Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord

Here on the Gulf Coast, we are very familiar with the words hurricane season and hurricane preparedness

When our local meteorologists tell us to prepare for a hurricane, you cannot find jugs or bottles of water anywhere. Bread aisles are completely wiped out and the lines at the gas pumps are ridiculous. 

People put a lot of time, energy, and even money into preparing for "the worst." And yes, we should prepare for the possible "what-ifs" as we're led of the Lord. 

But, I want us all to ponder this question for a moment:

As God has declared and released so many amazing promises and plans for your life, how have you prepared for them?

How much of your time, energy and resources have you put into preparing for what God has promised and prepared for you?  

We all know the promises He has made individually, as well as corporately. We are without excuse. 

"The voice of one crying in the wilderness: 'Prepare the way of the LORD; Make straight in the desert A highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted And every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places shall be made straight And the rough places smooth; The glory of the LORD shall be revealed, And all flesh shall see it together; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken,'” (Isaiah 40:3-5, NKJV)

This was a prophetic word admonishing the nation of Israel to prepare for the glory of the Lord, which would be revealed at His coming. They were encouraged to remove obstacles from the coming Messiah's path through repentance and turning away from sin. 

John the Baptist, who was sent before Christ, used the same words from Isaiah 40:3 to let people know his role as a forerunner. He had the assignment of going before the Lord and telling people to prepare for His coming. He was letting them know preparation must take place before the king comes.  

In the Eastern culture, some Kings had heralds that they sent out before them when they were expected to travel to a particular place. This herald made sure that the path or road the king was expected to travel on would be smooth and passable.  

The herald had the responsibility of going before the king and making sure obstacles were removed; that crooked roads were straightened, and hilly places made smooth. 

They did everything necessary to make sure that the way was prepared and conducive for the coming of the king. 

Now, the King of Kings has told His people that this is our time of visitation. A time of revealing His glory in our and through our lives. 

As He reveals His glory, He reveals all that He has, all that He does and all that He is. 

I want to admonish you just like Isaiah told the nation of Israel.  And, like John the Baptist told the people of his day, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord. Make room for His glory and for His coming in your life.

We have grace, and a window of opportunity to make the rough places smooth and the crooked places in our lives straight for Him. 

Think about everything God has promised. Everything that He has shown you. Then think about the things in your life right now that war against those promises. (Sin, pride, ingratitude, poor time and money management skills, toxic relationships, fear, worry, doubt, etc.)

Those are obstacles. Things that need to be cleared away.  

I've read of cases where road construction crews have had to clear obstacles from roads that were impassable. They used dynamite on the obstacles that were too big to be cleared away by bulldozers or hammer drills. 

Some of you have been trying to do move obstacles on your own through your strength. 

Tap into the power of the Holy Spirit of God. Some of the obstacles have proven to be too big for you. 

By the power of the Holy Spirit of God, they can be brought to nothing. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you. He will give you wisdom and strategies. 

As the Holy Spirit reveals the obstacles, ask Him to give grace and strategies which will demolish every obstacle that wars against the coming of His glory. The power of the Holy Spirit and your obedience as He gives grace and strategies is what blasts away the obstacles and things that hinder. 

Our lifestyle of holiness and complete obedience fights for us right now. This is how we prepare the way. Yes, we fast and pray. These things coupled with faith, obedience and the power of the Holy Ghost bring breakthroughs and deliverance. 

When our local meteorologist says that storms are coming, his predictions may not always be accurate. He might miss it sometimes. When God declares rain, well, get ready for rain.

When He declares blessings and release, expect it. 

Make room for His coming. Do what He instructs you to do in preparation. 

Remain grateful and focused. Our responsibility is obedience, not trying to figure out how He is going to do what He purposed. Stay focused on what He said. Stay in expectation of the promise and do your part. 

Prepare the way for His coming. 

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About the Author :

Pastor Pamela Bell is a passionate, lover of God, who desires to see God's people walk in the knowledge of who they are in Christ. She resides in Mobile, AL and serves as an Elder at her church, Gulf Coast Christian Center. Pastor Pamela enjoys reading, spending time with friends and all things chocolate.


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