Little Is Much

A little lad who stood peering up at Jesus. Five loaves. Two fish.

The gift was cute, in a way. A young child gladly offered up his lunch to Jesus, his trusting heart willing and eager to do anything to serve the Master. Yet, to those who could not see his heart, his sacrifice must have seemed pitiful. Even ridiculous.

Five loaves and two fish… To feed how many? A multitude. Unlearned fishermen and scholars alike knew that so trifling a lunch could scarcely feed a few of them, let alone thousands of famished men, women, and children. Something so little, so paltry, so meaningless could scarcely be used to further the work of the Master.

Until that Master took those small loaves and fish in his hands and blessed them.

A child with a trusting heart took the first step. Jesus completed the work, blessing the sacrifice and working a miracle beyond anything the little lad or disciples had ever fathomed. Scripture tells us that over five thousand people were fed and filled, with full baskets left over from the feast. Could He have done it without the loaves and fish? Of course. But how special it was that a child had a part in it, offering his lunch and – more importantly – his heart to Christ.

How often do we feel that our sacrifices are too small, too paltry to be used by Christ? How often are we ashamed to offer Him our “little” talents, our small gifts, our “meaningless” labor? A multitude stands before us – and we have only our loaves and fishes to offer. We feel weak, even useless.

Praise God that He used the foolish things of this world. He reveals His strength through our weaknesses. And, when we have a heart of faith, He even takes things like our loaves and fish to proclaim His power.

Little truly is much. It has been said that it is the little things that contribute the most joy to life. Or, from the more poetic pen of Arthur Conan Doyle, “It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.” Rather than grow discouraged over our paltry work, remember that little is much when God is in it.

Little is much when God is in it!
Labor not for wealth or fame.
There’s a crown—and you can win it,
If you go in Jesus’ name.

As you go about your daily life, recall the lad who sacrificed the little things for his Lord. The same Lord who has the power to bless anything we do in His name and for His service.

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About the Author :

Alicia A. Willis is a home-school graduate, published author, and avid historian. She is a firm believer in the principle that one can accomplish anything by substantial amounts of prayer and coffee. Visit her at her blog or Facebook to view her historical-fiction novels and all the goings-on between writing.


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