Steady Heart

As a twenty-one year old college senior who is on her way to graduating in May of 2015, thoughts of the future are very reoccurring nowadays.

When I write, I love to paint visuals with my words. However, when the only words I have regarding my future are questions, they can't exactly paint a picture. I have no visual. What I do have, though, is confidence. And I have placed my confidence into the hands of an almighty God who has laid down my path before my very feet.

A God who loves because He is love.
A God who calls us by name.
A God who knew exactly what He was doing when He molded us in His very hands.
A God who places His calling upon the hearts of His children.
A God who provides deliverance and restoration out of His true, abundant love for His creation.
A God who provides hope in the hearts of the hopeless.
A God who provides direction to the hearts of those who are seeking.
A God who may not give answers when preferred, but whose guidance is, and always will be unfailing.

A God who longs for us to trust Him with a steady heart.

Having a steady heart does not cross out fear, but it does overpower it. Having a steady heart recognizes that although looking ahead may be a very large blur in our eyes, it's a very clear picture in the eyes of God because He is in control.

The only type of fear that belongs to the Lord is one out of deep love and respect for Him. The fear that makes you run belongs to Satan.

Don't run. Don't leave everything behind to start something new just because you cannot see what lies ahead. This could range anywhere from a dream you've always had to taking the next step forward in a relationship. Maybe you are afraid of chasing your dreams, or maybe you are afraid of commitment. Whatever it is that you are slowly stepping back from, stop.

Stop allowing the fear that you have to grow inside you. This will only spark negative emotions. Know that you are equipped to face your fears, but only when you feed them with your faith.

Listen to the steady beating of your heart.
Remind yourself of the love of God that keeps you holding on to Him.
Think of the grace He shows you with each new day.
Feel the faith flooding through your very veins that holds your belief in the God who created you.

Allow these things to steady you.

Whatever fear you may have, approach it steadily. Walk toward it and confront it. God does not forsake His children when they stray from Him, so why should we run from fear initiated by the enemy? Well, that's just it...we shouldn't.

Allow the fear you have for the Lord to plant courage in your heart. God will give it to you.

Maybe it's the courage to end a relationship, to confront someone, to accept the hard truth of the matter, or just the courage to trust. Whatever you need, allow the Lord to supply it. Don't run and allow walls of fear to be built within you. Take it to the Lord, obtain a steady heart in doing so, and face your fears with your faith in Him.

Faith doesn't come in a bushel basket, Missy. It comes one step at a time. Decide to trust Him for one little thing today, and before you know it, you find out He's so trustworthy that you'll be putting your whole life in His hands.” ―Lynn Austin

Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck. Faith is the solvent that sets you free.” -Shannon L. Alder

When you can't see God's hand, trust His heart.”  -Emily Freeman

The staunch belief on an invisible Almighty is the sole relief for a soul at the time of despair.” ―Anuj Somany

You are not the only one who fears, dear sister. Fear versus faith is, and always will be an ongoing battle. However, what can change with the battle you may be facing, as well as the battles that are yet to come, is your battle strategy. When you armor yourself with and fight out of your fear, you lose. However, when you fight your battle with faith, you overcome. This is because your strength to fight also comes from the Source of the faith that you are fighting with. God will always lead you to victory.

For the word of the Lord holds true,
    and we can trust everything he does.
He loves whatever is just and good;
    the unfailing love of the Lord fills the earth.
The Lord merely spoke,
    and the heavens were created.
He breathed the word,
    and all the stars were born.

(Psalm 33:4-6 NLT)

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About the Author :

Emily Lauren Townsend is a 21 year old southern girl who has a heart for loving Jesus, loving others, and serving the world. She is currently pursuing a career in ministry as she continues to fall madly in love with Jesus by the day. Emily Lauren has a heart for worship and women's ministry. Her daily dose of life consists of a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus. You can find her sharing her delight in Jesus by following @DaughterofDelight on Instagram.


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