September comes with a little bit of coolness to remind us the summer months are over and a realization that this school business is serious. For some of us, the cool weather can cause coldness in our relationship with the LORD. The busyness that comes with getting in a routine for school and other extra-curricular activities can seem to cloud our love for our King. In my relationship with the LORD, I have found it is so important to fight for time with Him and intentionally find ways to keep my fire burning.
I hope some of these practical tips can help others keep the LORD as their first love:
- Wake up a little earlier in the morning to spend time with Him: This has been the most important thing I have done in my relationship with the LORD. Spending time with Him in the morning is a declaration that He is LORD over your day, and you choose to put Him first above all. When you are entering a stressful season in your life, it’s important to spend even more time with God to receive clarity on how handle different situations.
- Unplug a little bit more: We are constantly surrounded by all kinds of technology and sometimes it’s so hard to get away from it and just sit quietly before Him. Learning to “unplug” from technology on a regular basis creates a deeper intimacy with the LORD.
- Engage in Worship Times: Worshipping is a huge way to set your heart on the LORD and make Him bigger, while making yourself and your issues smaller. Whether it’s a quick jam session to worship music in your car, or singing loud to God in the bathroom. Find your special way to refocus on the One who truly matters.
- Have mini-prayer times in between classes: While walking across the school to your next class, sneak in a little conversation time with the King.
- Set a marker on campus/have a prayer corner: At my undergrad college I had a spot on the swing that reminded me to pray on campus. Every time I passed by it, I would be reminded to pray and after a while it became automatic. God thoughts started popping up before I got to the swing. This is one of the most intentional ways I found to keep my mind set on the LORD while in college.
- Serve others: We are never closer to the heart of God than we are when we get out of ourselves, leave behind our agendas and pour into other people. Find opportunities in your school and community to connect with God in this way.
- Find an encouraging group of Christians to meet with and talk about the LORD: While we are called to be the light in the midst of the darkness, it is important to have a group of people who you can comfortably talk about what the LORD is teaching you and know they understand. It is so important to be filled up and held accountable while we try to shine light into the dark places.

[photo: Angelo Gonzalez, Creative Commons]