As women, we naturally long to be pursued. We want to feel wanted, desired, & loved. We want to feel like we're worth fighting for and worth someone's effort to notice us. However, a common misconception we often make as women is that when we go through seasons of singleness without a man in our lives, we feel we aren't being pursued. We feel we aren't desirable and as if no one notices or cherishes us. Even for those of us women who are either married or in a relationship with a man, we can easily fall into the traps of forgetting that men aren't always going to be perfect in their pursuing us. No matter how much we love a man or how much they love us, we let each other down because we're flawed sinners who are far from perfect. Sometimes we feel as if we're not being pursued by men we're with & that makes us feel undesirable. The point to be taken away is this - whether we have a man in our life or not, it's easy to go through seasons where we feel we're not being noticed, or worth anyone's pursuit. And that's a feeling that greatly discourages our hearts.
When we think of God, we often think of him as our Heavenly Father. We see him as our Savior with a relentless, unconditional passionate love for us. He desires to draw us near to his heart, longs for our relationships with him, & instructs us to also love him by loving others. But did you also know that God pursues us through a divine romance? Did you know that God notices everything about your intricate being, intimately knows & notices the way he created you, & desires you deeply? He is the Lover & we are his beloved.
God is constantly trying to win the attention of our hearts. For an example, just take a look at creation. Every creation of our Father echoes his glory, and invites in to explore his majesty. Think about the moments you've been breath-taken by the brush stroked skies of pastels contrasting the rising sun in the early summer mornings. Think about the moments when you notice the auburn fire leaves of autumn against the soothing blue skies in the fall. Have you ever found it to be strikingly beautiful in the winter when frozen tree branches glisten in layers of icicles while the ground is covered in blankets of pure white? Men often enjoy pursuing women & capturing their attention in ways such as giving them their favorite flowers to capture their attention. God uses his masterpieces of nature as his way of serenading our hearts by capturing our attention with creation. You know how when a man loves a woman, he will do whatever it takes to capture the attention of the girl he is after & longs for her to notice him? In the same way, God longs to romance us. He wants us to see him in the fields of golden sunflowers in the country side. He wants us to see him in the fireflies that dance between the stars on summer nights. He longs to capture our attention.
"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully & wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, my soul knows it well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the Earth."
No matter how the men of this earth view us, regardless if we're pursued by men or not, the Creator of the entire universe desires us with relentless passion: longs to serenade our hearts through the beauty of the nature he created for us on this earth, and knows every single last detail about us. He even took the form of a man, Jesus Christ, humbled himself among us on this planet to pay the ultimate sacrifice for our sins to show that we're not only worth fighting for, but Christ loves & treasures us so much, he finds us worth dying for.
Ladies: you're constantly being pursued every single moment of every single day. Your King knows you intricately, inside & out, & treasures your very being with an unconditional love. There is absolutely no need for us to feel discouragement in the truth knowing that the Lord of the Universe intimately loves us, & will never fail to show us how beloved & treasured we truly are.
[photo: Larissa Coutinho]