The Benefits of Suffering

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Sometimes, thankfulness is hard to have. It is hard to look at certain events in our lives that have caused us so much pain and learn how to be thankful for those "shadowy" moments. It is easier to accept the relief of overcoming a season of suffering rather than looking at the ways in which it allowed God to further shape us into the person He has called us to be. Believe it or not, though, our earthly suffering does have value. I know, it sounds odd, but stick with me and I will explain exactly what I mean by this.

  • Suffering gives us a deeper sense of gratitude for simple blessings. Earthly things that we thought were once important to us become the things that seem not to matter in the end.  This is because earthly things cannot fill our hearts like Heavenly things. Suffering shows us the important things in life. 
  • Our suffering can teach us to trust in God, not ourselves. Too often, we depend on our own strength to get us through. We are called to put our trust in our Heavenly Father and receive strength through Him by doing so. We were made for God. We cannot live without Him.
  • Certain seasons of suffering yield benefits after overcoming the trial. There is purpose in the suffering, even if it does not reveal itself right away.
  • Suffering helps us to connect with God on a more intimate level. Drawing near to Him with vulnerable, desperate hearts eases the fear of being transparent with Him. It is in our very moments of desperation that we realize just how much we need our Father.
  • Suffering equips us better to sympathize with other sufferers, if not during our own trial, later. Suffering reminds us that we are not called to live this life alone. We are called by the Comforter to be comforters.
  • Suffering makes us Homesick. In other words, it sharpens our awareness that this earth is not a permanent home. Our laid out Destination involves zero sickness, zero pain, and zero suffering. This is certainly something to look forward to.
  • Suffering shapes our character. The lessons we learn along the way shape our vision and understanding regarding the true meaning of life and why we are here.
  • Bearing our suffering well can be inspiring and beneficial to others. When we place our trust into the hands of God, seek our strength from Him, and remain firm in our faith throughout the waves of life, people see our perseverance and become encouraged and inspired by our desire to make it through. When suffering shows up at their doorstep, they will remember your fight to overcoming the trial and it will be one of their incentives to not give up. I guarantee it.

Ladies, regardless of what it is that we have had to face in life, and no matter how many answers we have or have not received, our Heavenly Father has always been there. We may have blurry vision in our times of suffering, but God has a clear picture. Know this, and be comforted by it.

We live in a world full of one chaotic event after another. Chaos even exists in our families. It is everywhere. But so is God. We cannot forget this.

When we surrender our chaos into the hands of our Father rather than seeking ways for the world to fix it, we acknowledge that regardless of our pain, God is in control. He is our safe haven. He loves us and offers refuge as He listens to our anguish and anger. He holds on tight.

Whatever it is you may be going through today, know that this is not the end of your story. The "shadowy" moments you have or may be facing have no say in the fact that joy comes in the morning.

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. —(Psalm 30:5)

We are called to live by faith and not by sight, to lift our hearts to God in the darkness because we have the promise of the morning. We also have the promise of future joy amid our tears. We must leave our sorrows with Jesus, the Man of Sorrows.

We may be powerless, but God is powerful. Be steadfast and determined, my dear sisters.  Allow your past, present, and future circumstances to build your character. Trust God to use every detail for your ultimate good.

Because believe it or not, there are benefits to suffering.

"New mercies every morning, grace for every day, new hope for every trial, and courage all the way." —McVeigh

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About the Author :

Emily Lauren Townsend is a 21 year old southern girl who has a heart for loving Jesus, loving others, and serving the world. She is currently pursuing a career in ministry as she continues to fall madly in love with Jesus by the day. Emily Lauren has a heart for worship and women's ministry. Her daily dose of life consists of a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus. You can find her sharing her delight in Jesus by following @DaughterofDelight on Instagram.


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