked up my studies and starting digging deeper into the character of this woman. I decided to research the ruby, as the first stanza said “She was worth far more than rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10)

“Rubies are only created when very specific minerals are combined together, the most necessary of which is corundum. They are formed mainly in high-grade metamorphic environments where hydrothermal fluids meet limestone,” (Waltham, 1999, p. 144). When there are rutile inclusions present in cabochons, there is a star effect. Corundum is naturally colorless and is one of the hardest minerals known on Earth. When combined with certain elements in trace amounts, corundum produces a wide variety of reds. When the aluminum oxide and trace elements are exposed to high pressure and extreme temperatures, they become the molten mixture in which the ruby crystals will form. When chrome, titanium, iron, vanadium or rutile, or even a combination of the metals, are included in the aluminum oxide mixture, the result is the fiery red color associated with the ruby. Rubies can be uniform in color, have hues of blue, purple, or orange, be bi-colored or even multi-colored, but are always a variety of red.”
After my studying of the formation of a ruby, I was blown away. Although the scripture didn’t give us much detail about this woman on her life before becoming this power house, digging deeper into the formation of a ruby gave me a lot of insight.
  1. She was created from a combination of influences. She probably loved to read, learn and sought after knowledge and wisdom. This means she probably listened more than she spoke absorbing information and likely prayed and studied the bible faithfully, getting God’s attention. She made mistakes but due to her hunger for wisdom, she likely learned from them.
  2. She came from high grade metamorphic environment. In geological terms, that means increased levels of energy, high temperature and pressure with increasing degree of metamorphism. In plain English, that would mean that she probably came from a tough environment. She may have went through some form of suffering and pain, possibly even being a former servant or a slave, which may have led to her strong faith as she likely had nothing else to depend on. That may have been the root of her compassion for the poor, willingness to work hard and humility as a leader. As she sought after God, she went through a metamorphosis. He allowed her to come under extreme heat and pressure, burning off all the impurities and hard edges, transforming her from a rock into a priceless ruby. Her pain became her gain.
  3. No matter what her base color was, the dominant color was always a variety of red. This tells me that no matter her race or culture, background or ethnicity, Jesus lived in her. Sure, this scripture was written before his birth, death and resurrection but it had long been prophesied. His grace, mercy and love dwelled in her heart and soul. It is what set her apart. Like a star, her light shined bright which set her apart from the rest, attracting her husband. This is where God likely blessed her by upgrading her to a noble woman, much like Ruth and Boaz because she had proven herself worthy. In fact, this chapter/verse could very well be referring to Ruth as Boaz was known to sit at the city gates.
God loved this little rock so much that he used all of her imperfections to transform her into a ruby. But remember, she was far more precious than rubies. (Proverbs 31:10)
After I completed my research on this magnificent woman, I no longer felt insignificant. I felt like she was the end result of seeking Christ and pushing past the pain and heat of the refiner’s fire. I was just in the metamorphosis stages with all the burning and pressure. If I just keep seeking Him from the inside, eventually it will be apparent that He dwells me on the outside. When the time came for the photo shoot, I depicted her as a woman emerging from the dark, holding a ruby in her hands.
“Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction.” (Isaiah 48:10)
“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” (1 Peter 5:10)

Author image

About the Author :

Katrina Smith is a simple mid-western girl who spreads her love and passion for Christ through ministry, advocacy and outreach programs in the community of Indianapolis, Indiana where her mission is to empower broken women to transform into trailblazers and disciples of their homes, families and communities. She is the author of The Butterfly Movement, Evicting Jezebel, Independent No More, Wisdom is a She and Bride of Christ, Child of God. You can find Katrina at www.wisdomisashe.com.

It's a Perfect Fit

Writing at times is such a smooth process for me, flowing from my mind right onto the paper in one continuous movement. But lately I’ve been spending a lot of time writing, rewriting, and reconstructing the words I had thought were perfect just a few moments ago. Straining for perfection, and mirroring myself against other writers, I tripped and was blind to MY purpose, blind to the purpose of MY writing. Somewhere between the beginning and middle, the lines have blurred, and I’ve wandered into a whirlwind of traffic. Lost in someone else’s vision, wondering why I can’t find my way out. In these moments, I have to catch myself before I get to deep, and constantly implore that He [the Lord] close the gate that I aimlessly wandered into.

It’s so easy to get consumed into the lives of others; one moment you view them as a healthy form motivation and the next you’re coveting and trying to play dress up in their purpose. Only to realize that it doesn’t fit. Take off her purpose sister! God has designed your purpose the exact way he wanted it to be. He didn’t intend for you to use a refurbished purpose, or borrow one from your friends. He created and blew his breath into a purpose that was intricately designed for you. We don’t have to run back and forth trying to emulate the outer appearance of other’s “designs”. God has given us a key to unlock the precious gift He has placed inside of us. We just have to use our key to unlock OUR door.

1 Corinthians 12:12-26, helps us to understand that there is purpose in every one of us. Two verses in particular stand out to me,”18 But in fact, God has arranged the parts of the body, everyone of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part; where would the body be?”

It’s so refreshing to know that you and I are set apart. If God didn’t intend for us to each have our own purpose and unique characteristics he would have stopped at Eve, Sarah, Hannah or Ruth. There would have been no reason to create you or me; everything would have been fulfilled in them. But this wasn’t his plan, he needed you to come into this world to make your mark and help bring other women closer to Him. Maybe it’s your smile that invites people in, or your calm nature that helps to eliminate worry or stress. Your sister’s smile cannot come close in accomplishing what yours can. You may be thinking my smile or [insert your purpose or gift]…that’s it? Ms. So-and-so looks so fulfilled and blessed operating in her abundance of gifts. That is often where we take the wrong step; we focus so intensely on the gifts of others that we place our own on a lower shelf or stop cultivating what God has placed inside of us. Who knows what God may have in store for us, but we may overlook the blessing, gift, or increase because we have someone else’s vision blocking our view. I encourage you to take a look in your closet and marvel at what the Lord has placed inside. Start sporting your custom pieces that your Father has created for you. I guarantee that a peace like no other will wash over you when you begin to use what God poured in you. Don’t be ashamed or shy away thinking that what you have isn’t good enough, or as good as others. If it comes from God there is nothing that can come close to being better for you.

Whether you are just stepping into your purpose, on the path to discovering your purpose, or fulfilling your purpose, stay true to you. Morphing into everything around you isn’t healthy, you cannot do it all nor should you try to. Just like 1 Corinthians 12:19 says, “ …if we were all one part where would the body be.” We need our sisters with their unique characteristics and gifts to form one body, and aid in areas that may need support or refinement.

Remember: You are the twinkle of God’s eye. He loves you so much; he would never ‘skip’ you or ‘forget’ to give you what you deserve. Take the time to nurture and care for your seed, you will be blown away at what will be unearthed. Put on your purpose today Sister; it's a perfect fit.

Chanale Propst is a woman of God who is truly enjoying every step in her walk with God. Her aim in life is to put God first, and to remove any distractions that will prevent her from doing this. She is in love with Christ, and desperately wants women to experience this love as well. By unfolding her wings and soaring to Christ, Chanale hopes to encourage and inspire women on their journey. You can find her blogging at www.soaringtogodsrealm.blogspot.com encouraging every young girl and woman to unfold their wings.

Cultivating a Mary Heart

“Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what He taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.” Luke 11:40 (NLT) 

Whenever I read this particular passage of scripture I feel myself silently pleading for Jesus to reward Martha’s efforts and chastise her sister Mary. But, He doesn’t.

“My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details. There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it and it will not be taken from her.” Luke 11:41 (NLT) 

Many days I feel like “Martha” is synonymous with “Ashley.” I see so much of myself in sweet Martha. She has such a bad rap. Martha loved Jesus just like her sister Mary, but too often she allowed her service to Jesus to interfere with her worship of Jesus. Her attributes: attentiveness, hospitality, and servitude were commendable, but her attitude towards Mary also revealed a lack of humility and a critical spirit. I’m like Martha because when I read this account my first inclination is call Mary lazy and inconsiderate. She SHOULD be helping. But, Jesus does not hesitate to commend Mary on her ability to recognize the one thing worth being concerned about…true worship.

Mary recognized and understood the magnitude of Jesus’ presence. She recognized the importance of sitting at His feet, regaling in His wisdom, and truly worshiping Him with her time. She realized that there was nothing that she could do for Him that would ever compare to what He had already done for her.

So, today ask God to give you a Mary heart; to help you place your service to Him in proper perspective. What often happens in our service to Jesus is that we begin to think that we have to give and what we are doing FOR Jesus is more important than what He has done for us. Like Martha we busy ourselves with services to Jesus, but we stop listening to Him. Instead of sitting in the presence of our special guest we busy ourselves with what we deem to be more important. We allow our focus and attention to stray to our tasks. No matter how commendable our service may be we can’t allow our service to God to become more important than the time we spend with God. Cultivate a Mary heart and spend time at Jesus’ feet daily.

Written by Ashley Ivery

You Are Not Alone

I wrote a paper on the phantom limb phenomenon during the course of my undergrad studies. This phenomenon was said to plague individuals who had suffered the loss of a limb.  Tingly sensations, numbness, and pain riddled the area where the loss limb once resided.  In many cases, the sensations were so intense that it felt like the limb was still attached to their body.  However, in many cases the sensations were said to decrease or disappear over a period of time. 

I’ve never lost a limb, but I am familiar with the haunting presence of feelings emanating from an area that had been cut off and removed from my life.  When something becomes nothing the ache left in its wake can be difficult to bear.  The phantom limb pain is often inconveniently present despite the absence of that “limb.”
We are predisposed to unexpected losses, broken hearts, and severed relationships due to the fallen nature of our world.  In its midst, we may experience pain springing from an area that was once so crucial to our existence, but is no longer present.  But, God…

“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus.  So, after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on firm foundation.” 1 Peter 5:10 (NLT)

When the pain of loss becomes unbearable we must rely on the promises of God.  We will suffer for a little while, but we can trust God to restore, support, strengthen, and place us on a firm foundation. 

So, today remember we are not alone in our suffering--“Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are.” 1 Peter 5:9.   The reasons God may allow pain to linger in our lives will vary, but I've learned that it can help in our ability to relate and comfort other people as they endure loss.  The ache of your lost “limb” is not unknown to God.  He sees you.  The loss of that “limb” may seem unbearable right now, but our God is walking with us through each difficult situation and seemingly insurmountable obstacle.  We must not view pain as our enemy.  Pain can be our ally due to its potential to propel us into a deeper relationship with Christ. The pain will decrease and over time it will disappear.  But, in the meantime don’t try to repress it.  Don’t seek to deny it.  Allow it to be with the knowledge that “the Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed—Psalm 34:18.”  

God will bring you through it.  Be encouraged.

Written by Ashley Ivery

Settle It In Your Soul

“And You are Complete in Him… Colossians 2:10

Complete: having all necessary parts, elements, or steps; fully carried out; total; absolute.

Whole: mentally or emotionally sound; having all proper parts or components; constituting an undivided unit unbroken, complete or total.

To be complete in Christ is a very interesting and somewhat challenging statement to comprehend; yet here it is, in the Holy Scripture. Paul wrote that we are complete in Jesus Christ. Completeness is another word for wholeness. You cannot be Whole but yet be incomplete. You cannot be complete yet lack wholeness. We receive and walk in this completeness and wholeness when we receive and accept Christ. But then we think, how in the world can I be complete, when I can clearly see that I have some major issues going on? I see how I act and behave. I know the thoughts that I think. I know what I am struggling with. But this verse still sits here, loud and clear, with the proclamation that in Christ I am complete.

What exactly does this mean? It means that without Christ I am indeed a broken, hot and incomplete mess. It means that with Christ living on the inside of me, I am restored to completeness with him. In Him I live, In Him I move and have my being (Acts 17:28). It means that when I abide in him and He abides in me that my life will be fruitful. Otherwise, my life will be nothing (John 15:4-5).

For me to walk out this completeness on a daily basis requires several key things. But right now we are going to focus on this one issue: belief. I must believe in my heart and mind I am indeed complete in Him. I must make it part of my conscious and subconscious reality that I am a complete and whole child of God, that I am not a falling apart person barely hanging on at the end of my rope. It is about perception. It is about remembering where God brought me from. It is about deliberately canceling, crucifying and capturing the negative lies, thoughts, words, etc. that the enemy puts in my head about myself.

What sense does it make to profess being complete in Christ, to walk around claiming wholeness, but then turn around and self-sabotage by beating yourself up over every mistake, over your past, over the all consequences that are still yet unfolding? What sense does it make to engage in self-flogging? Why do we beat up ourselves and allow the lies and wrong thinking to overtake us? We undermine our completeness every time we do this. We give Satan a chance to laugh and snicker at us because he is the one who starts it. We take the bait, run with it in our imagination and he sits back and laughs. He did very little work other than plant the thought. We did all the beating ourselves.

Once the mental and emotional self-flogging episode is finished, we are now broken again, picking up the pieces and wondering how we got here, yet again. Christ looks on us with pity and love, waiting for us to step back into the wholeness and completeness that he took the flogging for us to walk in. He looks at us in love while we engage in destructive behavior and waits.

Wholeness and completeness at its core is a fundamental belief that you are rooted, grounded, fixed and founded in the Love of God. No matter what you have been through, no matter what you have done if you have received, believed and confessed Jesus Christ into your heart, you have been made whole. Yes, it is a process to walk out in the natural as your soul and your body catches up with your spirit. Yes, it is a process for your mind and emotions to undo and unlearn the lies that you have believed and walked in. Yes, it is a process to re-train your brain to righteousness, completeness, and dependency upon Christ living in you instead of relying on yourself. However, it is absolutely imperative and crucial to know deep in your heart that you are seated in heavenly places with Christ (Ephesians 2:6), that you are saved and that you are hidden in Him. You are complete.

Think about this. An apple seed has all of the components necessary to grow and develop into a full-fledged apple tree capable of producing hundreds of apples. The seed is very tiny and looks like nothing. But it is Complete. The seed is whole. It is not a full-grown tree. It needs to be placed in the proper environment for it to grow into the fullness of the apple tree. Because it is in seed form does not mean that it is worthless. It does not mean that it is broken or messed up or that something is wrong with it. It has to go through its process.

A furry caterpillar crawling on the ground is a complete worm. It has all of the genetic coding within it necessary for it to turn into a complete butterfly. But right now it looks like a creepy worm; inside it is a complete beautiful butterfly. We do not denigrate the little worm because it is not a fully formed butterfly. The caterpillar is not going around hurting itself and complaining because it cannot behave or function like a butterfly. It has to go through its process.

It is the same way for us. Just because we are still in the seed state or the caterpillar state doesn’t mean we are not whole or that we are incomplete. We are still in process. We are still working out our own soul salvation. We are still growing in him. He that has begun a good work in his will complete it (Philippians 1:6). Our God is a perfecting and performing God. He perfects the things that concern us. He performs all things for us (Psalms 138:8; Psalms 57:2).

We have yet to arrive into the wholeness and completeness of our destiny in Christ. There is no time to waste on complaining and self-sabotaging ourselves through unbelief and unruly thinking. This must become a settled, established issue if we expect to complete our process. We can settle this issue by confessing the Word of wholeness and completeness over our lives daily; 2) by spending time daily in prayer and reflection and; 3) by being in healthy fellowship and relationship with others (no isolation). These three things help solidify and establish wholeness, completeness and connection, which are vital for any human being to move through his or her process. Any aspect of these things missing will perpetuate the cycle of brokenness over time. Settle these issues. Settle Your Heart. Settle it in Your Soul. . .You have been made Whole.

Maria Breeden has been an undercover writer for many years and has just recently obeyed her calling to write for the glory of God. She is a single mom, a full-time corporate bookkeeper and is actively involved in Reaching, Teaching and Releasing at New Hope Church in Durham, NC. Because of her life experiences in seeking outside sources for validation, love, and security, her passion is to help women become Rooted, Grounded, Fixed and Founded in the Love of God.

The Root of the Heart

There was a time when I used curse words in excess. I had a “potty mouth.” I’m a reader so I have a decent vocabulary, but I felt some situations warranted a curse word. I know…terrible.

When I began this walk with Christ I knew I had to stop cursing and so I did…kind of. Instead of actually saying the curse word I would “bleep” it out. I even created alternate words to use in exchange for curse words.

One day God said, “Ashley…you may not be saying the word, but your intent is the same. You are cursing. You must allow me to address the root of the problem…your heart.”

“Out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks.”

Our words originate within our heart. Our thoughts, behavior, and words are a reflection of what we hold in abundance within our heart.

When we don’t recognize the depth of our problem our focus tends to be shallow. We focus on the behavior without seeking to discover the origin of the behavior. We employ our will power and seek to abstain from that behavior as opposed to seeking his power for true and lasting change.

So, today don’t just pray for willpower to abstain from a behavior. Pray for His power to change you through addressing the root problem…your heart. We must stop seeking to cover an odor with fragrance and allow God find the source of the odor and dispose of it. Go deeper with God and allow Him to address the source. Allow God to shape your heart first and the rest will follow.

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God. Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ. Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate. She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology. Her motto is: "Be Authentic. Live Honestly. Dispel Light."

No Logic Just Trust

by Ashley Ivery

Many of the challenges we face are real. The tangibility of unpaid bills, impending deadlines, or physical ailments each carries dire consequences when left unattended. These challenges prompt immediate action and responsibility. However, the vast majority of our action takes place in our heads through our thoughts. We imagine, ponder, predict, analyze, reason, and wrestle with our thoughts on a daily basis. Our challenges are often magnified through the excessive focus we apply to our circumstances. Sometimes the longer we deliberate the more confused we get. When faith falls short of alleviating our worry we interject logic in what we perceive to be gaps in God’s plan for our lives. Logic is limited to what we have seen and experienced and does not account for the limitless possibilities that accompany a trusting relationship with God.

There will be times when we just don’t understand, when we don’t have an answer, and when we can’t figure it out. I have learned to love those moments. I realized that I did not want a God that I could “figure out.” I did not want a God that I could wrap my mind around or fit into some box. I don't want a logical God. I want a radical, limitless, amazing, inspiring God that blows my mind daily. I wanted a God that exceeded my imagination, my logic, and my understanding. I realized that what I needed was not to understand everything, but to trust in the Creator of everything. So, instead of working to apply logic and reason to my challenges I asked God to help me transfer my trust to Him instead of my knowledge.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. —Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

So, today remember there is value in each experience. I believe God uses everything to our benefit. Each circumstance, dilemma, and trial combines to weave the intricate tapestry of our very being. Our “man-made plans” bear absolutely no comparison to the unique purpose He has designed for our lives. Our troubles serve to remind us that we are not designed to handle it all, figure it out, or make sense of everything. God will grant us discernment when we choose to depend on Him as opposed to our own limited perspective. God will make our path clear when we transfer our trust to Him and relinquish our desire to understand everything. Strive to ensure your mind remains open to the value of the message He shares with you through each challenge. Get comfortable with not always knowing the answer or reason. Instead of praying for an ability to understand ask God to help you trust Him and turn your "thinking cap" off.

Ashley is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God. Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ. Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate. She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology. Her motto is: "Be Authentic. Live Honestly. Dispel Light."

Tears for Harvest

Guest post by Jasmine Hernandez

"To err is human, to forgive, divine." - Alexander Pope

Tonight I felt my heart break. Not some figurative emotional state that we often succumb to describing when our feelings have been hurt by someone. I felt the literal pangs of heartache and a numbing sensation encapsulated my chest cavity as I drove home this evening. Then I heard God’s voice telling me it was time to let him heal me completely.

I’ve allowed myself to become so drained and feel so empty. I’ve lived so much of life on autopilot. Robotic responses after there are no tears left to cry. Then He told me to write. He instructed me to use my words to express this heartache to reach out to someone else who feels the same pain.

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6:7-9

As women, we are so impatient when we want something so badly. We grow even more impatient when God has given us glimpses of what could be but hasn’t brought into fruition. We see plant these seeds with so much hope and forget that great things take time before they even sprout. Yet, we grow impatient because they haven’t completely grown for harvest.

This is all especially true when it comes to love. God gives us these visions, let’s call them premonitions, of what we deserve. Then He places the person whom He has deemed worthy of our gifts. And what do we do when that person seems to be waning? We impatiently involve ourselves with someone else whose presence becomes like pesticides to our bountiful harvest. And the seed that was planted with hope that God has been watching over begins to die. We don’t even notice the leaflets sprouting from the earth. We seem to forget that a plentiful harvest takes ample sunshine as well as rain. We get so blinded by the downpour that we find ourselves in that we overlook the harvest and begin planting weeds and thorns amongst the fruit God wants us to have.

No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. I Corinthians 1-:13

If only we could remember that things that take time. For every action there is a reaction. And though err is human nature we forget what it feels like to be hurt when we’ve hurt someone else. The harvest we’ve destroyed hurts worse than we do when we witness its destruction.

He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3

I’ve been chastising myself for my impatient ten-fold. Crying to God and praying that these tears will bring back the life which I so easily destroyed with one thoughtless and emotionless action.

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

But now I must shift my focus.

To lose one harvest isn’t the end of the world. A good farmer plants many seeds for harvest. If we only focus on the one seed we planted in hopes of a relationship, we blindside ourselves from tended to our other crops. The farmer doesn’t cry when he loses one harvest because he knows he will be sustained through the other harvests which he tended.

What about the seed planted to harvest a true relationship with God? Are we truly tending to all of our crops as much as we are the one we’ve already ruined with impatience?

Impatience has some silver-lining. It redirects our focus to what we never should have turned from in the first place. Instead of begging God to bring back a lost harvest, I’m learning to trust Him to redeem the harvests which I’ve let struggle for growth because I’ve only kept the ground fertile for that one harvest.

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. Revelation 21:4

Let your tears from the loss of one harvest water the crops of the ones you’ve been neglecting. Let them fall on the fertile ground of your relationship with God and He will help till the ground for many more harvests. For the tears He cries out when we turn from Him are greater than any of the tears we can ever cry. In every teardrop is His healing power. Let God use your tears for harvest.

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. I Peter 5:6-7

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Jasmine Hernandez is a young woman growing everyday in her walk with Jesus. After years of struggling to define Christianity by her own terms with dictionaries and textbooks, God met Jasmine at her well on Valentine's Day. She was saved countless times over the span of her 23-years, but this time it was different. She actively writes for a Christian-blog, is a member of a spoken word/poetry group, and does freelance content writing. 


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