Weapons in His Hands

She is gorgeous.

She is perfect.

She has it all.

She couldn't possibly be going through any type of hardship, because after all; she has it all together.

I have to burst your bubble. No one is perfect and everyone has insecurities and struggles.

No matter how immaculate someone’s life may seem, she is still human.

Social media has the tendency to show us the facade and not the reality of a person’s circumstances. Through this medium, people put on their best face. You only see what your Facebook friends or the people you follow on Instagram want you to see. We then proceed to compare our lives to this perceived image of perfection and we’re tempted to become unsatisfied and unfulfilled with the glorious lives God has planned for us individually.

The thing is, we don’t know another person’s silent tears, only their happy moments put on display. And I’m totally not bashing social media – God definitely uses it as a tool for positive influence in this generation. I have connected with some pretty amazing people through it.

However, if using social media causes us to be bitter, envious, and ungrateful, then we are not glorifying God. 

Often we become jealous of someone’s platform or influence when in reality we have absolutely NO idea how God is working in their life. We have no clue the trials that He is allowing them to walk through. We view them as flawless without taking into account the hidden days of pruning and testing through the fiery furnace of affliction that have brought them to this point of being used by God.

I honestly think one of the reasons comparison and jealousy subtly creep in as women is because we fear that someone might be prettier, have more influence, or become better liked than us.

We fear being replaced.

The wonderful truth is that you can never be replaced. There has never been someone like you on the face of this earth and there never will be. Your gifts are so tailored to the personality God has given you, that to try and imitate someone else would be to disown your very essence.

Your voice, your perspective on life, and your very presence have a divine mark on this world with only your name written on it.

You are God’s unique expression, and absolutely no one can touch His heart like you can. Your personal worship ravishes a part of God’s being that no other in all creation could ever fill.

Things would never be the same without you. God wants you madly.

When we really get a revelation of how irreplaceable we actually are in God’s heart and in His kingdom, we can celebrate our sisters in Christ and the unique expression of the Father that they bring to the world.

God showed me that there are so many people in this culture against the message of Christ, that He desires for His precious daughters to stick together. He wants unified warrior princesses that wield a sword of truth against the kingdom of darkness in this generation. Jealousy, comparison, bitterness, and resentment only tear us down.

God adores unity. It delights His heart:

“How truly wonderful, delightful, and beautiful to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity...For from this realm of sweet harmony, God will release His eternal blessing, the promise of life forever!” (Psalm 133:1,3b TPT)

The enemy on the other hand, absolutely hates when we are in one accord. He would love more than anything else to see the Body of Christ divided because it makes us powerless. We are completely immobilized and ineffective against the devil and his schemes when offenses cloud our hearts. We are unable to collectively come against his destructive works when we are busy fussing about what “so and so” has and the territory God has given them.

The world is filled with darkness and hopelessness.

If a sister in Christ is doing something amazing to further the kingdom of God, by all means celebrate her and what God is doing through her life. If she is shining her light in a place of darkness, in the sphere of influence God has given her- rejoice! For God’s light and the message of hope we have in Christ are being spread. This doesn’t detract from the rare treasure that you are or the beautiful calling God has bestowed upon your life.

We are harmoniously stronger together than we are apart, so let’s do damage to the kingdom of darkness.

We are weapons in Abba’s hands when we are in unity.

"So I’m asking you, my friends, that you be joined together in total unity – with one heart, one passion, and united in one love. Walk together with one harmonious purpose and you will fill my heart with unbounded joy. Be free from controversial or pride-filled opinions, for they will only harm your cherished unity. Don’t allow self-promotion to hide in your hearts, but in authentic humility put others first and view others as more important than yourselves."

Live a cheerful life, without complaining or division among yourselves. For then you will be seen as mature, faultless, and pure children of God, even though you live in the midst of a brutal and perverse culture. For you will appear among them as shining lights in the universe, offering them words of Eternal Life.”
(Philippians 2:2-3, 14-15 TPT)

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About the Author :

Endya Joy is a young woman on the journey to becoming a future physician. With a passion for ministering to girls and young women, she desires to be a vessel in which God uses to heal the whole person. She is a girly girl, has a slight obsession with books, and dreams of traveling the world one day. God and family are everything.

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