A Different Kind of Wonderful

The villagers were disgusted with their rat-infested community. The rodents had become a nuisance to everyone and something had to be done.  In desperation, they demanded that their governmental representatives have the rats destroyed or they would remove the governing body out of power.

The government explored options to alleviate the rat problem but every possibility was laced with an appendix of problems. There seemed to be no viable solution.

Alas, an eccentric, mangy piper with colorful garb appeared with a suggestion that he called "a secret charm.” He explained that his flute had the power to lead creatures wherever he desired them to go. The governing body was skeptical of the man, but after agreeing on a price of 1000 guilders, the piper’s offer was accepted.

As soon as the piper went outside, he began to play his flute. A sea of rats followed him as he played and he led them into the river where they all drowned. The piper, pleased with his work, returned to get his pay.  However, he was only given 50 guilders, instead of the agreed upon 1000.

This breach in agreement angered the piper and he headed to the streets and played his flute. This time, the children of the town began to follow him and he took them into a nearby mountain where they "disappeared" with him. The community members and parents stood motionless, unable to save their children from the hypnotic control of the piper.

Our hearts are infested with a sin problem and we have explored multiple options to fix it. However, each option is pregnant with one problem after the other. And in the midst of our despair and desperation, a similar piper appears with a quick fix solution. His claims seemed affordable and enticing and we made a contract with him. This piper- Satan -pulls out his flute and whiffs us away down a seemingly enchanting path. We are hypnotized, indeed lulled into a stupor, as we, too, fall victim to the piper. We find ourselves following magical notes of "love" and "success" only to realize that these notes are not really music to our ears.

I found myself lulled by the staccato rhythm of the piper into pursuing love interests that were not ordained of God. They were colorful and exciting but they led me further away from God’s will. Thankfully, with a consistent, heart rendering ballad of grace, God gently pulled me away from the evil reigns of the “piper.”

God opened the curtains of my heart His love notes and exposed my faulty affections and perceptions concerning dating and love. He called me to disengage my heart from non-Christ like desires and untangled my heart, string by string, from the piper’s deathly call.

God’s melody clashed with the chords played by the piper. But after multiple push and pull episodes, God’s notes of love spoke to every muscle within me and my spirit began to respond. I soon found myself seeking God rather than settling for a counterfeit. Day after day, I intentionally pursued His glory and submerged myself in His Word. I allowed Him to sanctify my mind and heart and cultivate the fruit of His Spirit within my spirit. With each step forward with Christ, the pull of the piper lost its power, my perception was shifted, and my desires were transformed.

As the beat of God’s love anthem moved me into a deeper encounter with Him, He brought a God-fearing friend into my life, named Lon. Our blossoming friendship and spiritual compatibility had the signature of Jesus written all over it. Every word he uttered was grounded in scripture and the Holy Spirit guided his every action. Lon kissed my life with his presence and I fell in love with his heart.  He complemented me spiritually while understanding my humanity.

Whether it was respecting emotional and physical boundaries or embracing new spiritual plateaus, my Lon followed God’s compass. And in honor of our obedience to His principles, God aligned our hearts and created an emotional intimacy that led us to the purpose that He has for our individual lives and as a couple.

Every step taken in our relationship brings me closer to Jesus. This gift was mine was when I moved in the direction of God’s ballad of grace.  He gave me more than I could have ever desired.

You may be programmed to follow the leading of the piper, unaware of the destruction that awaits you or perhaps every time you receive the wisdom to follow the gentle ballad of grace, you are held captive by the colorful distractions of the piper. Be reminded that God’s musical notes of grace are more powerful that the pull of the piper and can lead you back to a Savior who desires the best for every aspect of your life.

I invite you to pause, unplug and listen to the soothing ballad God is playing to usher you back into His will. Can you hear it? It's unlike anything you've ever heard on earth. It is pure and divine. It is consistent and unconditional. It is patient and faithful. It is vibrant and penetrating. It is personal and healing. It is filled with the musical note of grace.

Would you consider allowing God’s love to lead you to your blessing?

I assure you, when we surrender and obediently move in the direction of God’s call and bidding, He will give us blessings that are better than the life we dreamed.

He gives us a different kind of wonderful.

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About the Author :

Dentrecia is a 24 year old from the island of St. Kitts in the West Indies who is pursing graduate studies in Communication, Media and Public Relations. She is passionate about culture, women issues, relationships and mental health as she is passionate about spreading the good news of Jesus one printed piece at a time. Her quiet strength has dubbed her the nickname, “Gentle Lion” and she believes that God can use even introverts as herself to spread His message of hope.


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