Slow Down, Release, Trust

I live fast…literally. I race through life, living for the next hour, day, week and month. Before I can reach my destination, which I was so intensely yearning for, I gravitate to the next glittery object that is just barely out of reach. I chase after perfect moments that I hope will encapsulate the visions that I have created… of course never reaching them. Leaving me disappointed and off to chase after yet another “perfect” vision. Living this way destroys the idea of living in the moment, and I often find myself out of breath; looking in so many directions at once.  Searching for that key that I think will unlock my heart’s desires.

Recently God laid it on my heart to slow down. Slow down not only my actions but also my thoughts. Slow down and wrap myself in His love, glory, and presence.

Too often distractions take me on journeys that weren’t meant to be started, leaving me in a place where I am craving something solid and lasting.  Leading my flesh to seek a substitute that claims it has the ability to satisfy that emptiness. Although I can’t slow down life or eliminate every distraction, I can focus on one solid being: My Savior. I can look above distractions and look to him for fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). Mediate on his word that lets me know that I have no good thing a part from him, and use that as an anchor that will draw me nearer and keep me in his presence.  An anchor that isn’t meant to prevent me from enjoying life, but to be a stable force when turbulent winds arise and to keep me on the path set before me.

In the midst of our flesh urging us to think or worry about tomorrow, and seek purpose and fulfillment in the world we can latch ourselves onto something real. Something that won’t drop us when we need to be held the most. God is our anchor, holding us down when the world wants to toss us to and fro. Clinging and focusing on our Savior will slow us down; helping to eliminate running purposeless races. We will find depth in an endless satisfying love and truth that will truly unlock our heart’s desires. Satisfying us in a way that “perfect” moments never could and never will. When our gaze is on him we become intentional in obeying and glorifying him. Releasing our faith becomes easier and we can begin to step into a disposition of trust.

David says in Psalm 16: 8,9 “I set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being dwells secure.” Verse 9 reflects David’s joy when he understands setting God before him leaves him secure.  God is there to protect, lead and guide if we choose to let him do so. We have to lay down our idols, our own hearts desires and trust that God will give us what we need. Stop running after placebo fillings, and release our faith knowing that God  “is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think…” It’s not in our own strength however, but the power of Him that works in us (Ephesians 3:20).

Let us slow down today, and step into God’s truth. Declare to the world, our flesh, and the enemy that we are secure in God and in His presence is FULLNESS of joy.  There will be times when the world looks enticing, our flesh is weak, and the enemy is drawing near…. we must be bold and take a step in the opposite direction no matter how much we want to feed our cravings. Yes its difficult, but we will have much joy when we begin to walk on the path that God has set before us. We wont get there with one giant leap- it’s a process, but if we are consistent and take the steps anointed for us to take each day it will become easier for us to slow down…release…and trust. 

[photo credit: Angelo Gonzalez, Creative Commons]

Chanale Propst is a woman of God who is truly enjoying every step in her walk with God. Her aim in life is to put God first, and to remove any distractions that will prevent her from doing this. She is in love with Christ, and desperately wants women to experience this love as well. By unfolding her wings and soaring to Christ, Chanale hopes to encourage and inspire women on their journey.


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