Book Review: Pink Lips & Empty Hearts by Heather Lindsey

By Ashley Flores

"If you don't believe that you are 'good enough', you most likely won't believe that God can really use you. You'll get stuck in this circle of inferiority for the rest of your life and remain insecure."
The rookie publication of Christian pastor Heather Lindsey has answered the call of the Pink Lips & Empty Hearts: Completely Dressed Up & Broken Inside on New Year's Eve 2012 and the response was overwhelming to say the least. Electronic versions of the book were being purchased and downloaded within minutes of the announcement and hundreds of orders for the physical copy came pouring in.

thousands of women who follow her ministry through Pinky Promise. In an attempt to help women begin 2013 renewed, refreshed and committed to living a life for Christ, Lindsey released 

Eager to see what revelations waited on the crisp pages birthed from her personal victories and failures, I quickly grabbed my own copy.

If you are a frequent of Lindsey's blog, then it pleases me to say Pink Lips lives up to her raw and unedited way of communicating the amount of desire and dedication required to truly be a woman after God's own heart. Lindsey gives her readers an intimate look into her personal journey from a half-hearted Christian, to a "complete wreck" (as she would say), to a woman who is determined to walk in God's purpose for her life. This isn't a book about relationships with men, but something much more important; it's about establishing a true relationship with God. 
She does a wonderful job of discussing personal and relationship issues that are common amongst both single and married women. Chapters such as "The Joys of Marriage" serve as encouragement to single women who are hoping to be married one day, engaged women who might be nervous about what to expect as they enter this next chapter of their lives, and married woman who sometimes find the demands of marriage a bit overwhelming or are somewhat confused as what the role of a wife truly is.

The book also takes some blatant stabs at some of our culture's most popular music artists, genres and television shows as she explores how even self-proclaimed Christians often turn a blind-eye to the undeniable influence these media outlets have on our lives. In that same manner, Lindsey also addresses the importance of surrounding oneself with other like-minded believers to assist we come to understand the beautiful creations we are in Christ.  
Lindsey writes:

"If you don't believe that you are 'good

enough', you most likely won't believe that God can really use you. You'll get stuck in this circle of inferiority for the rest of your life and remain insecure."

The conversational language used in Pink Lips makes Lindsey's message easy to understand, and even easier to share with other women. She allows readers to travel with her as she chronicles her struggle with self-image and self-worth; her uncertainties when choosing a career; her reoccurring habit to find comfort in unhealthy friendships and

intimate relationships; and her ultimate realization that her identity rested fully in the truth of Jesus Christ.

Lindsey's husband manages to sum up their desired response to her debut literary artwork in a prayer he placed in the book's introduction:

"It is my prayer that you find hope and enjoyment in what is pure, holy, purposeful, and true. It is my prayer that you identify yourself with the biblical principles written plainly in the Bible, rather than the qualities you see in the world today. I pray that you understand and begin to see yourself as precious and honorable. You are worth the wait."

Now, is the book perfect? Of course not. I've never read a book that was. But when it comes to content and purpose, I would definitely recommend this book to any woman who wants to grow closer to Christ, any woman who is tired of trying to figure out life on their own, any woman who doesn't want to give yet another part of herself to some random who simply fills lonely voids in her heart, but instead chooses to wait for the man God has chosen to be the priest of her home.

To our sister, Heather Lindsey: Congratulations and thank you for this.


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