Weapons in His Hands

She is gorgeous.

She is perfect.

She has it all.

She couldn't possibly be going through any type of hardship, because after all; she has it all together.

I have to burst your bubble. No one is perfect and everyone has insecurities and struggles.

No matter how immaculate someone’s life may seem, she is still human.

Social media has the tendency to show us the facade and not the reality of a person’s circumstances. Through this medium, people put on their best face. You only see what your Facebook friends or the people you follow on Instagram want you to see. We then proceed to compare our lives to this perceived image of perfection and we’re tempted to become unsatisfied and unfulfilled with the glorious lives God has planned for us individually.

The thing is, we don’t know another person’s silent tears, only their happy moments put on display. And I’m totally not bashing social media – God definitely uses it as a tool for positive influence in this generation. I have connected with some pretty amazing people through it.

However, if using social media causes us to be bitter, envious, and ungrateful, then we are not glorifying God. 

Often we become jealous of someone’s platform or influence when in reality we have absolutely NO idea how God is working in their life. We have no clue the trials that He is allowing them to walk through. We view them as flawless without taking into account the hidden days of pruning and testing through the fiery furnace of affliction that have brought them to this point of being used by God.

I honestly think one of the reasons comparison and jealousy subtly creep in as women is because we fear that someone might be prettier, have more influence, or become better liked than us.

We fear being replaced.

The wonderful truth is that you can never be replaced. There has never been someone like you on the face of this earth and there never will be. Your gifts are so tailored to the personality God has given you, that to try and imitate someone else would be to disown your very essence.

Your voice, your perspective on life, and your very presence have a divine mark on this world with only your name written on it.

You are God’s unique expression, and absolutely no one can touch His heart like you can. Your personal worship ravishes a part of God’s being that no other in all creation could ever fill.

Things would never be the same without you. God wants you madly.

When we really get a revelation of how irreplaceable we actually are in God’s heart and in His kingdom, we can celebrate our sisters in Christ and the unique expression of the Father that they bring to the world.

God showed me that there are so many people in this culture against the message of Christ, that He desires for His precious daughters to stick together. He wants unified warrior princesses that wield a sword of truth against the kingdom of darkness in this generation. Jealousy, comparison, bitterness, and resentment only tear us down.

God adores unity. It delights His heart:

“How truly wonderful, delightful, and beautiful to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity...For from this realm of sweet harmony, God will release His eternal blessing, the promise of life forever!” (Psalm 133:1,3b TPT)

The enemy on the other hand, absolutely hates when we are in one accord. He would love more than anything else to see the Body of Christ divided because it makes us powerless. We are completely immobilized and ineffective against the devil and his schemes when offenses cloud our hearts. We are unable to collectively come against his destructive works when we are busy fussing about what “so and so” has and the territory God has given them.

The world is filled with darkness and hopelessness.

If a sister in Christ is doing something amazing to further the kingdom of God, by all means celebrate her and what God is doing through her life. If she is shining her light in a place of darkness, in the sphere of influence God has given her- rejoice! For God’s light and the message of hope we have in Christ are being spread. This doesn’t detract from the rare treasure that you are or the beautiful calling God has bestowed upon your life.

We are harmoniously stronger together than we are apart, so let’s do damage to the kingdom of darkness.

We are weapons in Abba’s hands when we are in unity.

"So I’m asking you, my friends, that you be joined together in total unity – with one heart, one passion, and united in one love. Walk together with one harmonious purpose and you will fill my heart with unbounded joy. Be free from controversial or pride-filled opinions, for they will only harm your cherished unity. Don’t allow self-promotion to hide in your hearts, but in authentic humility put others first and view others as more important than yourselves."

Live a cheerful life, without complaining or division among yourselves. For then you will be seen as mature, faultless, and pure children of God, even though you live in the midst of a brutal and perverse culture. For you will appear among them as shining lights in the universe, offering them words of Eternal Life.”
(Philippians 2:2-3, 14-15 TPT)

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About the Author :

Endya Joy is a young woman on the journey to becoming a future physician. With a passion for ministering to girls and young women, she desires to be a vessel in which God uses to heal the whole person. She is a girly girl, has a slight obsession with books, and dreams of traveling the world one day. God and family are everything.

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Come Close

I've got to be honest with you. This week has [seriously] been one of those weeks.

It all started with not sleeping well, and then it lead straight into a ginormous head cold the size of Mt. Everest. On top of not feeling well, I've got a heavy load this semester and all kinds of commitments that have really started to kick in to gear. Point is, I'm worn out because I'm going, going, going and doing, doing, doing.

But what about stopping? How about breathing?

Does this sound familiar to any of you?

And that's not all. The worst part about this week is that I've been taking my time with God for granted. Instead of being quiet and sitting still in His presence, I've read my everyday devotional, pondered on the ways in which I could relate to it and apply it in my everyday walk with God, and then moved directly on to the next thing on my list. My time with God has been on my "To Do" list. It's become a task.

And this isn't because my breaks have gone out; my remedy doesn't require a mechanic.

I've forgotten how to slam on my breaks; my remedy requires discipline.

In the midst of all the business, it's understandable that slowing down isn't always easy. And, as I sit here and think about how poorly I handled my priorities this week, I'm also reminded by a basic, yet incredibly powerful truth.

Ladies, if we move through life too fast and fail to slow down and appreciate God's precious gift to us, we will miss out on so much. So. Much. We'll become blinded and, as a result, fail to notice the ways in which God is working in our everyday lives- big or small. We must wait on Him and let Him be our guide.

Don't put Him on your "To Do" list. Make Him your number one priority.

Can you imagine all the things that God does in each and every one of our lives by the day? With over 7 plus billion people in this world, you are His number one priority. You. He relentless pursues us, and we should relentlessly pursue Him in return.

I want to challenge you to be intentional about your spiritual disciplines in your walk with God if you aren't already, because that's what it takes- intentionality. Intentionality is key.

Let me show you a glimpse of what this looks like.

Let's take a look at Mark 1:35-39:

"And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. And Simon and those who were with him searched for him, and they found him and said to him, “Everyone is looking for you.” And he said to them, “Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out.” And he went throughout all Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and casting out demons," [ESV].

Take a moment to reflect on the life of Jesus; all the traveling and preaching he did, all the miracles he performed, the countless amount of time, love, and service that he poured into the hearts of others. Imagine how tired Jesus was at the end of each day. Now reread the verses I just shared with you.

Guess how Jesus kept kept God as his number one priority in the midst of doing all of these things? He was intentional.

I know that we all have all kinds of daily responsibilities to adhere to, but by no means should we make our relationship with God last. Reevaluate your priorities and incorporate God into each and every one of them. This is possible! I promise. You are never too busy to slow down and breathe as you relax in His presence. Walking in His righteousness throughout your daily lives is an incredible thing, but taking a breather to soak in His goodness as you dive into the depths of His love is also important, too.

CAUTION: Saying you're going to do it is one thing. Actually doing it is another. This is why intentionality is so important.

Be intentional ladies. Come close. Draw near.


“He is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” -John Piper

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About the Author :

Emily Townsend is a 20 year old southern girl who has a heart for loving Jesus, loving others, and serving the world. She is currently pursuing a career in ministry as she continues to fall madly in love with Jesus by the day. Emily is also obsessed with books, coffee, koalas, Pinterest, Pilates, and weddings. Her daily dose of life consists of a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus. You can also find her blogging on her personal blog The Joy of My Joy.

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Come As You Are

When I was thinking today, about the idea of being in a relationship, I begin to think about all the things that I am not. I started to make a list of what I want to be before I enter into marriage one day. And this list kept getting larger and larger until my issues became bigger than God and the idea of marriage disintegrated.

I got overwhelmed and in that moment God showed me a reflection of who I can be in relationship and what is truly important to me. Imperfections. Those are the things that catch my eye, and go way beyond being observant.

Then God asked me, "Is that the kind of person you want to be in relationship with?" One who is constantly seeing your flaws, pointing them out all the time, and reminding you of them daily. A person who is not helping, praying, and seeing you through them, as I would; But rather highlighting your problems and issues for you consistently, with no way of escape. That is not God.

Then I thought to myself, "Yikes! That is crazy. I do not want that." But this is what we do to ourselves daily and it only helps to isolate us. It does not call for intimacy, which allows people to get to know all of who we are, with our hang-ups and all.

Then God said to me, "Come as you are." In this moment I begin to hear Nirvana's song, "Come As You Are," in my head and the first set of lyrics played over and over again:

Come as you are
As you were
As I want you to be
As a friend
As a friend
As an old enemy
Take your time
Hurry up
The choice is your
Don't be late
Take a rest
As a friend
As an old memoria

I thought, "Wow." This is what God says to us daily, yet we find it so hard to bring our imperfect selves to a relationship with Him, let alone a friendship or marriage. Then He reminded me that if we truly understand who He is, and trust Him, then we have no problem with coming as we are; Because we know that He is covering and guiding us.

We forget that quite often.

I get that it is important for us to have things in line with God first, who gives us the confidence and strength to enter into relationship. The Holy Spirit guides us as we get our houses [our selves], and other areas of our lives in order, to share with our spouses [ others].

For a perfectionist, like I can be at times, this idea can be taken too far to the point of error.

I try to figure out everything myself. Trying to fill in all gaps of the story yet untold; Down to the most intricate detail. When we do this, it is because we are afraid of being hurt, rejected or abandoned. We fear the unknown and we do not want to deal with the pain of making a wrong choice. It scares us knowing that whatever we decide, we have to live and love with that decision everyday of our lives.

It is so funny how God has given us free will; never forcing us into anything, yet we fear making a choice.

This is where He comes in and says, "come as you are," and I will guide you because I created you. I know you. All that you cannot see, I can, so let me help you along the way. Understand that I accept who you are, I see you as my friend, who at one time was my enemy. You can choose to take your time or come quickly, either way, do not miss this appointment. Do not miss out on this relationship. Time is ticking.

We are afraid to let God be our guide, because we want to be in control of everything, whether in or out of marriage [relationship]. This makes it even harder for us to submit [consent] to the guidance that wants to help us.

We do not realize that when we come as we are, we are freeing up ourselves to really grow and rest in the peace of the unknown [faith].

We are trusting in being known, naked [vulnerable], and accepted, just as we are.

The [Holy] Spirit and the bride (the church, the true Christians) say, Come. And let him who is listening say, Come. And let everyone come who is thirsty [who is painfully conscious of his need of those things by which the soul is refreshed, supported, and strengthened]; and whoever [earnestly] desires to do it, let him come, take, appropriate, and drink the water of Life without cost. [Isa. 55:1.] (Revelation 22:17 AMP)

Come as you are
As you were
As I want you to be
As a friend
As a friend
As an old enemy
Take your time
Hurry up
The choice is your
Don't be late
Take a rest
As a friend
As an old memoria

About the Author :

Francine E. Ott is truly thankful to have a relationship with God and is seeking Him daily for guidance and any opportunities to walk closer with Him in truth and love. Francine is a choreographer/dancer, teacher, and soon to be counselor who has a heart to see God's transforming power, renew, restore, and heal the minds, souls, and bodies of people's lives.

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Passing the Torch

“No man is an island, entire of itself.” 

This quote from John Donne has resonated with me after I saw it in the movie About a Boy many years ago. You see, I love to write, but I’m not much on reading so movies and I are the best of friends. It’s funny though the meaning that something can have when you are bumping along in life alone, without a relationship with God, and then the revelation is has after you are found by The Lord. I used to think that this was all about the lives we build together and the way we let people into our hearts. This is part of it maybe, but when I read it now I think that it is so much more about sharing each other’s burdens and encouraging one another in love. It’s not so much referring to the relationships we have for our own sake but more for the sake of sharing the Glory and Love of God.

Can you imagine floating along in this world all by yourself? I ask that question knowing that someone reading this feels that they are. But you’re not. We are all here together and it is not by chance or without purpose. You’re not meant to do this alone. God did not create us to keep everything to ourselves. We are meant to share things. When facing a hard time, the first response should always be to take it to God. Pray and seek His Wisdom. Then, confide in someone you trust and allow them to share in your burden. We don’t need to push it under the rug and act like everything is perfect. I think that is a stigma that as Christians we sometimes fall victim to, thinking that we have to have the all of the answers or act a certain way. We are not perfect, and we can’t be. What we can be though is real. And I think that we owe that to each other. Grinning and bearing it isn’t helping anyone. Be honest with your friends, your sisters, and yourself.

I can picture God looking down on us seeing it as an ongoing distance race, where we are passing the torch to each other as we reach the end of each leg of the journey. We wouldn’t be able to run the full track alone. But with the help of our Father fueling the flame, and the help of our friends taking the torch as we pass it just when we think we can’t run another step, we can go the distance. In some seasons of your life you may feel like you could run and run as far as you can see, like an eagle soaring so effortlessly. Other times, you will feel like you can’t even start the race, and your knees are weak with defeat. That is exactly why He has put us here together. The abilities and gifts that He has put inside each of us are different, but when shared with each other they fill in the spots that are lacking. His yoke is easy and His burden is light, and if we encourage and love on each other we can become closer to His likeness.

When your friends are hurting, and you don’t know how to help, sometimes it seems so easy to wallow with them. And often there is no real answer that you can offer to their problem. Listen anyway. Pray with them. I know it can be scary and uncomfortable sometimes to pray out loud with someone for the first time, but you can’t possibly know the impact it will have on them until you do it. When you take the time to lift them up and point them to God, the Glory and results are all His, and HE WILL SHOW UP. It also builds the relationship with your friend because you are sharing your heart in a way that cannot be done otherwise.

Be bold lovely.

Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Galatians 6:2 Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

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About the Author :

Emilee Lowe is a Christ following wife and mother who lives in Wilmington, North Carolina. She is a former hair stylist who is committed to being used by God in whatever way He sees fit.

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Lights, Camera, Action

William Shakespeare's monologue, 'As You Like It' begins with the phrase, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."

Sometimes, life actually feels like one big theatrical production in which you have the starring role. Each morning, you wake up, and the world immediately screams, "Lights, Camera, Action!" Then the daily performance begins. We are expected to perform on our jobs with demanding schedules and expectations to meet. Some of you have wifely and motherly duties. Expectations from friends. If you're active in church and ministry, then you have an additional area in which you have more expectations to meet. So many roles with so many hats to wear.

We have to be so many things, for so many people. And we try daily to make sure we are meeting, or at least trying to meet, what everyone is expecting of us. And we do this day after day, after day until this performance becomes routine. And monotony of this repeated performance can be pretty overwhelming. Even tiresome.

And, because we are so "programmed" to perform for everyone else that, when it comes to God, we sometimes feel as if we must "perform" in order to please Him as well.

For example, "If I'm going to please God, I have to read my bible for three hours a day and pray for at least two." But what happens on that day your alarm doesn't go off and you jump up with 30 minutes to get dressed and get out of the door? You miss the morning prayer time that you set aside in order to “please” God. Now you're rushing to start your day, and on top of that, you feel disappointed in yourself because, "I didn't have my morning prayer time."

Yes, we must always put God first. And starting any day with time in His presence is so refreshing. But, please remember, God is not impressed with our works. Things we feel we must do or not do in order to please Him. He doesn't want us to feel as if we must perform for Him.

He simply wants relationship. He wants you to come to Him for Him. Not because you feel obligated or out of ritual and routine. But, the overwhelming love that you have for Him and that He has for you, should cause you to desire a relationship with Him. And that desire for relationship will birth desire to please and worship Him with your life. Not performing for Him.

God doesn't have a hat for you to wear and unreasonable expectations for you to meet. He simply wants communion. He just wants you.

We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind. (Isaiah 64:6 NLT)

Our self-righteousness (the things we attempt to do to make us right with God) is as filthy rags. It can in no way compare to the place of right standing we've already been given.

For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT)

We are already made right with God. It's already done. You don't have to pray for 5 hours for it. Read your bible 6 hours for it. Those things are necessary and needed. You do those things because you want to be close to Him and to grow in Him. Prayer and reading your bible are things we do because of relationship. When it is done out of obligation or because we feel we have to perform for God, it can become pure drudgery. Not life giving. And God wants you to have life.

The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. (John 10:10 NLT)

God wants you to have a rich and satisfying life. You don't have to perform for Him. Rest in Him.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:28, 29 NLT)

God only has rest for you. No unrealistic expectations. No duties for you to perform. No deadlines. No pressure.

Let's Pray:

Father, help me to simply rest in you and receive your peace. Help me to be mindful today that I don't have to perform for you. You only have joy and peace for me. Amen.

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About the Author :

Pastor Pamela Bell is a passionate, lover of God, who desires to see God's people walk in the knowledge of who they are in Christ. She resides in Mobile, AL and serves as an Elder at her church, Gulf Coast Christian Center. Pastor Pamela enjoys reading, spending time with friends and all things chocolate.

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I have a tendency to sing along at the top of my lungs to the radio in my car. It doesn't matter if people are looking at me. It doesn't matter if my window is down. I am entirely shameless with it. Hey, it’s fun! I particularly enjoy singing along loudly to my favorite playlist full of Christian music. Recently, I was doing just that when the Rhett Walker Band song “Come to the River” started playing. It’s a great song that talks about how we have to drink from God’s river if we ever want to be satisfied. I was singing along and thinking about the song’s message when I had a sudden thought of a pitcher. If a pitcher is empty, it isn’t useful. It’s just stored in the cabinet. Likewise, if a pitcher is filled and not poured out, whatever is in it will get old and won’t be good to drink anymore. In that moment, I felt like God was telling me that we are all pitchers. He was letting me know that there has to be a balance of filling up and pouring out in our lives if we are going to be satisfied and effective spiritually.

Think of it this way: we are empty pitchers on our own. Before we can do anything of value, we have to be filled up by Jesus, who is the living water (John 4:14). We have to be in communion with him. We can’t neglect daily prayer, Bible reading, and quiet time. If you turn on the sink but don’t put the pitcher underneath it, it doesn’t get filled. You have to bring the pitcher to the faucet. Likewise, we can’t be filled if we don’t come to the source of the water, Jesus. The pitcher is not the source of the water inside of it, just like we shouldn’t be the source of our strength. The first step is coming to the Lord. If we aren’t filled up, and we try pouring out, it doesn’t work. Our own resources are exhausted extremely quickly. We can’t sustain ourselves, let alone help other people, for very long by using our own strength, and we wear ourselves out trying. Once we are filled with living water, though, we can begin pouring that out into the lives of others. God is able to provide us with joy and strength. If we are filled to the brim with the love of Christ, we can pour that out onto others in a variety of ways for God’s glory. The living water is able to sustain us, and out of the strength that it provides, we can pour out into others and share Jesus with them.

It’s not all about being filled, though. Notice how important pouring out is! If water is allowed to sit for a long period of time without moving, it becomes stagnant and not good for drinking. The same will happen with us if we fill up and then do nothing with it. We’ll become stagnant. Hebrews 13:16 tells us, “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God” (ESV). We are called to do good things and share them with others! We’re not supposed to just sit around and become “spiritual hoarders,” refusing to share anything God teaches or gives us. We are meant to use the things that God shows us in our daily “fill-up” time to advance his kingdom. In our own sinful nature, this is impossible. That’s why we need a refill every day from the Lord. He gives us the strength and ability to do the things he calls us to do. Often, when God gives us an assignment, he waits until we’ve done it before he gives us another one. If we refuse to pour out our pitcher where he’s told us to, then we never get the opportunity to learn anything new or grow closer to him. We don’t give God any room to teach us new things because we won’t make space in our pitcher for them.

The whole thing is a cycle. Once we fill up, we have to pour out, then we have to be refilled in order to pour out again, and the circle continues every day of our lives. We first have to be fully reliant on God to fill us up. Then we have to be faithful in doing the things he asks us to do with the strength he provides. Take an honest look at your life recently. Where is your water level? Are you so empty that you’re trying to tap into strength you don’t have, exhausting yourself and not being able to be useful? Or have you been filled up and never poured it out, so you’re getting complacent and stagnant in your faith? I know that I often fall into the trap of trying to serve others out of my own strength, and as a result, I get tired, irritated, and burnt out quickly. I don’t rely on the Lord’s strength like I should.

Wherever you fall on the spectrum, the good news is that the solution to getting back on track is simple. If you have been neglecting quiet time, make sure you set aside time each day to do it – even five minutes is better than no time at all. Read your Bible and glean knowledge and instruction from it. Be deliberate about choosing a time so that it doesn’t get shoved down the list of priorities. If you’ve been neglecting service, listen for God to whisper to you throughout the day, and don’t ignore it! Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God has things prepared for us to do. Keep a look out for them… They could be as simple as genuinely complimenting a friend or babysitting for free for the parents next door. If you don’t know where you’re off-balance, ask the Lord to show you! He won’t be offended. He’s happy to help you get back to where you need to be. In fact, nothing would make him happier.

In order for us to be effective for the Lord and satisfied spiritually, we have to find a good balance between spending time at the feet of Jesus and spending time washing the feet of those around us. Pray and ask the Lord to guide you in this. He won’t let you down.

[photo source: Papillon Jewelry, Flickr]

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About the Author :

Hannah Bryant is a worship-leading, cat-loving, pizza-eating redhead who doesn't take much seriously apart from her relationship with Jesus. She is currently finishing up her Bachelor of Arts degree in English Education at Southern Oregon University. You can finder her blogging at Redwood Seed, her personal blog. redwoodseed.wordpress.com.

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A Doubting Faith

‘"But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. 'There is no peace,' says my God, 'for the wicked'" – Isaiah 57 v 20 - 21

"But let him ask in faith with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways." – James 1 v 6 - 8


In both Isaiah and James, the picture of a stormy sea is used to describe both the doubting and the wicked. Why would God associate these two groups of people? A wicked man supersedes even a sinner. A sinner can still have good motives, but poor judgment. A wicked man however, has evil intent. Such a man has hardened his heart against God. Those whom James is addressing in the first chapter of his epistle are believers, followers of Christ and servants of their Father God. Why would the Bible place a wicked unbeliever and a doubting believer on the same level, comparing them both to storm-tossed seas?

In character and in their eternal destinies, these two groups are very different. However, their torment and fruitless existence are identical in nature. Neither group have peace. A wicked man will have no peace because of his separation from God, the only source of true peace. A doubting believer will have no peace because of the anxiety that constantly dominates his thinking. Neither group are productive in good works. A wicked man will have no interest in doing good works; his works are inherently evil. A doubting Christian will be unable to produce good works, because of his unsettled, indecisive and irresolute nature.


And so, if the word of God so eagerly dissuades against doubt, what is the result of resolute, steadfast faith? In Romans 4 v 20 - 21 we read the following concerning Abraham –

"He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform."

Abraham had been given a promise by God … a crazy, outlandish, impossible promise. The Bible speaks of him not wavering as a wind-driven sea, but rather being steadfast in faith. His misstep with Hagar (Genesis 16) was perhaps more the result of an impatient desire to "help God out a bit" than a sign he doubted the ability of God to accomplish His word. What is interesting to note, is what resulted from his refusal to waver in unbelief. By refusing to doubt, the faith of Abraham experienced a growth spurt – his faith grew stronger, not weaker! He was strengthened in faith, the Bible states. What an awesome concept. To the unwavering believer, trials have the potential to function as hot houses, creating environments in which our faith can grow and thrive. If challenges are embraced, rather than faltered at, our faith will grow under adversity. Such is its nature.


What a lesson to learn! Firstly, the Bible warns the Christian to run from doubt as hastily as one would run from wickedness and sin. Doubt is in essence unbelief, even if that doubt lasts for a moment. True belief is not believing for a moment, then doubting for a moment, then believing for a moment again. This is not faith. This is unbelief, producing as much effectiveness and courage as storm-tossed waves would comfort a seasick passenger. Secondly, faith has the ability to use adverse circumstances as a catalyst for growth. Embrace the adversity, refuse to doubt and enjoy a faith explosion. What an adventure, what a challenge.

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About the Author :

Tamryn Klintworth is the founder of In His Name Ministries an evangelistic organization devoted to winning Africa and the world for Jesus, through the holding of mass crusades. A heavenly avalanche of salvation, healing and deliverance, follows the preaching of the Gospel. Tamryn also regularly ministers in churches and conferences, empowering believers for soul-winning. She resides in Cape Town, South Africa.

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Gods Cloak of Invisibility

This idea and feeling of invisibility resonates within me deeply, as I believe it does with so many others. Have you ever had these thoughts, “No one sees me. I could be dressed in bright yellow in the middle of a crowd screaming and yet no one would see me. I work harder than most daily to the point of exhaustion and I get overlooked, someone who does less is favored more by people and gets the promotion or all the praise. I sit here in the midst of many, feeling like all of a sudden I have the power of invisibility.” Everyone you seem to know (or even don’t know) is in a relationship and yet no matter how much time you spend on getting ready each day (physically and prayerfully), it never seems to make a difference because as far as you are concerned God has made you invisible. Here is the thing, what God has actually meant for good and protection for you, the enemy will ALWAYS distort to make it seem that God doesn’t care and God has dismissed your feelings and longings.

So your obvious question may be, “How can it be a good thing that God is making me invisible? It sounds horrible.” Let me explain some reasons.

It allows things of your heart to come to the surface:

A lot of things will come to the surface that normally wouldn’t in these situations. We are being refined and in order for the impurities to be exposed, heat is necessary. “These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” 1Peter 1:7 NLT

The most common things that come up are:

Pride: Pride makes us feel as if we are entitled to things. We feel we are entitled to bitter feelings, actions and unforgiveness. Bottom line, we feel we are better than someone else and that they are undeserving. Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” My interpretation of that is, when pride comes, destruction follows. Pride often is hand in hand with the feeling of unfairness. When we feel we are being treated unfair we begin to allow pride to creep in.

Envy/Jealousy: We become consumed by what others may have that we want. Once envy takes root in our hearts and lives it contaminates everything. It blurs our vision to see things as they really are. It hardens our hearts which in turn makes us harbor ill feelings about others and life. It blocks us from our blessings. Again, we feel we are entitled to those things that others may have. Ask yourself this question; would you really want someone else’s blessings that were not made specifically for you? Or would you prefer to have blessings perfectly designed for you? One of a kind blessings.

Bitterness: Bitterness leads to anger, harboring unforgiveness, negative thoughts and emotions towards others. It is dangerous. Like Envy, it contaminates the heart. It is prudent to cut it off before it has a chance to grow.

Motives: Check them. If you’re exhausting yourself to please man, your motives are misguided. They need to be realigned with the focus that everything you do (seen or unseen) is working for God. He is your Rewarder. His reward far outweighs mans. I’d much rather work for God who can do ALL things, instead of man who can only do some. The wrong motives often lead to unmet expectations and lead us to do things we normally wouldn't do to appease or receive praise from man.

Here are some great verses to ponder on what I've talked about:

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.”-Matthew 6:1-18

”For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”-Galatians 1:10

It is protection for your heart:

If God were to uncover you at the wrong times, it would leave you open for the wrong relationships. By being covered (invisible) you are able to remain out of unhealthy relationships which would inevitability lead to another broken heart. And if you are licking your wounds and broken from that relationship that God had never intended you to get into in the first place, you will not be healthy or ready for the right relationship. God is setting you up for success, not failure. He is protecting your heart and that is what a true gentleman does. So just because you may be out with all your friends looking fabulous after hours of getting ready, and yet no man will even look your direction, DOES NOT (I repeat, DOES NOT) mean there is something wrong with you. It DOES NOT mean you are ugly, unappealing, unwanted, fat or forever alone. It simply and beautifully means God loves you so much he is protecting your heart for the right one.

It prepares us and humbles us:

You have to get honest with yourself. Would you really be able to handle your blessings properly if God gave them to you right now? Or would you end up losing them because you were unprepared to accept and nurture them? God is not a cruel God that gets pleasure in withholding blessings from us. He withholds them so that at the right time we will not only be able to keep them, but also be humble and grateful knowing they came directly from God perfectly formed, designed and fitted for us.

It tests our true faith:

Will we still follow God if at this moment or season in our lives we are not getting what we want? Will we be thankful and praise Him in ALL seasons, or only when we feel we are treated fairly? God wants to see where are heart is at. He wants to know that you will trust Him in the desert and in the land of milk and honey.

If you have been feeling invisible recently or for a while, be encouraged! It means that God has our blessings right around the corner and is covering us from anything that would potentially rob us of them. You are all truly loved. You are all royalty no matter how many have treated you like a peasant. Put on your invisible crown and hold your head high, you are beautifully and wonderfully made.

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About the Author :

Leilani Glassmyer is a single mom to a beautiful 4 year old little girl. She is in love with the Creator of the stars. Her mission is simple yet so big, to encourage and bring Jesus to all in need. To bring hope by loving people, writing, photography, music, poetry/spoken word and meeting people right where they are. Gods Grace is her air.

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Prayers in Bloom

Flowers are my favorite.

They are whimsical, delightful, heavenly creations that woo my heart and make it skip a beat.

God’s exquisite eye for detail is put on display with the inherent beauty of a flower.

In fact, I believe to behold a flower is to see a mirror of God’s glory - His loveliness, grandeur, and splendor all rolled into one.

My late grandmother was an avid gardener, and as a child I would play in the yard as she planted. Her garden was her sanctuary, a place where she communed with God. It brought her great solace and joy.

The most beautiful flowers came from her garden - big fluffy violet and white hydrangeas, marigolds the color of fire, and tulips every shade of the rainbow. The sights and smells of this oasis were out of this world. I knew spring was on the horizon as soon as a tiny bud peaked from the soil and the aroma of new blossoms lingered in the air.

I will forever cherish those moments of being with my grandma in her garden. Now that I’m older, I understand why her quiet time with God was in this abode. There was such stillness in the atmosphere that you knew God’s presence was in your midst and that He was listening to your prayers.

I know it may be a little odd to be talking about flowers in the middle of January - especially in New York where our winters are normally filled with barren trees, freezing weather, and of course lots and lots of snow.

Everything appears to be dead and lifeless.

No flowers, no color, nothing.

Doesn’t it feel like winter when we are waiting for God to answer our prayers? The promises that have been spoken over our lives seem like a distant, fleeting memory. We question if all the prayers and tears that we have laid before Him are in vain. The winter of our souls can give us the illusion that He is not listening, and that our prayers aren’t reaching His ears, but that is just what it is – an illusion.

Our prayers are not in vain, but they go right to the throne room of God, straight to His ears:

“In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From His temple He heard my voice; my cry came before Him, into His ears.” (Psalm 18:6 NIV)

Our prayers are like seeds, watered by our tears. They go deep down into the soil until it’s the appointed time for the flowers to be revealed - to be in full bloom. God loves to confirm His word with signs and wonders, and His fingerprints are all over our longings, unanswered prayers, and seeds sown. God’s Word will never, ever return back to us void:

“For as [surely as] the earth brings forth its shoots, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to spring forth, so [surely] the Lord God will cause rightness and justice and praise to spring forth before all the nations…” (Isaiah 61:11 AMP)

Get alone with God.

Tell Him what’s on your heart.

Release your burdens to Him.

Water some prayers with your tears.

Soak in His Presence.

Bask in His lavish love.

It may be winter in your life (both spiritually and even literally). However, I encourage you to open your eyes of faith and to see in your spirit the flowers that are about to bloom. Continue to be persistent in your prayers and know that your Heavenly Daddy is Faithful to perform the work in your life that you are believing Him to do.

You are about to reap big beautiful blooms.

“Arise, My dearest! Hurry, My darling, come along with Me!
I have come as you have asked, to draw you to my heart and lead you out!
For now is the time My beautiful one.
The season has now changed,
The bondage of your barren winter has ended and the season of hiding is over and gone.
The rains have soaked the earth, and left it bright with blossoming flowers…”
(Song of Songs 2:11-12a, The Passion Translation)

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About the Author :

Endya Joy is a young woman on the journey to becoming a future physician. With a passion for ministering to girls and young women, she desires to be a vessel in which God uses to heal the whole person. She is a girly girl, has a slight obsession with books, and dreams of traveling the world one day. God and family are everything.

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Securing the Insecurity

Today, I want you to do something for me. Please? Just hear me out.

Clear your mind and read this post with an open heart, an open mind, and open ears.

That's all I ask, and you'll understand why once you really start to see where I'm headed with this post.

It is my prayer that you walk away from this post with a heart of gold that's filled with nothing but God's overwhelming grace, goodness, love, and truth.


Let's do this.

As women, there are many things we're told in life that we refuse to believe, and I can tell you right now that, "you are beautiful" is at the top of the charts. We stamp those physical appearance compliments with satan in bright red. We don't believe that we're beautiful and we don't believe that we're good enough.

But guess what? We are.

I don't care how many times you've swallowed the lie that you're not pretty enough and you have no value.

What I care about is making sure you never have to swallow that lie ever again. Because that's exactly what it is- a LIE -and that's what it always will be- a LIE.

Still not convinced? Fine.

Believe the words sent to us by our Creator instead.

You are so beautiful, my beloved, so perfect in every part. - Song of Solomon 4:7 [NLT]

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. - Psalm 139:13-16 [NIV]

So many of us have become so distracted and obsessed with finding our self worth in our physical appearance that we forget Who it's really found in. And I'll give you a hint- it's not us.
Photo-shopped advertisements on every corner, magazine cover, and social media website tell us what we're supposed to look like. We delight ourselves in those things because we believe that those things are what define beauty.

"I wish I looked like her."

"Why can't my body look like that?"

"I hate my thighs."

"I'm so fat."

"I should have run that extra mile."

"Why am I so ugly?"

"Did I seriously just eat every bite of that?"

"What can I do to catch his attention?"

I'm twenty years old, and these aren't even half of the questions and complaints that I've asked and placed on myself growing up in this world. If I were to ask each and every one of you if you could relate, I doubt I'd receive the chirping of crickets as my answer. We've all been there, and some of us are still there. It's hard to escape the lie when we're fed it multiple times a day by the society in which we live. I allowed Satan to flood my heart with such evil and darkness for the longest time. Those were some hard years, but in the midst of it all something incredible happened. I outran Satan- for good.

You can sit here and tell yourself that this is just like every other cliche article you've ever read about beauty and take nothing from it. OR, you can stand up, guard your heart, and accept the truth that you ARE beautiful and you ARE worthy. You are a rare, marvelous, and flawless jewel in the eyes of the King. And ladies, your worth is found in HIM. Nowhere else, my friends. It is in God and God alone to Whom of which your identity, your worth, and the entirety of who you are all belong to.

The only type of beauty that you should allow to define you is the beauty of your own heart. Your outside appearance is minimal compared to this! And I hope as the women after God's own heart that we are, you have come to know the same.

Don't let Satan tell you otherwise.

Allow the love of God to transform who you are into who you are called to be. You are who you are for a reason. You were created with every good and right intention. He molded you in His very own hands!

Stop looking in the mirror and obsessing over your flaws. In the eyes of the King, you are flawless. We are perfectly imperfect women, yet so deeply loved and cherished by a God who delights in our beauty- each and every day.

Did you catch that?

God is looking down on you, right now, and guess what He sees? A flawless jewel. His flawless jewel. He sees you. The messy sinner that you are, you. And me. Rare, flawless jewels. Us.

I struggle with that- rightfully so! What kind of God gives His one and only Son, the ultimate sacrifice, in exchange for our sins?? What kind of God bends down to dust off our dirt so that we can shine in His goodness endlessly, as the beautiful and flawless jewels that we are in His eyes. What kind of God does that!?


Ladies, you are worth more than what you give yourself credit for. You are worth more than the calories you count each day. You are worth more than the clothes you wear. You are worth more than the number on the scale. You are worth more than any materialistic thing you've ever spent time or money on to "better yourself." You are worth more than the lies that Satan feeds you,so stop swallowing them! You are PRICELESS. And I hope you're wearing this label loud and proud, because you were most certainly bought with a price, and it was very costly indeed.

You may be an eighteen year old young lady or a middle aged woman reading this article. No matter your age, we are all daughters of the King and this truth belongs to each and every one of us. Hear this. Know this! Embrace this! BE this.

Stop conforming to the ways of the world because we are not of the world. When you swallow the lie that you're not beautiful, you also compromise your faith. Been there, done that, and I'll never go there again.

I know that I am beautiful. God made me who I am, and it is because of who I am today that I am able to sit here and proclaim this incredible truth.

You are beautiful, my sisters.

Identify yourself as the daughter of a King who loves you more than anyone else ever could- because that's who you are and that's exactly what He does.

Always remember and never forget just how beautiful you are.

Be the beautiful you that you are, and be abundantly blessed today.

“We're going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us.”
― Beth Moore

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About the Author :

Emily Townsend is a 20 year old southern girl who has a heart for loving Jesus, loving others, and serving the world. She is currently pursuing a career in ministry as she continues to fall madly in love with Jesus by the day. Emily is also obsessed with books, coffee, koalas, Pinterest, Pilates, and weddings. Her daily dose of life consists of a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus. You can also find her blogging on her personal blog The Joy of My Joy.

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