Operating Within His Strength

Despite our best efforts we rarely complete our to-do list each day.  There's always something left undone.  We tend to lament over all that we have yet to accomplish without ever seeking to acknowledge our progress.  Just thinking about everything we have to do can lead to both physical and mental exhaustion.

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."Isaiah 40:29--NIV

However, God gives us strength.  This strength is activated through Thanksgiving.  If we can't acknowledge all the things He has afforded us an opportunity to accomplish then why should He help us any further?  God is not receptive to complaints, but an expression of thanks opens the door for Him to provide us with His strength and an opportunity to make us feel better.  But, it doesn't happen overnight.  It's a conscious commitment--that may require daily or hourly--re-commitment.  Practice giving thanks over complaints and watch Him fill you up with His strength.

So, today acknowledge your progress.  Celebrate each step--big or small.  Make a conscious effort to refrain from complaining or hosting personal pity parties.  Exercise your ability to choose your attitude and smile.  Thank God for all He has allowed you to accomplish and choose to operate within His strength.  Do your best and let God handle the rest.  

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God.  Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ.  Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate.  She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology.  Her motto is:  "Be Authentic.  Live Honestly.  Dispel Light."

[Photo: Primenerd Creative Commons]


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